I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 479: Hehe, it feels good to be a bastard

After all, this skill was released by Chen Mo. His price was to drop ten levels. They were in a team state and shared experience points. However, because Chen Mo's level was very low, Chen Mo would gain a lot of experience, but this allure Directly soared to level 41, Zhao Yingmeng and Lin Kexin both soared to level 40.

  They were all dumbfounded. They couldn't see what was happening, they heard the system reminder to ring biubiubiu.

  But it doesn't matter. Chen Mo doesn't care about the level. The first level is fine, but it doesn't matter if he doesn't. If Chen Mo really cares, he will level up every day, but he believes that the number one will be his sooner or later.

   Qingcheng also shook her head helplessly, she didn't want to be so confused, why is she confused with him now? And he... so strong!

   Asura’s Heavenly Punishment, 90% beheaded, the touch of death is naturally dead and can’t die anymore.

  As for Illusory God Transformation, Chen Mo still don't use it. This Illusory God Transformation is more terrifying than Shura's natural punishment, and there is only one chance to use it, but Shura's natural punishment is left! Perhaps this is Shura's power. The Touch of Death, which killed several Heavenly Forbidden, Holy Exterminator, and Super God-level powerhouses, was instantly by Chen Mo! This is simply unequal power.

  The sky has returned to calm, and the surroundings have returned to calm. The one-hundred-meter behemoth has become nothingness and drifted away with the wind. It can be seen how terrifying this power is!

  Chen Mo wanted to apologize to Shura.

When he saw Lin Kexin’s so many effective skills at first, he felt that Shura was a bit weak. Now he realized that these are completely two different powers, one main killing and the other main function. Think about it, Lin Kexin’s skills It's so awesome that you can't have the ability to kill the beast of eternal sacred in a flash, right? Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it's only one turn now. What if Shura's career turns two and three?

  To be honest, Chen Mo was a little bit looking forward to it.

Everyone, no one knows this power. Perhaps some of them are Tianban level powerhouses who have survived for many years, but they are not in the era of Shura, which was where the ancestor level powers were. The strong may not have seen Shura, nor may they have known Shura's power, let alone them, but shock must be shocked!

  Han Jiangxue and Ye Yuhan really don’t know what to say, this Chenmo is simply a monster! They are really convinced! Men should be so.

  Although they have heard many rumors from Chen Mo, how incredible it is, but when they see it with their own eyes, the shock can really be realized.

  "Do you recognize the power just now?"

   Ye Yuhan asked Xiang Han Jiangxue.

  Han Jiangxue shook his head.

   "I can't recognize it, but this is an endless killing power. Perhaps Chen Mo has accepted the inheritance of a certain master killer."

  "Since ancient times, the powerful master who kills and defeats can possess this degree of power. Is that one of Shura, the **** of death, and the **** of war?"

  Ye Yuhan pondered slightly...


  After Ye Yuhan finished saying this, she and Han Jiangxue murmured a name, which was Shura.

  Why do they mumble this name?

Because when Chen Mo was by their side just now, they were the ones who felt the breath clearest. They could feel that in addition to killing, there was also desperate and suffocating negative power, which was in line with Shura. But... is this true?

  They reserved questions, but would not ask Chen Mo.

   And that Qin Hao saw this scene with his own eyes, his face looked incredible, although he survived, he was not reconciled!

  Why? Why is it that such a weak kid can burst out such terrifying power? Why on earth? Can you kill him in the end? What hole cards does he have?

  Chen Mo fell on the spot and took a deep breath.

   Qingcheng also fell over.

   "Master Chenmo, are you okay?"

   Ye Yuhan looked at Chen Mo worriedly.

   Although it is true that Chen Mo burst out with such a powerful force, the burst of such power, especially his own lack of strength to release this power, would logically be a side effect of loss of power and even more dangerous side effects.

  Chen Mo shook his head, "It's okay, how about you?"

  Han Jiangxue said, "I didn't suffer any injuries, but Yuhan girl suffered some injuries."

  Ye Yuhan said, “It’s enough to take a rest, but it’s better to leave this sea area first. Dangers are everywhere in the sea area. You can’t travel from the air and you’ll be restrained in battle.”

  Then Han Jiangxue galloped back.

  The Yun Zhongsheng and others came over, wiped the blood, and then gave Chen Mo a punch.

  Although it is very embarrassing, it has to be said that they did rely on Chen Mo to survive. If Chen Mo were not there, they must be dead, so of course I would be grateful.

  "Little brother Chenmo, thank you for your life-saving grace."

   Yun Zhongsheng gave a fist.

   "Yes, little brother Chenmo, if you hadn't exploded with such terrifying power, we might have fallen here! Thank you for your help!"


This thank you, of course, comes from the heart. As for whether Chen Mo will be treated as a lifesaver, for example, what kind of treasure will be given to Chen Mo first, then it is not known, Chen Mo didn't care, he didn't intend to save them, but Ye Yuhan and Han Jiangxue saved them easily.

  Chen Mo nodded slightly, and did not say much.

"It's worthy of being the genius of Tianzong who destroyed the Lingjian Pavilion by a man. The power just now can be called the strongest power that the deity has seen. I don't know where Little Brother Chenmo got this power? The legacy of a strong man?"

  Yunzhongsheng asked ~www.readwn.com~ Chen Mo said, "Well, it's inheritance."

  Of course he wanted to know, but when Chen Mo didn’t want to say, he didn’t ask.

Yun Zhongsheng then said to the people around, "Don’t take a break, everyone. This is on the surface of the sea. If there is another Touch of Death, then our death sentence will be announced. Since we have already encountered one, it proves the checkpoint in this sea area. It's almost the end, I will wait to get to the land before training!"

"it is good!"

  A crowd of people behind broke the ice.

   "Big Brother..." Xiao Yuan rushed into Chen Mo's arms.

  Chen Mo smiled and rubbed her little head.

   "Brother Chenmo, I...I'm level 40."

  Zhao Yingmeng walked over with a dazed expression.

  Hearing the system prompt, of course she knew that the eternal holy beast was killed for the first time, but Brother Chenmo killed it? This is too scary, right?

  This is the only regret of her trip, that is, she did not see how to do it, she only saw the sky darkening, the huge whirlpool, and then the system prompt sounded!

   "Hehe...It feels good to be a jerk." Zhao Yingmeng spit out her pink tongue and smiled.

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