I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 677: Go to 7th Heaven

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Chen Mo felt embarrassed.

Living with Lin Kexin, under normal circumstances, the contact time in a day is only one or two hours. The rest of the time is either sleeping or playing games, especially during this time, the time spent in games is too long and too long!

However, he didn't dare to leave for too long in the game, and it was because he had entered the sixth heaven now that he dare!

So Chen Mo really felt sorry for Lin Kexin.

But Lin Kexin really didn't think it was anything. She cared more about Chen Mo's body, which was too tired.

She also knows that if you often concentrate on fighting or doing something in the game, your body is really tired when you go offline, and although it seems that you are actually sleeping in reality, if you are not offline, your brain is actually You are not resting at all, as if you are sleeping, but in fact, you have a dream all night, and you will get tired in the morning!

This is a truth!

Lin Kexin, who doesn't play together often and chats, doesn't care very much. She is satisfied that she can cook for Chen Mo every day, but she is even more worried that Chen Mo will not be able to eat after such hard work.

But it doesn't seem like a big deal.

"Brother Chen Mo, what are you doing in the game now?"

After returning home, Lin Kexin asked expectantly.

"I arrived at a place called the Underworld, which is very dangerous, so I seldom go offline recently, because I am not very relieved to leave Xiaoyuan and the others there.

Chen Mo and Lin Kexin naturally have nothing to hide.

"Well... That's the way it turns out, Yingmeng always talks about you."

"What do you say?"

"No, I just want to take Brother Chen Mo to dinner or something. Kexin often eats and chats with them during this time."

Chen Mo nodded.

"Well, there shouldn't be too much time when I finish this thing. Will there be a lantern show then? Let's go see it together."

"Okay! But Brother Chen Mo, you must pay attention to rest."

Chen Mo nodded.


"Ding...Welcome to Tianlin."

Entering Tianlin, Chen Mo bought a lot of delicious food in Liuzhongtian, and then returned to the room.

The room has two beds, three girls sleep together, and Lin Xiaoyu sleeps in the other one.

After Chen Mo entered the room, they were all up, sitting there chatting.

Lin Xiaoyu helped the three girls pour tea, and then sat there.

"Where did the master go?"

Lin Xiaoyu asked.

"Hmm... Big Brother must have bought us a lot of delicious food."

Xiao Yuan said sweetly.

"Young Master is really very good."

Lin Xiaoyu said softly.


The three girls nodded repeatedly.

At this moment, Chen Mo opened the door and walked in.

"Master! (Big brother!

Seeing Chen Mo coming in, they all stood up.

Chen Mo put the delicious food on the table.

"Be hungry, let's eat first, I'm hurrying after eating."

"it is good."

After eating, they came to the Tongtian Zhu from the sixth heaven to the seventh heaven together.

Zhuang Bifan was indeed there waiting for them.

"Brother Chen Mo!"

Zhuang Bifan gave Chen Mo a punch.

Chen Mo didn't wear a mask now. The reason he recognized Chen Mo was because of the girls around him.

Chen Mo nodded slightly.

"The Seventh Heaven is in front, this Underworld God is worth your hold."

Zhuang Bifan then sent a large amount of Underworld Value to Chen Mo.

"I'll go up ahead of time. At the seventh heaven, unless the mission is successful, we won't have any contact."

Chen Mo nodded.

He naturally understood that Zhuang Bifan was looking for someone who didn’t understand the Seventh Heaven and didn’t know him at all, and no one saw them in the Seventh Heaven. Therefore, it was impossible for him to have anything with Chen Mo in the Seventh Heaven. contact.

"Where is the position?" Chen Mo asked.

"There are hundreds of large and small empires in the Seventh Heaven, and the empire I am in is called the Kamikaze Empire. The Kamikaze Empire is relatively large. I am in the Southern Empire. What you need to go to is the junction of the Northern Empire and the Southern Empire. A Valkyrie is guarding there."

Zhuang Bifan paused, and then said: "When you enter the Seventh Heaven, the area you are in is called the Central Empire. That place belongs to a neutral place. There are countless people from various empires. When there, many people will invite you to enter the Seventh Heaven. If you go to their corresponding empire, you should also be able to meet someone who invites you into the kamikaze empire and the northern empire. It is easiest to follow them to the northern empire, but you have to make sure that they are not far from the border. Far away, otherwise you will have to spend a lot of time hurrying."

"Invite to enter the corresponding empire to fill the army?"

"Most empires have this idea, but if you don’t want to replenish the army, you can live there. You can also follow those people to the empire where you are. After all, from the sixth heaven to the seventh heaven, who is simple What about? Even if you live in the corresponding empire, once rooted, the corresponding city will be in danger, in fact, many capable people will take action! This is the real intention to win everyone, in fact, it is to contribute to the empire, after all, the Seven Heavens It’s the place where the daily wars are raging."

Zhuang Bifan explained to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo nodded slightly.

Probably he understood it!

"What is that person's name?"

"You don't need to know this for the time being. The less you know now, the less you will be exposed. When you reach the border of the Kamikaze Empire's Northern Empire, you will naturally know what her name is, but remember, you only have time Less than a month, otherwise you will have a toxic outbreak and be miserable."


"Also, how do you solve these girls around you? Do you want to take them with you?"

Chen Mo nodded.

"Also, if you take them with you, you will be less likely to be suspected when you get there, but you will definitely be noticed because they are so beautiful, do you know what I mean?"

"I have my own measures."

"Okay! Since Brother Chen Mo said so, then I can only choose to believe you, then I will go up first! There will be a period later!"

After speaking, Zhuang Bifan stepped into the Tongtianzhu.

"Master... are you really going there?"

Lin Xiaoyu looked worriedly at Chen Mo~www.readwn.com~ Now that he agreed to other people's things, he would do it, and there is nothing wrong with the unified empire, right? "

Chen Mo said.

"But...it will be very dangerous... Although the young master is very powerful, Xiao Yu heard that the people of Seventh Heaven are very, very strong, especially the female general. The son just now also said that she is very powerful. Xiao Yu is afraid of the young master..."

Lin Xiaoyu bit her red lips and said worriedly.

"It's okay."

Chen Mo didn't explain much to her either.

In Chen Mo's view, you went to a place, met a person, and met a thing, it was all destined by God!

(End of this chapter)

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