I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 664: Seven Valkyrie

Latest website: In the first ten minutes, she felt that her future was bleak, she had heard many miserable stories!

Some girls were beaten to death, and some were even played with by some wealthy elder brothers, or even played alive... etc., there are many, many things like this!

Some will even starve to death, and most of them can only eat some ordinary leftovers, which is really good.

She thought her ending would be like this, she really didn't expect it to be like this!

Not only did Chen Mo dislike her and let her eat at the same table with them, but these three beautiful sisters were also very kind to her...

"Thank you……"

Lin Xiaoyu said softly.

She is really hungry. She has no cultivation base and can't do the same as those people who can not eat for many days. She has been arrested for seven days, and she only has one meal a day, and it is a very simple meal, chicken legs...

She didn't know how long she hadn't eaten something like this in her memory.

She lives in the slum area of ​​the Four Heavens, it is a very poor place, and people are all ordinary people. It belongs to the early family in the Four Heavens, but now they are poor, they will go to that place! Why not go to the triple heaven, the double heaven or even the first heaven?

Here, at least there is a place to live in the slum area, if you go, you may not even have a place to live!

In that place, let alone eating meat, being full is really a luxury, but she is satisfied because her family is relatively good, at least three meals a day can be guaranteed, and her father will Teach her a lot of knowledge and literacy. Although she can't go out, she will work hard at home to knit clothes every day, and her family will sell money and buy food!

I can eat meat once a week, although not much... but I am really satisfied.

Lin Xiaoyu bit the chicken leg, tears dripping down.

Chen Mo saw it and didn't say anything.

She knew that this girl should have thought of her family. It is a painful thing to leave the family, especially because of her death...

I can't say more about this kind of thing, I can only let her calm down slowly.

This is one of the reasons why she shed tears, and the other reasons are moved, and the grievances in her heart, Xiaoyuan and the others care about her.

"Brother Chen Mo, come, I respect you for this cup because I am very grateful for your willingness to help me!"

Zhuang Bifan drank it all, then poured another glass.

"This cup, I admire your personality very much. Under the seventh heaven of the underworld, your personality is really rare. In the seventh heaven, these phenomena may be less, but they are still common. I hear It’s not like the eighth heaven and the nineth heaven, but I only heard that, but I really admire you! So I respect you with this cup!"

After speaking, he drank again.

Chen Mo also drank it all in one fell swoop, and the other three girls were eating delicious food for themselves, but don't be too happy.

"I won't talk too much nonsense. In fact, I would like to ask you for help. It is extremely difficult to say that it is difficult. It is also simple to say simple."

"please say!"

"I want to ask you to get a woman."

Chen Mo: "..."

Really, he thought his ears had misheard.

Traveling thousands of miles, spending a billion Pluto value to help, is to get a woman?

Are you kidding me?

Zhuang Bifan smiled helplessly when he saw Chen Mo's eyes.

"Does it feel a bit weird?"

Chen Mo nodded.


"Hey, in fact, this is really no way out."

Zhuang Bifan sighed.

Then he looked towards Chen Mo and said, "Brother Chen Mo, do you know what Seventh Heaven is like?"

Chen Mo shook his head.

"The Seventh Heaven, the Heavenly Powers are everywhere, and the Shenhuang powers are countless, but this is not the main thing. The main thing is that the Seventh Heaven has hundreds of empires, large and small, and large empires. There are dozens of these four-tiered heavenly cities, and the small empires are as big as several. There are constant wars between hundreds of large and small empires, and they are all working hard to expand the territory and strength of their own empires and annex other empires ."

Chen Mo probably knew how big these four-tiered sky cities were, probably the size of a province of Sky Blue Star, dozens of them, and that's a country.

"Seventh Heaven, the monster beast is also very strong, but my human race is also very strong, because the human race is prosperous, so the war between the various empires continues!"

Chen Mo was puzzled, and then asked, "The population of the Seventh Heaven is more than the previous ones? It stands to reason that the conditions for entering the Seventh Heaven are more demanding, and there should be fewer people."

"You don’t know this, and many people don’t know it. In fact, many years ago, there was no such thing as one to nine heavens. It was only later that one to nine heavens were separated. People stayed in the seventh heaven. From the first to the sixth heaven, there were only monsters and no people. They were constantly added by other planes after the death of people. It slowly developed from the first heaven to the sixth heaven. Countless people have developed from the seventh heaven to the nine heavens, so the number of rounds, in fact, the number of people in the seventh heaven is countless times more than that of any other heaven!"

Chen Mo; "..."

Really hanging.

Then Zhuang Bifan continued: "And I am the prince of a medium-sized empire."

This is similar to Chen Mo's guess, his identity is not ordinary! The prince of a medium-sized empire, the medium-sized empire should be one-tenth the size of China...

"But something happened in my empire ten years ago, which caused the empire to be divided into two, half of which is the southern empire controlled by my father, and the other half was born of another emperor who has been with me. Father’s empire is against!"

Zhuang Bifan paused ~www.readwn.com~ and continued: "My father has always wanted to reunify the empire, but the Northern Empire has a frontier guard, that is, a general that borders our southern empire. Our southern empire wants to unify the north. The empire can only get in from there. As long as it gets in, reunification will happen sooner or later, but..."

Zhuang Bifan then sighed and said, "But the general of the Northern Empire guarding the frontier fortress is too powerful. Although he is a woman, he is really powerful. It can be simply said that without her, my Southern Empire would have been a few years ago. The entire empire has been merged."

"So powerful? There is no one stronger than her in an empire?"

Chen Mo was slightly surprised.

"Her strength is top-notch, and there are not a few who can beat her in the entire Seventh Heaven, but she can never kill her. This is not the most tricky, and nothing, empire fighting, personal is absolutely useless, but she is an exception. The most troublesome thing is her appeal. The countless soldiers of the Northern Empire are extremely brave under her leadership. Without her, the combat power of the entire Northern Empire would be twice as small!"

(End of this chapter)

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