I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 651: Flower Saint and Elegant

Latest website: Chen Mo walked over and was a little surprised to see Hua Sheng and Xiao Ruhan sitting there drinking.

Hearing Chen Mo's footsteps, they turned their heads.

"Xiao Momo, why are you here?"

Xiao Ruhan then ran over, grabbing Chen Mo and squeezing it around.

Chen Mo: "..."

"Say, where did you go?"

Xiao Ruhan asked.

"The land of the dead."

Chen Mo said.

"The land of the dead? Is this the point marked by the law on the parchment scroll?"

Xiao Ruhan hiccuped.

Chen Mote looked at Xiao Ruhan "disgustingly".

"What? Do you dislike this fairy?"

Xiao Ruhan said aggrieved.

"No, I just think you won't be able to marry in this way, lady."

Chen Mo touched the tip of his nose and said.

"Haha, your master looks at the mainland, it's the existence of the country and the city!"

Flower Saint smiled.

"Have you heard!"

Xiao Ruhan shook the hip flask in his hand proudly.

"I heard it!"

But it is true.

"But what's the matter when you come back? Fortunately, you have a free magic stone in your hand!"

Xiao Ruhan threw a pot of wine to Chen Mo, Chen Mo took it, and then sat with them on the edge of the cliff.

"I went to the underworld."

Chen Mo then said, taking a sip of wine after speaking.


Both Xiao Ruhan and Hua Sheng frowned.

"Isn't that another plane? How did you get to another plane?"

Xiao Ruhan asked in surprise.

"There is a door in the underground of the undead, that door leads to the underworld!"

Flower Saint looked at Xiao Ruhan in surprise.

"Underworld, is it true?"

Xiao Ruhan nodded; "Of course it is true, just like the Demon Realm. The Devil Realm exists. Why can't the Underworld exist? Just like Xiao Momo. Don’t they come from another world? It’s just that different world and Tianlin Continent. We have opened up. Although we know that it does exist in the underworld, few people in the world today know how to get there, but the underworld..."

Xiao Ruhan looked at Chen Mo, and her eyebrows frowned tightly: "Aren't they dead people, where they got their souls? How can you go to the underworld if you are still alive? And even if you do, logically speaking, that kind of There must be a place very afraid, even reaching the moon god, even beyond the guardian of the moon god! How can you go there?"

"Yes, it is true, but some small things happened to me, and it is not convenient to tell you. Anyway, Xiaoyuan and I are in the underworld in a physical state. There are laws in the underworld, and the dead enter there. In the future, it will be a real world, where you will spend your whole life. If you die in the underworld, then it is true fall. There is no such thing as reincarnation. If you don’t go to the underworld, you will lose all your memories. "

She had promised Linglong that Chen Mo would not tell others about her.

"It turned out to be like this!"

Xiao Ruhan and Hua Sheng showed shocked expressions!

Chen Mo's words also subverted their worldview a bit.

This little Momo is really a man of good fortune from heaven. For millions of years, has anyone ever entered the underworld with a physical body? Even come back?

Chen Mo nodded, and then probably told them some Siqingao he knew about the underworld.

From the shocked expressions of the two people, it is enough to see how shocking the news is.

"The Underworld is also a world where you can practice, and you can even marry a wife and have children... It's shocking!"

Hua Sheng couldn't help but shocked.

"So this time I came here specifically to find Senior Hua!"

"Find me?"

Flower Saint looked at Chen Mo.

"Well, since the people of Tianlin Continent will go to the underworld when they die, then senior Hua, your lover, if she is lucky enough to be in the underworld, if she can become a strong man in the underworld, even though the past 100 years, thousands of years, she must still Live!"

Hearing Chen Mo's words, Hua Sheng trembled all over.

"Um..." Xiao Ruhan pondered slightly.

"In theory, the three laws can resurrect a person, but they are indeed theories. If Xiao Momo said so, then even if she is resurrected, her soul and memory may not exist, or it is actually a different person. The real soul is actually in the underworld. In this case, the three laws can resurrect a person, but it may not be the real her." Xiao Ruhan pondered slightly.

She didn't understand what Chen Mo said, and Xiao Ruhan only told Hua Sheng.

"Then... what if she brings her soul out of the underworld?"

"That's naturally a person!" Xiao Ruhan said.

Chen Mo shook his head, "As far as I know, this is completely impossible to achieve. If it is true, wouldn't it be a mess?"

Xiao Ruhan nodded; "That's true too!"


The right to take care of this is in Linglong's hands. If she agrees, then Chen Mo can bring Fengya's soul in the underworld here! Then a real resurrection can be achieved!

Regardless of what happened to the flower saint, he was very excited to know the news!

"So the purpose of my coming is actually to ask Senior Hua, about your lover's appearance, I may be in the underworld for a while, although the chances are small, but if I'm really lucky, maybe I can find her!"

Chen Mo said.

Why does Chen Mo think so?

Now that Chen Mo triggered this mission, Chen Mo felt that Fengya was not dead in the underworld!

"She must not remember all the things during her lifetime, but if Senior Hua has anything to say, or if there is any token... I can pass it to her for you, of course, provided that I can find her."

Flower Saint stood up excitedly and looked at Chen Mo.

"Really...really okay?"

"I can try!"

Hua Sheng then quickly took out a well-protected necklace.

Hua Sheng loves to rub the necklace.

"If you can find her, please return this to her."

Chen Mo took it.

"Then what am I going to say?"

"No, no need! Since it is a new world~www.readwn.com~ she already has her own life, her own new life, why should I bother her, if I know she can live well , Then I’m already satisfied, resurrected... that’s unnecessary, what better news than knowing that she is still living in another world and living happily?"

Flower Saint smiled slightly.

"I understand!"

Chen Mo nodded.

Hua Sheng then tremblingly took out another portrait, which looks like a long, long time...

There is a very beautiful woman standing in a peach blossom forest playing the piano.

really beautiful.

"Chen Mo, this is for you, this is her. If you can really meet her, it is enough to be sure that she is living well there!"

Flower Saint gratefully looks at Chen Mo.

(End of this chapter)

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