I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 649: Who is the clown?

Latest URL: Big brother, what's the matter? "

Shui Shui blinked his eyes and asked.

In fact, she knew that she and Chen Mo had a spiritual connection.

"It's okay, but it won't be long before you don't have to follow him, it's okay to be young!"

Wang Caifu couldn't help but smile!

"You haven't won yet!"

Chen Mo said coldly.

"Haha, yes! Haven't won! Then come now?"

In their eyes, when Chen Mo called the three girls, the bigger reason was that they were not willing to be willing to them, and they were afraid of losing.

I have to say that Chen Mo does have a set of acting!

Hey, the main reason is that you don't want to kill. How can you get a lot of Pluto value in a short time if you don't kill? You can only rely on gambling!

And even if you bet, if you win a chance of 126 million, there is no such thing!

Therefore, Chen Mo must seize this opportunity in order to go to Jiuzhongtian as soon as possible!

Chen Mo put down the water sitting on his lap, and then took a deep breath!

"I'll press first!" Chen Mo said.


Then Chen Mo said: "Big pressure!"

Wang Wealth then confidently pushed the chips to small!

Chen Mo glanced at the inside of the sieve cylinder, it was indeed big! But at this time it suddenly became 222, small!

"open it!"

Wang Caifu said.

To make sure that he was correct, Wang Caifu gave a dry cough and glanced back, and the old man nodded slightly.

Then the man slowly opened the sieve tube, everyone's eyes were staring tightly!

666, big!

"Hahaha, Xiongtai, your three female slaves are me..."

That Wang Caifu said half with a smile, and was suddenly startled!



He slapped him on the table.

"how is this possible!"

Wang Caifu's eyes widened!

Chen Mo clicked the corner of his mouth and put all the chips in his pocket, saying: "Xiongtai, you have lost! You said this is the last one, so let's meet again!" Then Chen Mo looked at the three girls, He smiled and said, "I won 100 million, I will take you to eat well today."

"Yeah, thank you big brother, big brother is the best!"

Then Chen Mo swaggered away with them!

The people around looked at each other!

Is it over?

so fast.

The old man behind Wang Wealth was also shocked!

how is this possible?

But Wang Wealth cannot be exposed! Once exposed, everyone knows that there are inside stories in the Wangjia Casino, so the casino can't go on at all, especially the third floor is full of people with good looks!

"Damn it, come with me!"

Wang Caifu let out an anger, then walked to a private room, and the old man followed tremblingly!

"What's the matter! Isn't it small? How did it become big?"

Wang Caifu pointed at the old man angrily!

"Young... Master, the old slave did turn the sieve inside into a small one, but for some reason, it suddenly became bigger. It must be that person who got it right. He might have the strength to surpass the old slave, otherwise how could it be possible for the old slave? Can't feel the fluctuation of power?"

The old man said.

"What? You mean that Chen Mo is better than you?"

"Only this explanation!"

"Impossible! How big is he? He is only in his twenties, and this is a heaven, absolutely impossible! You are a fairy-level strength! It is not too weak in the third heaven!"

"This... the old slave can't explain it either! But it can only be explained in this way, maybe that person has discovered from the beginning, he has been scheming and acting!"


Wang Caifu tore the mask off his face and fell to the ground angrily.

Is he being tricked from beginning to end? He always thought that the other party was a clown from beginning to end, it turned out he was!


This anger makes him unbearable!

"Master, how many strong men will the old slave take to kill him? Bring those three girls to you?"

This is the simplest and rude method. If he fails, or if Chen Mo has won a few million and left, he will use this method. It is naturally best to not win the three girls directly. Wang Caifu is too lazy to make trouble. I was a little worried about Chen Mo's abilities, but more than 100 million Pluto points were taken away. He was still like a clown. In this situation, this method can only be used.

"Not urgent!"

Although he was very angry, he was the second son of a big family after all, and he was quite sensible. Then he said: "Now that I do it, some people will guess that it may be related to my Wang Family Casino. After all, he has more than 100 million gods. Value, it’s not good for our Wang family. First find someone to follow, see which inn they live in, and start at night!"

"But... the news that he has hundreds of millions of Pluto value will spread like wildfire, and some people may do it to him! After all, more than 100 million Pluto value, the temptation is too great!"

The old man said.

"Hmph, that's just right. Someone will test us in advance to see if this Chenmo is really capable or how! Snipe and clam compete for the fisherman's profit, anyway, this **** value, those three girls will be the youngest!"

Wang Caifu clenched his fist and said viciously.

"Yes! The old slave sent someone to stare secretly!"


Chen Mo leisurely took the three girls and left the casino, went to an inn and opened a nice guest room. Chen Mo put out a lot of delicious food in the room. The three girls really had a day. , But they feel that they are not full, as long as there is something delicious that they can't finish, they can keep eating.

Of course he knows what he will face later, but he is not worried! This is at least a heavy sky, and his strength is absolutely no problem in this heavy sky! Shui Shui and Long Xiaorou are not vegetarians either!

As for how to change the number of points in the sieve drum at that time, that was the token Linglong gave to herself. It is very easy to make some small things with her own mind!

After all, it was given by Linglong, which was definitely not something that an old man from Yizhong could compare.

Now the value of 126 million Pluto is enough for one person to reach the third heaven, but the four of them...

and many more……

Chen Mo suddenly thought of something~www.readwn.com~ This underworld itself should be able to collect Shuishi and Long Xiaorou into their space, right?

Then Chen Mo tried it, and the two girls who were eating delicious food disappeared where they were, and then Chen Mo let them out again.

So now that is to say, in fact, Chen Mo only needs to collect the Pluto value of him and Xiaoyuan! That task is directly reduced by half!

"You eat first, and rest in the room after eating. I will leave for a while. If there is any serious danger, I will use the empty magic stone!"

Chen Mo gave them some empty magic stones!


In Chen Mo's view, they should not be able to do it in a short period of time, at least during the day. Although they can do it casually, it doesn't matter to kill people, but after all it is related to the reputation of the Wang Family Casino. Even if they do it, there is no problem with free magic stone protection! Chen Mo hadn't been offline for nearly a day, so he had to go offline to accompany Lin Kexin.

(End of this chapter)

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