I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 645: Will count

The latest website: It’s pretty hard to say, but it’s true. He just grabs the woman he likes and just grabs it. This is what he often does. See Chen Mo and Chen Mo normally. With the three beautiful girls around him, he would kill Chen Mo and **** them all, but why did he give Chen Mo Ming's spiritual value?

Because he is afraid!

A person with three such beautiful girls by his side can still live in peace. This person may have something to do. If he can buy one to go home and play in a kind way with a million Pluto value, he will also Yes, I don't want to have trouble.

But now, what does he mean?

What he meant was that he accepted this million Pluto value, but the girl didn't give it to him. This one million Pluto value was just regarded as a mental compensation fee for cutting off the arm of the people behind him and scaring them?

Isn't this obvious an excuse?

"I don't want to say it again!"

Chen Mo said coldly.

It doesn't matter if you see Xiaoyuan next to him, that proves that they are beautiful, but you must not really insult them, that is, you have touched Chen Mo's Ni Lin.

"Okay, interesting, really interesting! Give me the Pluto value back, and I don't need it!"

The Black Dragon also said coldly.

After all, he has lived for more than forty years, and he still has a hand in seeing people. He wears a mask in front of him, and he sounds like someone who is not very old. His tone and all his performance do not have any dread on himself at all. He knew that this person might have some confidence, so it's better not to provoke him. In the underworld, life is too fragile.

"I said, the Pluto value is regarded as compensation for you to scare them!"

Chen Mo said.

"I advise you not to toast or eat fine wine!"

Heilong glared at Chen Mo.

He is afraid, but it does not mean that others can **** on his head!

His black dragon is also a person with a face and a face in this heavy sky. Too many people are afraid of him and they are afraid of him. If this kid takes away his one million underworld value for nothing today, wouldn't it be his joke in the future?

"What? People who scared me don't need compensation, right?"

Chen Mo glanced at him.

It's okay to have **** with Xiaoyuan and the others, but don't do anything. Although he didn't do anything, Chen Mo is unhappy! It's not enough to charge him a million.

People around were talking about it.

"Who is this? You dare to confront the black dragon! If you dare to pit the dark **** of the black dragon, isn't it looking for death?"

"Yes, although the black dragon is not a king in the first layer of heaven, he still walks sideways. Not many people dare to provoke him!"

"But that's not necessarily true. It seems that he is not afraid of the black dragon, and looking at the three such beautiful girls around him, he is probably not a character in the Universe! Maybe it is from the Three Universe!"


The discussions of the people around made the black dragon gritted his teeth!

"OK! OK!"

Heilong nodded.

"Today is my black dragon confession. This is the Wang's casino. I am disrespectful to the Wang family if I do it here. I will spare you this time. I will treat this million as I lost to you! But I hope we won't meet you outside. Arrived!"

Heilong stared at Chen Mo angrily.

Yes, when he heard the comments from the people next to him, he was really afraid that Chen Mo was a character in the Triple Heaven!

The third heaven, that is a place where only one hundred million gods can enter, one hundred million... he has only been ten to twenty million in a few decades now. He can go to the second heaven, but he dare not. Now he can One Heaven is lawless and there are not many people who are jealous, but if you go to the Second Heaven like this, he is the dregs of the Second Heaven!

So he was really jealous!


Everyone looked at each other when they saw the black dragon admit counseling!

What this black dragon is most afraid of is to cause trouble. Didn't he expect that he would ruin a million Pluto value for nothing?

"Don't worry."

Chen Mo hooked his mouth and said suddenly.

The turned black dragon clenched his fists and tried his best to restrain the emotion of wanting to act on Chen Mo!

"You advise you not to be arrogant!"

Heilong gritted his teeth and said!

He had already lost money and face. He was already very upset. If he wasn't really afraid, he would really do it!

"I will give you a chance to win back this million gods! A gamble?"

Chen Mo asked.

How could Chen Mo let go of the bullies who came here for nothing?

"Come on! One million in a hand, do you dare?"

The black dragon turned his head and stared at Chen Mo coldly and said!

"One million is one million!"

"Okay! Then come!"

Heilong jumped and jumped directly to the seat beside the empty gaming table.

This may be the only way for him to get his face back in front of everyone, and at the same time to win back his own Pluto value.

What is the reason in his opinion?

He felt that the masked kid in front of him might be afraid of him!

On the one hand, he may indeed have some background, so he can't show weakness, but this background may not be very big, so he is actually a bit embarrassed, and may want to lose this million to his black dragon through gambling!

It is possible.

A one-million-dollar gambling game is actually quite rare even in this second layer, and there are three such beautiful girls who are related to the black dragon. The two seem to have grievances. All the factors in this series are added together. , This matter was fermented on this second level in an instant, and many people gathered around and watched their one million gods worth a round of gambling!

"What are you betting on?"

Heilong asked with a black face.

"The easiest way to guess the size!"

Chen Mo only knows this.

"Hey, there is no technical content!"

Heilong sneered.

"But the easiest, isn't it?"

"Good!" Heilong gritted his teeth and nodded.

Chen Mo then smiled and said, "Everyone, you can also suppress it, but I and the black dragon lord suppress 1 million Pluto points per round! You are free!"

A joke, it's too slow to earn one person. If you want to earn, earn more!

"What do you mean?"

Heilong looked at Chen Mo.

"Your Excellency Black Dragon, don't be so rigid, we two bet a game. If we win, we will win a million, and if we lose, we will lose a million. What about everyone around us? If we lose, we will still lose a million. Isn't it beautiful to be more than one million?"

Hearing Chen Mo's words, Heilong felt reasonable!

And the people around are obviously willing to participate. They vote for tens of thousands each time, but some people vote for a million, lose tens of thousands, and win a lot more!

"Okay! Let's get started!"

At this time, a beautiful croupier came over~www.readwn.com~ Excuse me, do you need a little girl to shake the dice for the two? "

"You do it!"

Black Dragon Road.


Then the beautiful croupier shook the sieve tube skillfully, and then covered it on the table!

"Your Excellency Black Dragon, to avoid making you think that I might be a thousand-year-old, then you should press first, and I will press your opposite side!"

Chen Mo said.

"Sneez—you think I care? Who dares?"

Even so, he took the initiative to suppress it!

Chen Mo naturally suppressed it directly.

(End of this chapter)

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