I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 547: Temporary stay

Tang Tianhao raised his brows slightly.

How dare this kid say such a thing?

"It's not that I don't dare. It's just that I will pay a high price. By then, Lei Lingzong will definitely be overwhelmed by the other three emperor-level forces."


Then Tang Tianhao slapped the table angrily.

"Chen Mo, don't be too presumptuous!" Tang Tianhao pointed at Lin Xuan angrily.

At this moment, Tang Panpan changed into a beautiful dress and just walked to the door.

"Father, what are you doing."

As soon as Tang Panpan came in, he heard her father's angry scolding at Chen Mo. He was also panicked, and then ran over to protect Chen Mo.


Seeing his daughter's behavior, Tang Tianhao was angry and helpless!

Spoiled her.

"Panpan, you leave me!"


Tang Panpan was very firm.

Tang Tianhao sighed before he noticed that his daughter had put on the skirt he gave her when she was eighteen years old! This was the first time she wore it, and when it was given to her, she was so angry that she didn't like to wear it...

Is it because of this dust?

It must be because of him!

This future Lei Lingzong is going to fall into her hands. In fact, everything she does is for Lei Lingzong, or even his daughter.

Lei Lingzong is no better than other sects. This is a family sect. Yes, Lei Lingzong belongs to the Tang family. The strong people in it are basically strong in the past dynasties of the Tang family, and Weiyang Palace is a sect. It’s a pure sect. It doesn’t say that it belongs to a certain family. It seems that Weiyunhai is the sect master, but in fact there are old monsters above Weiyunhai, and Lei Lingzong, the old monster above Tang Tianhao, is Tang Tianhao’s father. Grandpa, a character like our ancestor! Therefore, the inheritance of the direct line is a very normal thing.

Now my daughter...

Hey, helpless.

But this Chenmo is too annoying, right?

But he is not the kind of unreasonable person, Lei Lingzhu and Chenmo, he prefers Chenmo instead of Lei Lingzhu, because he wants Chenmo, Lei Lingzhu is actually theirs! But he knew that he really couldn't force it! Can only look at his daughter!

Tang Tianhao saw such a big change in his daughter, and knew what she meant, then pointed at Chen Mo, and said angrily, "If you don't give the deity a reply to this matter, you will never leave Lei Lingzong, hopefully, You take this Chenmo away first, and look at him anytime, anywhere, the deity will also order the entire Lei Lingzong to look at Chenmo. If you dare to let it go, you will definitely kill him halfway for your father! Humph!"

Tang Tianhao snorted, and then walked past Chen Mo!

This is the greatest help he has given to his daughter. It is impossible for his daughter to spend more time with this Chenmo. It is impossible to trap him here forever. Using tough methods, Chenmo is even more fearless. It is also clear that I can only hope that my daughter can impress this Chenmo! After all, the daughter is so beautiful, and the men are all lustful. As a man, he knows it very well, maybe it's really made!

All this must be done on the basis that his daughter likes this Chenmo.

Of course, some other strong men understood what Tang Tianhao meant, and then an old man said to Tang Panpan, "Panpan, this time you'd better do what your father said, otherwise, your father will really get angry."

After speaking, those people also left.

Of course, Chen Mo probably also knew what Tang Tianhao meant.

This is troublesome!

You can definitely leave, but it won’t work for the time being. It is estimated that you will need to stay here for a while. When that happens, Tang Tianhao thinks it’s almost the same. He is not in a hurry. There is nothing too much to do. Level kills Lei Gong It will also soar in the future, and it will not fall. For this Thunder Spirit Orb, a lot of price has been paid!

But in fact, Lei Lingzong paid a greater price.


Tang Panpan said softly to Chen Mo, his face full of self-blame.

"You are not wrong, it is my problem, and your father is not wrong. On the contrary, he has done his best to me. It's just that I am forcibly reluctant to put down the Thunder Lingzhu."

Chen Mo said.

"It's okay, I will tell my father, there must be a way to let you leave with Lei Lingzhu."

Tang Panpan said.

"Would you like to see your sect's things be taken away by me?"

Chen Mo asked in surprise.

"It doesn't matter, although the Thunder Spirit Orb is extremely powerful, but to be honest, it is only a thing that is difficult to move in the Thunder Lingzong for thousands of years. If you really need it, if it can really help you a lot, I believe my father will agree."

"Thanks a lot."

"This sentence again!"

Tang Panpan puffed up his mouth and said, "Then... I will arrange a place for you first, and I will convince my father as soon as possible."

Then Tang Panpan took Chen Mo away.

To be honest, if placed on the Sky Blue Star, Chen Mo is equivalent to robbing others. He has no reason, maybe even a rogue, but if placed on the Tianlin Continent, the meaning is different. One of his sect’s treasures, although the Thunder Spirit Orb was indeed owned by Lei Lingzong, it was brought out by Chen Mo. He did not take it out, and Lei Lingzong would not be able to get the Thunder Spirit Orb for hundreds of years, so Chen At least Mo has the right to use it for several months or several years, right?

"You can live here temporarily."

Tang Panpan took Chen Mo to a small courtyard and said.

"Thank you."

"Don't say thank you."

Chen Mo "..."

"Then you should rest first, I live there, I will visit you often if I have time..."

Tang Panpan said in a low voice.


Chen Mo said halfway and then stopped, just nodding.

"Then I will go first."

Tang Panpan waved his hand and ran away~www.readwn.com~Chen Mo walked into the yard, then opened the friend list, and talked about her with Zhao Yingmeng, and asked her to tell Xiao Ruhan and the others Just be fine by yourself!

In fact, you can run away directly, but it is useless if you run away. Instead, it is better to stay here for a few days. Maybe you can get more information about other spirit orbs from them. Chen Mo really wants to. I knew what the place where the five spirit orbs were collected and opened was like.

After checking the time, Chen Mo entered a room, the room was all cleaned up, and then he went offline.

"Old Tang!"

Tang Panpan angrily ran to a large courtyard. In the courtyard, Tang Tianhao was sitting on a stone bench drinking tea, and a beautiful woman was sitting opposite him.


Seeing her, Tang Panpan puffed her little mouth and ran over, and threw herself in the arms of the beautiful woman coquettishly.

"My dear daughter, it's so beautiful today."

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