I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 466: 1 thing missing

  Chen Mo was secretly surprised.

  He is immune to death because of the top-level Heaven Forbidden Item Secret Pan. It is conceivable that the Heaven Pan has such an ability, but if a player can be immune to the instant death effect for one hour, that's amazing!

   should be the skill of the holy angel.

  "How many people can there be?" Chen Mo asked.

Chen Mo is really worried and concerned. Obviously, this immune-to-death ability can be released to nc. Unlike the resurrection skill, the player’s resurrection skill can only resurrect the player, which is invalid for nc. Here, Xiaoyuan and the others It's extremely dangerous, and if it doesn't work well, something will happen directly. Lin Kexin's immunity to death is very important.

   "Hundreds of people..."

  Chen Mo; "..."

This sacred angel deserves to be ranked second in the hidden occupation rankings, and the first place is Shura, but Shura has been hidden, and Chen Mo's id has also been hidden. Everyone is curious, this is hidden. What is the hidden occupation that has been ranked first!

  But the Holy Angel is always second! The Guardian Angel skill is also terrifying pervertedly. This profession may not have the terrifying killing ability of Shura, but its functionality is simply invincible.

  Chen Mo nodded and said, "Does everyone only last for an hour?"

   "Well, the cooldown time is one day, and it is released at the same time. Whether it is for one person or a hundred people, the release will enter the cooldown."

   "Then wait a moment."


   Then Chen Mo took them and walked forward.

  Although stepping here already means that danger may come at any time, but the more dangerous must still be behind. Now Chen Mo is more vigilant, and Lin Kexin’s skill is naturally the best to stay in more dangerous situations.

  The people behind got there Chen Mo didn't know, he only focused on his side now, it was still his leader, Qingcheng postponed.

Time passed slowly. For half an hour, they had been moving forward. Within half an hour, they encountered three batches of monsters. In fact, the number was not large and the quality was not too high for the time being, but as expected by Chen Mo, Any monster encountered here has the ability to die! You know, this is just entering here! Although Chen Mo didn't know how big the site was, it must not be too small. I am afraid it is only 1% now.

   "Brother Chenmo, I have an idea."

  Behind Zhao Yingmeng took Lin Kexin's hand and ran over.


  Chen Mo looked at Zhao Yingmeng.

"Let's not wait for the people behind. I think we are planting trees for them now. They are in the shade and are so dangerous. We don't care. Mainly here are all dead monsters. Xiao Yuan and them are especially dangerous, even in the dark. Some monsters will sneak attacks, and we have encountered it twice. If we encounter a very strong reaction but attack Xiaoyuan and the others, it is really too dangerous."

  Yes, Chen Mo also has the same idea. It doesn’t matter much before and after that, the most important thing is to be able to safely go to the end. Although Chen Mo feels that the current danger does not matter, what about the latter? who knows.

Mainly, if it's just their players, Chen Mo feels okay, but there are Xiaoyuan, Shuishi and Long Xiaorou, and even Xiaolue, Huang Xin. If they fall, they really fall. The danger is still very great. Look. It seems that they haven't encountered too many monsters, but who knows behind? Although Chen Mo was very vigilant before he came in, he never expected that all monsters would have instant-to-death skills. The current situation is not optimistic, but...

  Such a big forest, this is the way to death. There will not be too many people coming in. Even if they wait later, they will not be able to wait for someone to pass by the place they passed by.

   "The ruins should also be similar to the level of the dungeon. This forest is a little difficult to meet other people, and the possibility of following them is not high, and there are only a few people."

  The meaning of Zhao Yingmeng is very simple, that is, they can all be bastards, anyway, there are so many masters, what's wrong with following behind?

It's pretty good, but if Chen Mo doesn't come in, no one will come in. In addition, Shura kills the pupils so that they can get through the organization safely. If there are many monsters, it doesn't matter. Just kill them. Shui Shui and the others are also very powerful. Ah, even if they were in the forefront, Chen Mo was very confident that at least he would pass here, but they would die immediately, that would be different.

  "Then let's pass the map of this forest first, and wait until the next map, and wait for others behind."

   Lin Kexin said.

  Zhao Yingmeng nodded, feeling that what Chen Mo said was also reasonable.


  Now their purpose is very clear. First pass the map of this forest, and then wait at the beginning of the other map. They will be able to wait until the others who leave here. Wouldn’t it be uncomfortable to be a bastard?

  After half an hour, they appeared in front of a cave.

There is a very large mountain range in front of it, very high, it may not be able to fly past the height, and it is almost 90 degrees vertically, and it is impossible to climb up. There are some mountains in Shandong, more than one, it seems to be the only one. Can pass through these caves.

  "Is our map about to change through these caves?"

  Zhao Yingmeng is also an old player, and he understands these things.

   "There is still one thing missing."

   "Are? What?"


  Chen Mo looked around.

  Yes~www.readwn.com~ How can there be no boss before the scene change? Of course there are some but not, but this is the ruins of the love sage. They encountered more than six batches of monsters along the way. The strongest is the 40th-level ghost and mysterious boss, which also has instant death skills, but it was seconds by Chen Mo and Qingcheng. But is the ghost boss the final boss here? It is possible, but Chen Mo still feels a little relaxed! Even Lin Kexin's immunity to death skill is useless. Of course, it doesn't say that it is not dangerous. It's just that except for the death piranhas who were caught off guard, the other things are really not too dangerous after being vigilant. It is much simpler than expected.

  This feeling always makes Chen Mo feel that something is missing.

  You should know that this is the ruins of the love sage. It is normal to be simple at the beginning, not to mention that it is not simple, but there are many top powerhouses here, even if they die, it is useless for these powerhouses!

   "You guys wait here!"

  Chen Mo walked into the cave alone after talking to them.

  Two minutes later...

   "Big Brother Chenmo is okay?"

  Zhao Yingmeng reached the entrance of the cave, grabbed the side and glanced inside.


   A roar seemed to come from a deep place, and then Zhao Yingmeng saw the depths of the pitch black, and a red light pierced the darkness and rushed out.

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