I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 689: Abnormality of the Scourge Bead

Latest website: In her eyes, what Linfeng Empire has to worry about is indeed the six empires! That is, the six surrounding empires, including the Kamikaze Empire, but this is a threat, and may not be really attacked. There may be only two or three empires that will attack, and there may even be empires attacking the Kamikaze Empire!

But if the six empires are really joining forces to attack the Linfeng Empire, how can it be held?

The Linfeng Empire and the Kamikaze Empire are both one, and the other five empires are almost two. How can it be possible that the power of 2+2+2+2+2+1 attacks an empire with only one power?

Even ten more Nangong feathers are useless! No matter how frightening she Nangong Yu is, it's useless!

It is equivalent to the difference between the realm of two people. The former is weaker and the latter is stronger, but the former is fast and can make up the realm gap with speed. The battle between the two sides can reach 50-50! But the current situation may be that the latter is the kind of existence that can pinch you to death no matter how fast you are! Does more skill still work?

Hope it's not true.


"Seventh Elder, there is something here that needs you to come and take a look."

In Fengshen Sect, Xiao Ruhan was swaying his legs and playing chess with Hua Sheng, drinking wine, and then Jian Wunan hurried over and said.

"What's the matter? Just find Girl Yunqi."

Xiao Ruhan said while holding the white child.

"It's the Scourge Bead."


The Bai Zi in Xiao Ruhan's hand fell on the chessboard and suddenly turned to look at Jian Wunan.

"Scourge Bead? What happened to the Scourge Bead?"

She quickly stood up, Hua Sheng also stood up, looking at Jian Wunan nervously.

The Scourge Orb will flicker if it senses Shura's power within a certain range! So this is something closely related to Chen Mo. The abnormal appearance of the Heavenly Scourge Bead means that Chen Mo appears abnormal. They know this very well.

"Let's take a look first, I can't say it!"


Then they went to the hall where the Heavenly Scourge Pearl was stored.

This Scourge Bead is the Scourge Bead of the Lingjian Pavilion. After coming to the Fengshen Sect, the Scourge Bead was placed in the Fengshen Sect by the way.

At this moment, beside the Sky Scourge Bead, Venerable Sacred Sword, Venerable Sword Heart and other strong men were surrounded there with frowning brows.

Xiao Ruhan ran in, looking at the Scourge Bead.

The entire body of the Scourge Bead is transparent, light gray and black, and there are also some white, dull appearances.

The normal Scourge Bead perceives Shura's power to flash that dark color, flashing one after another, the brighter the flashing brightness, the stronger Shura's power is perceived.

But at this moment, the Scourge Orb is not shining, but...

Many of them have stayed with the Scourge Orb for hundreds of years. What happens to the Scourge Orb, even a little bit, can be easily detected by the perception of these powerful people. At this moment, the Scourge Orb does not flicker, but it is more It has become even darker before, and the transparent white has disappeared a lot. This change is quite big, and this is the first change in so many years.

"Seventh elder, you have the best relationship with Chen Mo, so naturally I must tell you about this matter. This is something I just noticed. There is something abnormal, so it's better to tell you. What do you think?"

Venerable Holy Sword asked Xiao Ruhan.

Xiao Ruhan frowned when she looked at the darkened Heavenly Scourge Pearl, she was thinking, but she was not sure.

"Does it mean that the Sky Scourge Bead will become darker after it has sensed Shura's power? If this is the case, it makes sense, but I don't know it well, I have never heard of it." Yun Qi also said thoughtfully.

They all shook their heads, many of them are top powers, but they have never heard of this.

"It should be almost the same, I will go to Weiyang Palace to see if the Scourge Bead in Weiyang Palace has changed."

After Xiao Ruhan finished speaking, he hurried away.

"I... I also sent a letter to my father and asked him."

Tang Panpan said anxiously.

Xiao Ruhan came to Weiyang Palace, and she found that the Scourge Bead in Weiyang Palace was the same! She is really not sure.

"No, I can't figure it out." Xiao Ruhan murmured, then disappeared in place.

In the Moon God Palace, Xiao Ruhan suddenly appeared there.

It's not early now, and the city is basically quiet, but a woman in a white fairy skirt is still sitting on the top of the cold sky, the breeze is blowing her, her hair and skirt are flying slightly , There is no veil on her face. After all, this is her place. There is no need to wear a veil. That face is truly extraordinary. It's hard to describe, it's hard to describe, just beautiful!

Xiao Ruhan walked in. When she saw this scene, her heart was suddenly heavy.

"Are you paying attention to this too?"

Xiao Ruhan sat next to the Moon God, because she saw that the Moon God was also placing the Sky Scourge Bead, and the color of the Sky Scourge Bead also darkened.


The Moon God said slightly "um".

"The Scourge Bead was created by you. You have the most say, why?"

Moon God exhaled slightly, and slowly turned around to look at Xiao Ruhan, his expression a bit solemn.

If you look closely, you will find that Xiao Ruhan and Luna are seven points alike, but the temperament of Luna adds too many points to her! If Xiao Ruhan dressed up like her, she would definitely be against the sky! She didn't like to dress up too much, and even deliberately vilified herself, otherwise her face would be so shocking.

"Back then, I created twenty-five Scourge Beads, fourteen of which were in the major sects, and the rest were in the top powers, almost evenly distributed in the mainland. The purpose was to search for Shura information, but the Scourge Beads could not only perceive Shura's power within a certain range, and I also added a function to it."

The Moon God looked at Xiao Ruhan and said: "That is when one of the Scourge Beads perceives Shura's power ~www.readwn.com~ The Scourge Bead has been connected to Shura's will, similar to some kind of undetectable compulsion. Sex contract, no matter where Shura is, even in places where the Scourge Orb cannot be detected, the Scourge Orb can clearly perceive the extent of Shura!"

Xiao Ruhan frowned.

"You mean..."

"Yes, under normal circumstances, after the Scourge Bead perceives Shura's power, the Scourge Bead will become pure black, but because Chenmo is an exception, he has not become Shura for the time being, so the color of the Scourge Bead is normal. The colors you see are gray and black, but mostly white! You can understand that white is reason and black is Shura! The more black, it means that he is getting closer to the real Shura."

She picked up the Scourge Bead.

"Before, the Scourge Orb was a normal color. Even if he broke out that power and left, there has been no major change. But now, the black part of the Scourge Orb has risen from the normal 10% to 30%. In other words, he is almost half Shura now."

(End of this chapter)

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