I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 543: Lei Lingzong

Chen Mo is not from their mainland, how could he know this?

"Never heard of it."

"Yes, you are not too old, it is really hard to know if you haven't contacted some people."

Tang Panpan nodded his head.

"But I know that Lei Lingzhu is one of the five great spiritual beads, right?" Chen Mo looked at her, actually trying to play her words.

"Yes, but there are very few people who know this. Many strong people don't know it, but it's not a big secret. If it's not one of the five spirit orbs, it's impossible for the Thunder Spirit Orb to have such a sky-reaching effect."

Tang Panpan said.

"I don't know who will be lucky enough to get the five spiritual beads in the future." Chen Mo said slightly.


Tang Panpan laughed, and then said: "How is it possible? It is a great opportunity to get one spirit orb, let alone five. The spirit orb exists like a rule. Rumors have gathered five spirits. Zhu is the key to a miracle, but I just heard my father say it, and I don’t know anything about it."

"That means you don't even know where the other spirit orbs are?"

This is a bit dramatic. I was originally arrested, and then I talked so much with her, and even learned some things Chen Mo wanted to know with her.


Tang Panpan thought for a while and said: "Lei Ling Zhu is in my Lei Ling Sect, and there is a Fire Yuan Zhu in Huoyun Villa. It seems that there is another Feng Shen Zhu in the former Feng Shen Sect, one of the Immortal Sect. But now it’s gone, eh? Isn’t your sect called Fengshenzong?"

In her opinion, it is more of a coincidence. In fact, the Fengshen Sect of Chen Mo is the former Fengshen Sect. Let it stand again.

"Do you know the names of the remaining two?"

Chen Mo did not answer her question.

"One is called Yushuizhu, and the other is called Shenyuzhu."

Chen Mo: "..."

Do you dare to believe this? One of the imperial water beads the disciple took in the examination, the one that a group of strong men did not recognize was one of the five great spiritual beads, this t...

"Thank you."

Chen Mo said, then the two of them were silent again.

This silence came to Lei Lingzong.

"Here, this is Lei Lingzong."

The divine beast landed in front of Lei Lingzong. When he was in the air, Chen Mo glanced at Lei Lingzong. It was really magnificent. At this height, even Chen Mo couldn't even see his head. How big is Lei Lingzong? I am afraid that the scale is more than ten times larger than the superpower!

Xiao Ruhan told Chen Mo that the overall strength of the imperial power is more than ten times stronger than that of the super power. As soon as I saw it today, the scale was more than ten times! How many disciples can Lei Lingzong have?

"Come in with this lady."

Tang Panpan said to Chen Mo, and then walked into Lei Lingzong.




Those disciples who saw her salute one after another.

"Well, where is my father?"

Tang Panpan asked.

"The lord should be in the main hall, as if some kind of meeting is being held."

"I got it." Tang Panpan restored the vigorous momentum, then looked at Chen Mo, and suddenly softened.

"That... Mr. Chenmo, remember what I told you, my father is also a stubborn temper, the harder you are, the harder he will be."

Chen Mo nodded: "Thanks for reminding."

Those disciples are like seeing a ghost.

This is their eldest lady? Why are you so gentle? And why are you wearing a skirt today?

"What do you look at? No need to practice!" Tang Panpan pinched his waist and glared at some people around him.

Chen Mo; "..."

"Yes Yes!"

Then the people ran away like a mouse and a cat, but all smiled.

Tang Panpan then froze in place! With his back to Chen Mo, his eyes narrowed vigorously.


God! She couldn't hold back! Why are you being fierce to these people again? This Chen Mo is still nearby.


She gave a dry cough to relieve her embarrassment, then turned to Chen Mo and said, "These people are...are too lazy, so I have to be strict with them. In fact, I...usually very gentle."

Chen Mo; "..."


Chen Mo didn't know what to say, and just nodded.

After walking for about twenty minutes, Chen Mo also saw the prosperity and grandeur of Lei Lingzong! There don't seem to be too many disciples, but there are actually quite a few. After all, the scope is so large, and they are imperial-level forces. The quality of the disciples of the imperial-level forces must be very high.

There are tens of thousands of steps in this section, and any force seems to like high places very much. The heights are very cold, and then they came to a huge hall.

"Master Chen Mo, wait here now, I'll report to my father."

After Tang Panpan finished speaking, he opened the door of the hall and ran in.

The four people in this matter have already contacted Lei Lingzong through special means, so Lei Lingzong’s people, including Tang Panpan’s father, knew that someone had broken into Lei Ling Pagoda before Chen Mo came, and they must have known Tang. Panpan brought him, and Tang Panpan also knew this, so even if she wanted to shield Chen Mo, it would be unrealistic to let him go directly. At most, she helped to talk about it in the middle and drop down his father. Anger.

"My father!"

After Tang Panpan ran in, there was a very gentle, very crooked voice, and then he threw himself into the arms of a very majestic middle-aged man, coquettishly.

Many old men around looked at each other.

This is their eldest lady?

The person involved, Tang Tianhao, was stunned for a moment. How could his own daughter become what he desperately wanted her to become? No, it's not his daughter!

Tang Tianhao pushed Tang Panpan away.

It really seems to be his daughter.

"Why are you girl so obedient today?"

Tang Tianhao took a sip of tea and said.

"Panpan is always obedient." Tang Panpan smiled and dangled Tang Tianhao's arm.

"Say, what do you want?"

There must be a reason for the incident. Fortunately, this girl didn't cause him trouble. Today is so well-behaved and so crooked. There must be something wrong~www.readwn.com~ No, the daughter doesn't want anything, it is the daughter who brought Chenmo! "

Tang Panpan said something.

Hearing her words, some old people around, the strong talked.

"Okay, let him in! This deity wants to see where this kid comes from and dare to break into my Leiling Pagoda, it's going to shake the sky!"

Tang Tianhao patted the table angrily.

"Don't... Father, Chen Mo is really powerful, very good, not a bad person, or just broke into the Lei Ling Tower, and didn't do anything, he just went to awaken the thunder attribute power."

Tang Tianhao glanced at her.

"Awakening Thunder attribute power? You girl is really innocent, and Thunder Spirit Orb is on him."


Tang Panpan was taken aback for a moment.

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