Chapter 1220 Are You Together?

Chen Mo lay on the bed, thinking about something with his eyes closed.

"You said... If Tianlin becomes very strong, will it be possible to break through the martial arts master in reality, or even become stronger, or even reach the previous realms?"

Zi Qingcheng also lay down and asked in Chen Mo's arms.

Chen Mo nodded; "I think it can, but this is only theoretical, because after all, we enter Tianlin as our souls, not our physical bodies. There must be a difference!"

"Yes, I don't know when our physical bodies can enter the heavens?"

"That's another planet, it's difficult, so it's good for the time being! Our souls there, through some means, become like real existences there, with the help of the system, so that we can avoid death! But! After all, it is also our soul. In fact, every time a player dies, we are hurt."

Chen Mo said!

"I know this. There must be no way for this Tianyu for the time being. What else... Isn't the window of the soul easier to find?"

Zi Qingcheng asked.

Chen Mo shook his head; "I don't know, I can only try it after half a month!"

There is really no way for Tianyu for the time being, but if things for Tianyu don't work well, then even if Chen Mo has obtained eleven laws, it will be useless.

Now, it's a bit difficult, what Chen Mo worried about really happened.

"Don't be too tired. There are some things that you can't force. It depends on fate and fate!"

Zi Qingcheng said.

"I know!"

So now Chen Mo is thinking about one thing. If he Shura turns three times, will his strength in reality be greatly improved? Can it be closer to the so-called heaven?

But it is also unrealistic. The so-called Tianyu is more like the God Realm. How much improvement does he have to get to that place? Soaring? How is that possible! Even if he is a warrior, he feels that soaring is really illusory.

"Now that the game is in the late stages, more and more BOSS will appear. Many things make me feel uneasy."

Zi Qingcheng's hand gently stroked Chen Mo's chest.

"What anxiety?"

"I always feel that when we finish the final things in Tianlin, something big will happen."

Chen Mo said: "Don't think about this. Uncle Long told me that Tianlin is a medium to that planet given to us by friends from other planets. He said that in the future, the earth and the universe will suffer a catastrophe. A catastrophe cannot be dealt with by the strong, and even more impossible for the people on earth, so I want to see if there is a savior coming into being in this way, not just our earth, but also many, many planets, maybe the world they entered It’s other worlds, not Heaven! After all, there are more people and more opportunities."

"A disaster?"

Zi Qingcheng pondered slightly.

"I don't know. Who knows the future. Now I just want to live myself well and let the people around me live well and live well in the present."

Chen Mo said.

"Really, sometimes it feels too sci-fi. Even as a warrior, I feel that some things are still unacceptable! Including when I learned about the relationship between this world and Tianlin, it was really unacceptable, even to Now I can’t understand, why can we bring the real things in heaven into reality through our souls? This is completely logical.”

Zi Qingcheng shook his head slightly.

"So, I always feel that every time I deliberately think about something very exaggerated, there will be a sense of unreality and the illusion of being enveloped in a huge conspiracy."

"Don't think about it, take a good rest."

Chen Mo said.

They know a lot, they are lucky, but at the same time they are also unfortunate.

"Are you suggesting me?"

Zi Qingcheng blinked at Chen Mo, then stretched out his hand and stroked Chen Mo's cheek.

"Hint what? No hint."

"No matter, you are hinting! I'm going to take a bath."

Zi Qingcheng hummed a little song and went to the bathroom.

Chen Mo; "..."


Chen Mo's door was knocked.

"Brother, are you asleep?"

Chen Mo walked over and opened the door.

"what happened?"

Chen Mo looked at Xiao Meng at the door suspiciously.

"Xiao Meng can't sleep, she wants to sleep with her elder brother. My sister goes to Sister An to sleep, otherwise Xiao Meng will find Sister Kexin."

Chen Mo looked at her.

Xiao Meng's state looks a little bad.

"What's wrong? Uncomfortable?"

Xiao Meng shook her head; "There is no discomfort, but... I always feel... panicked."

"Puzzling? Did you see something or what?"

"No, I just don't know why."

Chen Mo nodded; "Yes."

"Thank you, big brother."

Xiao Meng hugged the little bear and sat on Chen Mo's bed.

This little dream is also very special!

She has the ability to perceive people's hearts and read minds!

She did not practice well, Chen Mo could perceive it. Is that really weird, innate talent? It is actually possible!

After all, the world is so great.

However, Chen Mo has never forgotten one thing, that is, when he encountered Xiao Meng, the chain of disaster was brightened! That was also the only time the chain of calamity was illuminated in reality!

But then it stopped bright!

So, in fact, Chen Mo has always felt that Xiao Meng has something to do with the chain of disasters?

The chain of calamity was given to him by the girl who looked exactly like Xiaoyuan, and Xiaomeng was very special. It was also a loli, a beautiful loli. Do you think there is any connection between this?

Chen Mo didn't understand either!

Anyway, let's do this first.

"Go to sleep!"

Chen Mo covered Xiao Meng with a quilt.

"Big brother doesn't sleep?"


"Put your elder brother's arm on your back."

Xiao Meng looked at Chen Mo with big eyes.

Chen Mo smiled, then stretched out his arms, the little dream nestled in Chen Mo's arms, and his beautiful eyebrows stretched slightly.

Zi Qingcheng opened the door and walked in during Dishwashing Week and saw Chen Mo and Xiao Meng together.


"Xiao Meng can't sleep, I put her arms to sleep."

Zi Qingcheng smiled.

"Yes, another lonely night."

Chen Mo; "..."

"Sister, are you coming to sleep together?"

Xiao Meng blinked her big eyes and asked I'm going to stop. "

"Let's be together, I want to hear my sister and brother chat."

Xiao Meng said happily!

"OK then."

Zi Qingcheng closed the door, got into the bed, and occupied Chen Mo's other arm. The heads of two beautiful MMs, one large and one small, were leaning against Chen Mo's chest!

"I said, if that's the case, I will get up tomorrow morning to death all over, really."

Chen Mo said helplessly.

"But there are two beauties in your arms, I don't think it is a loss."

Zi Qingcheng said with a smile!

(End of this chapter)

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