I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 476: The terrifying touch of death (free)

Latest website: This Chen Mo just came up, and then he felt a terrifying coercion. Everyone looked far away and couldn't help but open their mouths wide.

It’s far away, but it’s not too far away, at least within their line of sight, that is, the position of the group of strong men who grew up in the cloud at the forefront. They were blocked by a huge sea monster. Fighting with that monster beast!

And that monster beast may not be less than a hundred meters tall, you know, it's in the sea, even if it is shallow, how can this distance be tens of meters? Then the monster beast showed most of its body, a hundred-meter beast, terrifying!

The whole body of the monster beast is blood red, countless tentacles stretched out and attacked. These tentacles are just like those tentacles that just attacked them from the bottom of the water. The huge octopus monster is fighting against dozens of gods and gods. The strongest.


Everyone couldn't help but swallowed.

"That monster... the lowest is Shenhuang rank, right?"

"Impossible, the lowest is also Saint Destroyer. You know, those seniors in front have the existence of Heaven Forbidden Grade. For such a big monster beast, only Saint Destroy can not be instantly in front of the Heavenly Forbidden powerhouse. Even a super-god-level monster will be instantly caught by a powerful sky-forbidden level, maybe... that monster beast may also be a sky-forbidden level!"

"This is too terrifying! What kind of devil's place is this Love Saint Ruins! It's terrible!"


"This is... the touch of death?"

Ye Yuhan's pupils shrank suddenly.

Chen Mo climbed onto the ice, and several girls hurriedly guarded him.

"Touch of death?"

Chen Mo saw that the monsters below were called death tentacles.

"It should be, I have read ancient books, huge size, terrifying combat power, blood-red tentacle monsters, usually living in the deep sea, but can also enter the land, monster-level monsters!"

Han Jiangxue's expression was solemn.


They seemed to be talking to two schoolmasters, and Chen Mo and the others looked confused.

"Senior Sister, what is the identity of this monster?"

Zhao Yingmeng asked suspiciously.

Han Jiangxue said: "The Touch of Death, a monster-god-level monster, one of the ten largest demon temples in the mainland, its demon **** is the touch of death. Naturally, this touch of death cannot be at the level of a monster, but its bloodline is incomparable. It's terrible, looking at the battle situation, it's not one-sided, so this Touch of Death must be of the Holy Destruction Level, but even if it is of the Holy Destruction Level, the power can easily kill the Heavenly Forbidden Level powerhouse if it hits."

Chen Mo was secretly speechless.

This octopus turned out to be the same kind of one of the demon gods in the Demon Temple! That must be extremely scary!

No wonder there is an instant death effect.

"Unexpectedly, Senior Love Sage even grabbed a Touch of Death and kept it here. The strength of Senior Love Sage is indeed against the sky!"

Qin Hao also exclaimed.

You know, a monster that can become a monster god, its bloodline is the top, perhaps the ten monster gods are not the strongest ten of the monsters, for example, there are also neutrals such as the dragon and the phoenix. They also have Many are extremely strong, but they are of the same level! To put it simply, the demon gods of the demon race are similar to the moon gods of the human race, and to the degree of the emperor Saint Yao, do you think that if they give birth to sons, are they also devilish? For sure!

So this touch of death must be extremely dangerous!


In the distance, the heart-piercing screams were even worse than those who died beside them! And that was a strong man above Shenhuang and Shenhuang. Chen Mo couldn't see what was going on, but he was obviously incomparably painful! And obviously, the touch of death is terrifying! There are several Heavenly Forbidden-level powerhouses such as Yun Zhongsheng, and the visions of heaven and earth have come, which proves that they have used ulterior tactics, but there is no alternative to this touch of death...

The tentacles of the touch of death even feel that they can stretch out thousands of meters in an instant. For them, the best way is obviously to follow behind the powerful group in front. They may be able to now Choose a detour, but does anyone know what danger is ahead? No! They dare not! And if the strong in front died, what they would welcome was the killing of the touch of death, so if they wanted to survive, they could only pray that the strong in front could kill the monster.

"Master Chen Mo, I will leave it to you for the time being."

Ye Yuhan said to Chen Mo, and then the figure galloped towards the touch of death!

Chen Mo: "..."

Is this woman dumbfounded? Obviously knowing that it is so dangerous, there is the possibility of sudden death at any time, but she still goes?


Han Jiangxue followed closely, and they could also see that the strong in front were fighting a little harder. Maybe they couldn't bring much help, but the two strong ones who cultivated the ice attribute must fight on the sea better than many strong ones. They are even more useful. They also know that if they don’t go, they will still die if the strong in front of them fall. It seems that the Touch of Death is not a speed monster, but the countless tentacles are probably a speed God Huang-level expert. It's hard to escape.

Then Qin Hao hesitated and rushed over.

"They are so admirable."

Zhao Yingmeng sighed.

"Perhaps this is why the two sisters are so young but so powerful." Lin Kexin said.


Qingcheng asked Chen Mo lightly.

Chen Mo: "..."

"What are you going to do? A monster of that level is of no use to us."

Chen Mo said.


Then Qingcheng galloped away on the sea.

Chen Mo: "..."

Is this woman a competitive creature? He took it.

But Chen Mo didn't want to go, it was useless if he went, and he still had to protect Shui Shui and the others here.

They don’t know about the battle ahead~www.readwn.com~, but one after another they saw some strong men disappear into the deep sea, some strong men were strangled by tentacles alive, some It was more miserable to be swallowed by the touch of death.

Many strong people, even Ye Yuhan and others have said that basically the realm has reached the god-huang level. As long as you don’t want to die, it is basically difficult to die. However, these strong people are in front of the touch of death. But so vulnerable, are they weak?

Perhaps the touch of death is too strong.

Ahead, Han Jiangxue and the others have joined the battlefield. Perhaps their realm is inferior to some strong ones, but the ice attribute power of the two of them has erupted terribly, and the entire touch of death has been sealed by ice!

"Good job! We can't take a step forward without killing this touch of death. The two will be responsible for controlling the touch of death. Everyone, the touch of death is sealed by ice, and the terrifying tentacles are gone. Threat, now, everyone, don't hide and tuck it anymore, release all your power and kill the touch of death!" Yun Zhongsheng shouted angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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