I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 491: Deceptive technology

  Yunzhongsheng's eyes lit up when he heard Chen Mo's words, and it was time for him to establish a relationship with Chen Mo.

   Then Chen Mo didn't give him a chance to speak, and said, "But seniors said that they would protect my safety, right?"

   asked Chen Mo.

  The cloud was stunned, then nodded.

"of course!"

   "Then I do not know if you can implore seniors to take me to find the purple spar? By the way, protect my safety? Don't worry, you don't need to do anything by seniors, just protect my thoroughness, and I will find the spar myself!"

  Brows frowned in the cloud!

Originally, he wanted to make this kid owe favor to others. He also wanted to let him sit here and he would take care of the spar, but he specifically said that the spar should be found by himself, which blocked his follow-up words. It seems that I am just paying back the favor!

   Forget it, it’s not a loss! And with him, the so-called protection of him is actually a small thing. Who dares to do something against Chen Mo in front of him?

   "Of course, the old man is a person who keeps his promises. I said that if you keep you complete during this trip, you will be complete!"

  Chen Mo nodded and then pulled Xiaoyuan and the others to their feet.

   "Then trouble seniors, seniors please come with you."

   "It's just a small matter, how does this matter have anything to do with your life-saving grace!"

   Then the Yun Zhongsheng followed Chen Mo and them into the forest.

Spars are naturally easier to find in empty places, so Chen Mo went to the forest, and the forest is more suitable for other people’s assassinations. Instead, Chen Mo is looking forward to these people’s assassinations. Anyway, this cloud is born, although it may not be. Top strong, but not too bad.

  Since he has other thoughts about him, why should Chen Mo use him?

  And this scene was naturally seen by Xu Xian and others.

  They were very excited when they saw Chen Mo walking away at first, and they still went to the forest. Isn’t this a chance for them to shoot? But they saw Yun Zhongsheng next to Chen Mo...

   "Fu Bo, who is the person next to Chen Mo?"

   "Born in the cloud, an elder of Huoyun Villa, the strength is forbidden."

  Obviously, this Yunzhongsheng is also somewhat famous, but it is inevitable. You don't need to know a superpower instructor, but the elders are basically famous.

   "Huoyun Villa? Isn't this Huoyun Villa and Weiyang Palace rivals? So is the Lingjian Pavilion. Why are the elders of this Huoyun Villa and Chenmo walking so close?"

  Xu Xian looked confused.

They didn’t know that Chen Mo saved those people. They were the powerful group. They didn’t want to spread it out. After all, they would lose their face, so no one said that after they came out, Han Jiangxue They must be too lazy to talk about this. Others were blocked by the frozen tsunami, so apart from their client, no one else knew about it for the time being. So Xu Xian heard that the elders of Huoyun Villa and Chen Mo would be very surprised if he walked so close.

  Na Fubo smiled.

"Young Master and Huang Shaoxia don't have to worry. This Yunzhongsheng is cruel and extremely sinister. On the surface, this person is a respected person with a heart for the world and a back. In fact, this person is extremely treacherous in heart, and he walked with Chenmo. So close, it must be Chen Mo who has what he is looking at. Otherwise, how can he walk with Chen Mo in his identity? Maybe this person has the same mentality as us, maybe it is he who cheated Chen Mo Go to no one to kill Chenmo!"

  Xu Xian's eyes lit up.

   "There is such a thing?"

   "Hehe, this kind of thing is too common, especially when it falls on the person born in the cloud, it can't be easier. We can follow from a distance."

  Fauber said.

Huang Minghao then asked, "Senior, if this student in the cloud is not going to attack Chenmo as the senior said, on the contrary, there is a strong man of this level beside him. Up."

"It's okay, this person is indeed strong, but my Xu family has more than 20 people this time, and more than five people have reached the sky forbidden level. The big deal is to cover up the appearance and forcefully kill Chenmo, presumably the cloud is born naturally. It’s impossible for an outsider to fight to the death with five of us at the Forbidden Level, right? This person is an elder, and his strength will be higher than that of the old man, but he will definitely not fight with the five forbidden levels. Once he reaches the Forbidden Level, Facing a master of the same realm, the injury that may be suffered is a lifelong ailment. Chen Mo has little to do with him, so don't worry about this matter!"

  Fauber said.

   "That's good, then trouble seniors!"

  Huang Minghao gave a fist.

   "No trouble, this matter is also my Xu family's business." Fu Bo waved his hand.

   "Then Fu Bo, let's hurry up and follow!"

  Xu Xian can’t wait to say.

   "Master, don't go."

  Xu Xian shook his head, "No, I must go, even if I can’t kill him personally, but I must see this Chenmo die in front of me with my own eyes!"

  Xu Xian clenched his fists and said.

   "Then... okay! But the others don't have to go, we only need to go to five Heavenly Forbidden powers!"

  Fuber nodded.

   "So good!"

   Then there were a total of seven of them, five of the Heavenly Forbidden level powerhouses, Xu Xian and Huang Minghao entered the forest.

  At this moment, Chen Mo is looking for purple spar! He should look for at least four, three girls and one of his. Of course, if you can find more, it would be good, because Chen Mo is not sure if Zhao Yingmeng, Lin Kexin can find it, you can’t say for this kind of thing. of.

But it may be a matter of luck~www.readwn.com~ or it may be that many people entered the forest at the beginning, and everyone was more panicked, because they were afraid that they would be besieged if they found the spar in front of many people, just like that. Just like a person who was killed, some spars were not found in the area just now, so Chen Mo found a purple spar in a small bush after entering.

   "Are you curious about the barriers that you strong cannot break, why can I break it with a single blow?"

  Chen Mo asked while walking forward at this time.

  Of course he is curious!

  Yes, the barrier that a group of strong people can't help but was cut through by this kid with a sword, this is too fake!

  Why did Chen Mo say this? There is a reason.

  He needs to make this Yun Zhongsheng think that Chen Mo is essential, not very important, so Chen Mo is going to use his tricks.

   "Of course I am curious."

  Yunzhongsheng smiled, this smile gave people a feeling that he didn't seem to care very much.

   Then Chen Mo said, “It’s actually very simple, because seniors are also very good for me, and they have taken great care of me along the way, so I think it’s no problem to tell seniors.”

  Yunzhongsheng nodded slightly, his eyes gleaming with precision.

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