I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 549: Go shopping

Chen Mo really wants to find the law of life, but there are so many things happening. He has made a decision. After doing the things here, he must find the law of life. When he recovers, it is all The end of the temple and the Prosperous Dynasty!

During this period, the temples of the gods and the Prosperous Dynasty were also very quiet, and there was no sign of doing anything to Chen Mo, but this may be the calm on the eve of the storm. Chen Mo had such a big impact on these two guilds and families. They killed Now that his heart is all there, how could he not move? However, Chen Mo didn't move them either. He put his heart on Heaven's Prosperity, because this is not just a game. If you give up your own development and keep aiming at each other, it won't work for you. He is stronger than them. Be fast, this is the right choice, and Chen Mo is indeed such a choice.


Lin Kexin also very much hoped and looked forward to that day.

"By the way, Brother Chen Mo."

Lin Kexin suddenly thought of something.

"what happened?"

Chen Mo was extremely patient with Lin Kexin.

Lin Kexin stretched out her hand, and there was a shallow mark of a pair of wings on her wrist. This was a place that she didn't even want to understand.

Then Lin Kexin said, "Kexin met a very powerful senior of the Holy Angel Race two days ago."

"and then?"

"Then Kexin's career improved a lot, and he got a mark called Divine Wings."

Lin Kexin looked at her wrist and then at Chen Mo and said, "After remembering this imprint of the Wings of the Holy God, a pair of shallow wings appeared on the wrist in the game, but I suddenly found out when I was taking a shower after I went offline that day... In reality, Kexin's wrist also showed that mark. Brother Chen Mo knows why?"

Lin Kexin asked suspiciously.

She even felt that she was dreaming at one time? How can the things in the game appear in reality?

But she knew that she was clearly not a dream.

Chen Mo frowned.

He knows this deeply himself, but he didn't expect Lin Kexin to appear too!

Chen Mo is not very clear about a certain thing or a certain ability in the game in reality. Even in reality, whether these powers can be truly used, Chen Mo has never released it, but at least he understands that it must be the top The power of power may appear in reality.

And Lin Kexin actually appeared, so in other words... there must be other people who have discovered these things, and other people must have known the particularity of Tianlin.

"Do you think Tianlin has changed from the virtual online games you have played in the past?"

Chen Mo did not directly answer Lin Kexin's question, but asked her such a question.


Lin Kexin blinked his eyes, thought for a while and said, "It's very real, especially the characters in it feel like reality."

"Then what if that world is a real world?"

Chen Mo asked.


Lin Kexin looked incredulous.

But this is what Chen Mo said, she would be willing to believe it.

"Otherwise, how do you explain that the things in the game appear in reality?" Chen Mo asked.


Lin Kexin doesn't know how to explain it, but... Isn't this too ridiculous?

Have you always thought that the game is a real world?

"But...this feels too incredible?"

Lin Kexin said in disbelief.

"You can take it to heart, but don't tell anyone!"

"Yeah, Kexin knows it."

Chen Mo didn't tell her any more things. Telling her this news was enough for her to digest. No matter how much it was told, it didn't make any sense, but it made Lin Kexin think more.

But Lin Kexin felt that it was no wonder that Brother Chen Mo worked so hard to become stronger in the game. It turned out that it was a real world!

"Then Brother Chen Mo is so amazing, so amazing in a real world, he will be even more amazing in the future!"

Lin Kexin worshipped.

Chen Mo shook his head slightly.

"Everything is hard to say."


Lin Kexin really wants to know one thing.

"What we enter into the game is spirit. Since where is the real world, how can our spirit kill monsters in the real world, or even kill people there?"

The question Lin Kexin asked was actually something Chen Mo had always wanted to know but couldn't understand at all! He is also not clear.

Chen Mo shook his head.

"You will definitely know in the future. Don't think too much about it. Just play this game like you did in the previous virtual online games."

"Ke Xin understands, and Ke Xin won't tell Ying Meng them."

"Someday everyone will know!"

Chen Mo said such a sentence.


"Brother Chen Mo, let's go out to buy clothes. It's late autumn. You see that your clothes are just coats."

Lin Kexin was washing the dishes in the kitchen and then asked Chen Mo expectantly.

In fact, Lin Kexin could help buy Chen Mo's clothes casually, but Chen Mo knew that Lin Kexin wanted to go out for a walk with him and go shopping. In his memory, they hadn't visited the street once, at most they went out for a meal. Still with Zhao Yingmeng and the others.

"it is good."

Chen Mo nodded without hesitation.

Being invisible doesn't actually prevent you from going out shopping with Lin Kexin, but it may not be convenient to accompany her late for some relatively large things, such as going to the playground where girls like to go.

Chen Mo wanted to compensate Lin Kexin very much, so if Chen Mo felt that her proposal would be agreed within her own power, she would definitely agree.


Hearing Chen Mo's words, Lin Kexin called out happily.

I really want to go shopping with Chen Mo.

"But Brother Chen Mo is okay, right?"

"Well, you should know that I can't hit it when I walk, let alone you."

"Hehe... Then Kexin will go and change her clothes."

Then she wiped her hands happily and ran into her room~www.readwn.com~Chen Mo showed a slight smile, and then a slight wry smile, if she could see it, how much it is good?

But he has unlimited hope! Tian Lin changed him, and it could change him, but Lin Kexin brought him all this.

Lin Kexin quickly changed into more beautiful and clean clothes. She was very economical. Basically, the most expensive clothes was 300 yuan, but she was very beautiful and youthful.

Chen Mo also changed into simple clothes, put on a coat, and changed his shoes.

"Ke Xin is ready."

Lin Kexin looked at Chen Mo shyly.

Girls are all fantasizing about beauty, and Lin Kexin thinks that it is especially nice for girls and boys to go shopping.

"Let's go."

Then Chen Mo and Lin Kexin left home together and started their first shopping trip.

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