I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 675: Genocide

Latest website: A loud noise once again shook the dust in the sky.


Lin Xiaoyu held her hands behind and prayed for Chen Mo.

The dust has not yet dispersed, and Chen Mo's figure walked out of the dust.


Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded!


Why did he come out?

Where is Wang Lingfeng?

When the dust slowly dispersed, a corpse was lying there! Everyone's pupils shrank suddenly!

Wang Lingfeng, the powerhouse of the fifth heaven, was...killed!

He unexpectedly...fallen!

Did the powerhouse of Shenhuang rank fall like this? how is this possible?

Didn’t it mean that it would be difficult for a god-huang level powerhouse to fall?

That Wang Zhantian saw this scene even more incredible!


In the next instant, he galloped directly into the distance without hesitation!

Yes, he ran away!

He wouldn't be like many wicked pens, knowing that he is not an opponent, but still bite the bullet and do it!

His father was killed, what did he use to fight Chen Mo?

If it were a monster, Chen Mo wouldn't kill it so easily, but it was a human!

What is needed to kill humans, NPCs? You only need to be able to cause substantial harm to him!

As long as Chen Mo has enough strength, as long as he hits the spot, it is good!

And Chen Mo's power under full firepower is definitely enough, and then he can ensure that Wang Lingfeng can't stop his blow!

Forbidden demons, withered, at that moment, coupled with Chen Mo's speed, attacked fiercely, it was not difficult to seal the throat with a sword!

And this battle made Chen Mo suddenly realize a problem...

Indestructible Niubi is indeed a Niubi, but it conflicts with the name of Shura!

At first, Chen Mo deliberately let Wang Lingfeng attack him and lower his blood volume. However, he suddenly heard a system prompt...the five times the damage was gone!

Only after Chen Mo realized that the Immortal Body was constantly increasing him by 2000 blood per second, causing the damage in the name of Shura to only last for a few seconds. There was a conflict!

But Chen Mo feels okay!

Shura is a profession that lives toward death. All the power is to improve the attack ability. The name of Shura has less effect. He still has an invincible heart and has the continuous blood return of the immortal body. This BUFF is actually Chen Mo prefer! It's just that when Chen Mo needs to attack more, the attack strength is not enough!

But it was nothing, because this Shura Bone had given Chen Mo a big enough boost.

"The Wang Family Patriarch... unexpectedly... was killed in a second?"

"I didn't see what happened, but...this is too exaggerated? Could this boy come from a higher heaven?"

"With four such beautiful women around him, he dared to scream everywhere, I'm afraid he is! He didn't take the people here at all!"


"Master...you...are you okay?"

Lin Xiaoyu hurried to Chen Mo and asked worriedly.

Chen Mo shook his head.

"Big brother is the best, how can something be wrong?" Shui Shui said sweetly.

"Go, go to Wang's house."

Chen Mo gently patted Lin Xiaoyu's thin shoulder.

"Ah? What is the young master doing at the Wang's house?"

"Destroy the door!"

Chen Mo said lightly, and then walked in the direction where Wang Zhantian fled.

Lin Xiaoyu was stunned there!

Saying those two words lightly made her feel so domineering.

"Master is for me?"

Lin Xiaoyu thought in a mess.

Then she shook her head quickly.

Impossible, impossible, the young master is so good, she is just a trafficked maid, how could he destroy the king's door for her?

He must be angry.

Lin Xiaoyu thought to himself.

Then they quickly followed Chen Mo.

"Where is the young hero going? That's the direction of the Wang family!"

"He... Isn't he going to the Wang's house?"

"Oh my God! He... what is he doing? Quick, go and see!"


For Chen Mo, he would never be able to kill him. At most, after killing that Wang Lingfeng, he would go to the Wang family to find Wang Zhantian who ran away and get rid of him!

But now Chen Mo has only one thought in his heart, kill the door!

Whether it was because of their anger that they came to take the initiative to kill himself or he wanted to avenge Lin Xiaoyu thoroughly, he would do it!

Of course, there must be a big reason for the changes brought about by the integration of the bones of Shura!

Chen Mo is changing from a situation where he has his own principles and rationality to do everything in an evil direction!

He found out, but his heart told him that he was right!

What was the principle of Chen Mo before?

Do not harm the innocent!

For example, in Lingjian Pavilion, they had enemies with him. Chen Mo didn't even kill one of them. He just slapped them. If he could, at most he would kill the few people who had enemies with him. Chen Mo didn't care about the others! And now, if that matter is left now, it is possible that Chen Mo is going to slaughter!

Even Chen Mo felt that there was no wrong massacre!

This is change!

Chen Mo really discovered it! But he was gradually changing.

Is it good or bad?

It must not be good! Instead, Chen Mo became even more flustered.

Because this change was too big and too obvious, he was thinking, why would those people on the mainland fear Shura and fear him becoming Shura?

He clearly knows what is good and what is evil in his heart. He has a sense of measure. He feels that he will not be the one they say!

But the current situation has changed Chen Mo, and Chen Mo thought, if in the future, this change expands ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times, will he really become a Shura in people's mouth?

Of course Chen Mo cares! Because this is not a game!

However, he couldn't control his heart! He wants to do it! I really want to think about it, if he doesn't do it, he is uncomfortable and very upset! Very upset!


"Quick, go!"

After Wang Zhantian rushed to Wang's house, he roared directly.

The servants looked at him in doubt.

"Quickly, wake everyone up, don't sleep, go quickly! Go quickly!"

Wang Zhantian roared!

"Yes Yes!"

Those servants didn't know what happened, but this was the first time they saw the Patriarch's gaffe!

Wang Zhantian can't help it! His father was killed. If he doesn't leave, if he comes, the Wang family... will it be over?

The best way now is to quickly take the Wang family and leave~www.readwn.com~ Take a step back! Come back if it's okay!

"Father, what happened?"

Wang Zhantian's eldest son walked out of the room.

"Quickly go! Don't ask! You go quickly! You go first!"

Wang Zhantian said loudly.

Seeing his father so panicked, Wang Shitian swallowed.

It seems that it is not very good.

"Then... the son is leaving first, father, you must be careful!"

After saying that Wang Shitian ran out of the gate!

In the next instant, his figure flew in, with a blood stain on his neck, already... his life was gone!

(End of this chapter)

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