I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 657: Mysterious Bone

Latest website: Chen Mo entered the auction house with three girls, and then sat down in a corner.

The light in the auction room is relatively dark, and the three girls are not easily seen in the back corner.

Zhuang Bifan walked to Chen Mo's side and sat down.

"Xiongtai, will there be anything interesting to you in this auction?"

Chen Mo frowned slightly.

This person's intention to approach himself is too obvious. It is obvious that he is deliberately approaching himself, but what he wants, Chen Mo doesn't know! Maybe it might be Wang's eyeliner? Maybe it's because of these three girls? Or maybe... Chen Mo didn't know.

But the soldiers came to block the water and earth, what was he afraid of in these four heavens?

Not to mention him, Chen Mo felt that Shui Shui and Long Xiaorou could not be resisted by these four heavenly people.

"just looking around."

Chen Mo said.

"So, I don't know the name of Xiongtai?"

Of course Zhuang Bifan knows that he is called Chen Mo, but he has to act?

He is not hostile to Chen Mo, but Chen Mo does not know whether there is hostility, he thinks it is more likely.

"Dust Mo."

"It turned out to be Brother Chen Mo, happy meeting!" Zhuang Bifan smiled and took a fist.

"So what can you do with me?"

Chen Mo didn't bother to pretend to be with him, what if he was an enemy when he met?

It was discovered anyway.

"Hehe, there are some things, I don't know what to say. In fact, I was drinking in a pub in Yizhongtian Rujia last night, and I also saw the scene of Brother Chenmo showing off."

Chen Mo frowned.

"Brother Chen Mo, don't worry, I am not the royal family, and I have no hostility towards you."

"That is……"

"Haha...no hurry, let's have a drink and talk slowly when the auction is over, how about?"

Chen Mo nodded.

Although this man's Underworld Chain was blocked by his sleeves, Chen Mo just glanced at it and revealed a little bit, it turned out to be...yellow!

Chen Moke had never seen a person with a yellow underworld chain. Perhaps this person had a different identity.

At this time, a fat man with a big belly walked onto the stage with a smile on his face. It was not a good product at first glance.

"Thank you for the very place that came to support this auction. I have money. I think many people know you. I won't talk nonsense. There are 13 lots in this auction, all of which are relatively rare treasures. Now go directly to the first lot!"

Then a woman came up with an auction plate covered with a red cloth!

"Brother Chen Mo, this Wang Youqian is also a member of the Wang family. He is a businessman in the Wang family who has a good reputation in these four heavens. He is responsible for the development of some enterprises such as the Wang family auction house. But he should not recognize you, but neither do I I know whether the news about you has spread in the Wang Family of the Fourth Heaven, I only know that the Third Heaven is still looking for you now!"

Zhuang Bifan said to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo nodded.

"Thank you for reminding."

The red blazer is open, and inside is a very beautiful sword.

"Yes, I believe that many of you here are here for this sword. This sword is named Hei Mingjian. It was forged by a forge from the seventh heaven. The weapon is actually of a very high grade. The most important thing is that this black sword will release the power of the spirit, which has a great corrosive effect on the power of other warriors and even the spirit weapon, and can greatly weaken the opponent’s combat power. It is a relatively precious treasure in this auction. The reason why it was placed in the first auction is because I hope that this sword can directly push this auction to the climax. Okay, let’s not talk nonsense. The starting price of Hei Mingjian is eight. Ten million Pluto value, and each price increase must not be less than five million!"

Then there is a crazy increase in prices!

"The starting price of the fairy weapon is 80 million yuan, and the final transaction price should be around 300 million yuan. It seems that the spirit weapon is a relatively rare thing in the underworld, at least several times more expensive than the outside Tianlin!"

Chen Mo was slightly composed.

Zhuang Bifan looked at Chen Mo, and when he saw that he was unmoved, he knew that this sword was not what he wanted.

The next lot of lots appeared in front of everyone, and Chen Mo did not move.

"Next is the twelfth lot. In a sense, the twelve lots here should be the most precious lot in this auction!"

Then the beauty walked up again, the red cloth was uncovered, and everyone looked at the contents in doubt.

That is a very small black jade about five centimeters...

It looked like a piece of jade that was so dark to see through. This was only Chen Mo's first reaction when he saw it outside, but it was still unknown what it was.

"What is this?"

Someone asked.

Wang Youqian smiled and said, "To be honest, we haven't identified what this is, but..."

Wang Youqian continued: "It looks like this is a piece of black jade, but it is not. It is actually a piece of bone!"


"Yes, our Wang family has studied for a long time. We only know that this bone contains a powerful force, but this force cannot be pulled out by any means. What is the specific role of this black bone? I don’t know, but the reason why I think this is the most precious piece is because we are unable to identify it, which proves that the grade or usefulness of this black bone has surpassed the scope of our king’s ability, so it was put up for auction. , I hope to find someone destined to unlock the secret of this black bone!"


At this time, an old man smiled and said: "So this is actually a waste product. It is something that your king does not have. It is a waste thing in your hands. Then you take it out to fool me and wait?"

"Yes, yeah, none of your kings can do it, so it's even more impossible for us to unlock the secret of this black bone."

"So for us, this thing is even more useless!"


Those people talked a lot.

Wang Youqian's face did not change, but he said, "Everyone, be quiet!"

After everyone calmed down ~www.readwn.com~ Wang Youqian said, "What is it that my Wang family can develop from the first heaven to the current fifth heaven? My Wang family is a business family, and it is naturally based on honesty. We really don’t have the ability to explore the secret of a black bone, but the power contained in it is genuine! This is by no means an ordinary black bone, and our Wang family has never deceived you!"

They couldn't say anything about Wang Youqian.

"There is indeed an unexplainable force in this black bone." Zhuang Bifan said slightly.

What Chen Mo likes most is this kind of slightly mysterious thing. If it is within a certain value range, Chen Mo will fight for this thing.

"Okay, let's not talk nonsense, you can bid if you like it, and you can give up if you don't like it! The starting price of this mysterious black bone... one thousand... one million gods worth!"

That's right, his price was 10 million at the beginning, but seeing the reaction of these people just now, he felt that the estimated price of 10 million could not be sold, so he temporarily reduced the price by ten times.

(End of this chapter)

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