I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 738: Ran Qingqiu

Chen Mo counseled his shoulder and said:

   "You can control yourself first."

   "Tell me about you. In case you become Shura in the future, it will be too late for the succession of the clan. Wouldn't it be good to solve the problems of the descendants earlier while you are still fine?"

   Chen Mo; ""

   "Go away."

   Chen Mo was too lazy to tell her more, this woman's mind is different from others.

   "Be careful, dear."

   Chen Mo took three girls, and Ye Yuhan, a total of five people embarked on a new journey.

   During this journey, Chen Mo didn't know what to face, but it would not be easy.

   "I haven't been to Xianhai, so I don't know where it is, so I may not be able to give you much advice." Ye Yuhan sat beside Chen Mo and looked at Chen Mo and said slightly.

"It's ok."

   Chen Mo said slightly.

"Well, it takes about half a day from here to the coast of Xianhai, at the speed of this snow sculpture. After going there, we can only buy a boat and go on a ferry. During the period, we should be in the sea. When encountering a lot of dangers, the number of guns and monsters in the sea is not less than that on the mainland, and they are basically huge things. Master has reminded me before that it is best not to go to places like the sea for the time being. It is not friendly to the warrior, and very friendly to the monster beast."

   Ye Yuhan said.

   "Well, my strength is like this anyway, I will trouble you if I encounter danger."

   Chen Mo said.

   Ye Yuhan; ""

   What's not quite right, it doesn't feel so like Chen Mo in my own impression.

   "Well, don't worry, I can still deal with basic monsters, I am afraid that I will encounter monsters of the same level or even Saint Destroy, Sky Forbidden sea area."

   "It's okay, I have free magic stone, if we meet, at least we can run."

   Ye Yuhan nodded; "In this way, the danger can be minimized!"

Chen Mo still trusts Ye Yuhan very much. This woman’s temperament is like this. Just to make you trust her, you feel that this woman is righteous in her bones. You can’t say that, she has this character. , Arrogant, it is destined that even if she dies, she will never become a wicked person and do certain evil things.

   "Big brother, big brother, can Xiao Yuan eat a large lobster that is several meters in size?"

   Xiao Yuan blinked his eyes, and then gestured with exaggerated hands.

   Shui Shui and Long Xiaorou almost forgot about this. When Xiao Yuan said, the two girls' big eyes flashed with longing, and they stared at Chen Mo eagerly.

   Chen Mo smiled slightly, but he didn't expect that he was also deceiving Linglong. Telling her that, these three girls remembered.

   A few meters long big lobster, although Chen Mo doesn't know if there are any here, but logically speaking, there should be some in the sea.

"It's a bit difficult. I've seen it once. Large lobsters that are several meters long are in the deep sea, very, very far away. No one would risk such a big risk to go to such a far place, but we have a chance on this trip." Ye Yuhan said.

   Chen Mo was relieved when he heard Ye Yuhan's words, at least it was there, and their trip was going to a far deep sea, and they had a chance to catch it.

   "That's good, I'll catch you if you encounter it."

   Chen Mo rubbed Xiaoyuan's head.

   "Yeah, thank you elder brother, elder brother is the best." Xiao Yuan then hugged Chen Mo's cheek and sipped, then smiled sullenly.

   Ye Yuhan coughed and said nothing when he saw this scene.

   She is too conservative. She thinks that although Chen Mo has a good relationship with them, is it not so good to kiss them?

   And Xiaoyuan and the others are actually not young anymore, they are in their teens.

Chen Mo is thinking about time. The flight distance of this trip is half a day, and it must be more than one day in the sea. I am afraid that it will not be offline for two or three days, but he has to find a time to go offline, otherwise Lin Kexin will be very worried, although he will be two or three. It's really nothing if you don't eat

   At this moment, Ye Yuhan stood up suddenly and looked back sharply and deeply.

   Chen Mo also stood up and looked over.

   In the distance behind, a black figure rushed over at a speed that surpassed the snow sculpture.


   Ye Yuhan directly sacrificed his light sword, ready to fight at any time!

   The departure of the Snow Sculpture is actually not secret. For some people who may pay attention to Chen Mo, it is possible for them to find that Chen Mo is also possible. Therefore, the NPC in the rear is likely to chase soldiers.

   There are too many people in the whole continent who want to kill Chen Mo, and they don't know which sect belongs to.

   Chen Mo doesn't care about these things. Sooner or later he will find his place, but not now, including Tianmo Palace, nor now! Now there are more important things!

   Behind, a white flying monster beast gradually became clear in their sight, faster than this snow sculpture, and it must not be weak to be able to take out such a rare and precious fast monster.

   There was a figure standing on the monster beast, and when it flew over, the figure was clearly seen. It was a woman, wearing a white dress, with a very good temperament and wearing a veil.


   Her figure leaped directly onto Xue Diao's back, looking at Chen Mo with deep and ruthless eyes.

   don't know, but

   "Chen Mo, come with me."

Her gaze looked at Chen Mo and then said slightly, her tone was really without emotion. Although Ye Yuhan was indifferent, she was at least a little emotional, and she really couldn't feel it, although this tone Something has changed, but Chen Mo can recognize it.

   "Clear Autumn?"

   Chen Mo said slightly.

   Ran Qingqiu was taken aback for a while, he could recognize himself? Did she deliberately change her tone when she was Qingqiu?

   But it’s okay~www.readwn.com~Qingqiu? "Ye Yuhan looked at her with beautiful eyes.

   "Dye Qingqiu?"

   Then she frowned and said.

   "Does Miss Ye still protect him?"

   Ran Qingqiu looked at Ye Yuhan.

   The temperaments of the two girls are among the best, standing together **** for tat, the visual impact is quite big.

   "Girl Ran thinks that Young Master Chen Mo is wanted by the mainland and thinks he will join you Yangshen Sect, right?"

   Ye Yuhan said in a cold tone.

   "On the whole continent, all the so-called decent decents cannot tolerate Young Master Chenmo. My Yang Shenjiao is willing to take him in, and I am more willing to entrust him with important tasks, why? You decent decents don't think you are qualified?"

   Chen Mo sighed slightly.

This Yangshen Cult was something he should have done, but after that happened, this thing was delayed, but now it still bears the love of the Saint Yao female emperor, the empty magic stone has been used, but has never done it. task.

   To be honest, Chen Mo really dislikes owing favors to others.

   Since this dye Qingqiu came here, then

   Chen Mo felt that it would be okay to spend half a day to pay back the favor of the Empress Saint Yao.

  He only needs to do one thing, tell the outside world the location of Yangshen Sect.

   And Yang Shenjiao is also related to Han Jiangxue's feud.

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