I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 659: All bad guys

Latest website: In the underworld, such a beautiful girl, even a young girl, and...

No man has touched her!

Such a girl, how superb, how coveted, it is absolutely self-evident!

Such a girl is really hard to meet, at least in a place like the fourth heaven and the fifth heaven!

Wang Youqian said with a smile, "If you think this is the best part of this girl, then you are very wrong!"

"Is there anything different about her?"

Someone couldn't wait to ask.


Wang Youqian then said: "This woman has a special physique!"

"What physique is it?"

"It's really unclear what physique, but I dare to pack a vote. Her physique is definitely not dangerous. Generally speaking, women have special physiques. As long as men have **** with them, men can basically get the best from it. The effect of the earth, because no one has touched her, so I dare not say what the effect is! This requires someone who can buy her to explore in person!"

Wang Youqian smiled.

The girl was in the iron cage, her feet and hands were chained, her expression trembling, you can imagine how desperate her heart is.

"I said Boss Wang, what you said made us less convinced."

A handsome man looked at Wang Youqian.

"Oh? Why did you say this?"

Wang Youqian asked.

"Such a beautiful and superb woman, even with a special physique, you even sell her after you catch her? Who believes this? How do you think the big guys think there is something tricky!"

"Yes, yes, such a beautiful woman, even if she reaches the seventh heaven, she is probably a hot product. Your Wang family caught it, don't you keep it? Keep saying that you have such a special physique, and these benefits will not be left to your Wang family. People? Reasonable, I dare not buy it thinking of here."

"I suspect there are any traps in this. Even if the powerful elders of the Wang family don't want this girl, then the two sons of the Wang family will never let her go, right? Now this kind of best girl is sold to us, what is the intention Isn’t your royal family still lacking this Pluto value?"


Everyone's questions one after another shocked many people who wanted to auction this stunning girl.

Yes, what they said makes sense!

Such a stunning and superb girl, the Wang family will auction it?

No matter how bad, the two young masters of the Wang family must want her?

They didn't know that one of the young masters had been killed by Lin Xuan.

However, there are more than a dozen young masters in the Wang family, from the first heaven to the fifth heaven, directly and by-line?

Even if the two direct young masters don't need it, there are more than a dozen other collateral young masters, don't you have to rush for them?

This scene was unexpected by Wang Youqian. He thought it would be a red-faced auction, but he didn't expect to encounter this problem.

"Ha ha……"

Faced with these people's questions, Wang Youqian laughed.

"You guys don't want to argue, everyone, please be quiet and listen to me slowly!"

After all, Wang Youqian is the person who is in charge of part of the Wang family's finances and development power in these four heavens. Naturally, he can easily deal with such small scenes.

Everyone was quiet.

"Everyone, this is just your suspicion when you saw this scene, just like the suspicion that the young man had just auctioned away the black bone. My Wang family has been a business family for generations, and I also said that a business family. How can one gain a foothold if there is no integrity?"

Having said that, he paused, and then continued: "Today's auction is at the auction house of my royal family. Hundreds of people have seen it with their own eyes. This news has even reached the fifth heaven. It is related to the reputation of our royal family. Say, if my royal family deceives you, how will it benefit the future development of our royal family and the reputation of our royal family?"

"At that time, my Wang family will only be pushed down by the wall, and everyone will no longer believe in my Wang family. Then how can my Wang family establish its foundation?"

What Wang Youqian said made them feel unable to refute.

"The reason why my Wang family chose to mention this superb girl for auction is actually very simple..."

Wang Youqian then continued: "She is indeed very beautiful and innocent. She is a rare stunner. The reason why she was sold out was because it was meant by the family."

"Yes, when our Wang family first caught her, the first idea was to give her to a certain son of the family, but after another thought, our Wang family said that if the young masters really accept her as servant girls, I am afraid they will Used by her!"

"Why did Wang Huizhu say this?"

A man asked.

Wang Youqian smiled and said, "On that day, our members of the Wang family killed her parents and a younger brother in front of her, and then snatched it back. You said, if such a person is allowed to stay with me Will the Wang family become a confidant of the Wang family? Will she even assassinate the royal family members, secretly poison them, or use her beauty to instigate my royal family members to take revenge?"

Hearing Wang Youqian's answer, everyone suddenly realized.

Yes, killed her family in front of her, and then left her at Wang's house?

A fool would do this! Either kill or sell!

"If you sell it, at least under the five heavens, no one dares to do anything with the Wang family, and the person who buys her will not be instigated by her, and dare not fight against the Wang family! This is why a girl who is so good and so top I want to sell it in the fourth heaven, because in the fifth heaven, there are many families that can fight the king's family. They are not sure about safety, but the fourth heaven must be safe!"

Wang Youqian said.

"So that's why we blamed the king's meeting lord!"

"Yeah, it is indeed excusable to say that, under the five heavens, which family is willing to go against the Wang family for such a woman? That said, it is really no problem."


Those people started talking again.

"So can this girl be auctioned now?"

Wang Youqian asked.


Chen Mo frowned ~www.readwn.com~ This is the underworld. Maybe now he is not quite used to the rules of survival in the underworld. Hearing their conversations, especially seeing them hear these words, he was not surprised at all. Sigh the cruelty of this world!

"Bad guys, all bad guys!"

Xiaoyuan's cute little nose wrinkled.

"Little sister, this is the most normal thing in the underworld."

Zhuang Bifan said to Xiaoyuan.

"All bad guys!"

Xiaoyuan said with an annoyed milky voice.

Zhuang Bifan glanced at Chen Mo suspiciously. The girl next to her didn't seem to understand the world at all, otherwise she wouldn't be angry. Is it so good to be protected by him?

(End of this chapter)

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