I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 692: Chance to heal the eyes

Latest website: The next morning, Chen Mo and Lin Kexin finished their breakfast and chatted for a long time. They talked a lot...

Because the three girls and Lin Xiaoyu are in the barracks, Chen Mo is not worried about their safety, so he is not too anxious to go online. He also wants to chat with Lin Kexin or something. Zhao Yingmeng also came to have breakfast early in the morning. Up.

This girl is self-familiar, not to mention that the relationship between them is better. It's even breakfast, but it's really nice to have a lively and active atmosphere around her.

Zhao Yingmeng is a one who thinks that Chen Mo is Chen Mo, and now he is not in Tianlin, they can't see him, so they can only see him in reality.

"Brother Chen Mo, I have already talked to Tiandu. I asked my grandfather to ask a super super powerful doctor to treat your eyes. When can you come to Tiandu with me when you have time?"

Zhao Yingmeng ate breakfast and then asked Chen Mo.

She really wanted to help Chen Mo, and she had mentioned this matter with Chen Mo.

Chen Mo didn't care much at the time, but when Zhao Yingmeng brought it up again, his brows wrinkled slightly.

He definitely wants to improve his eyes. Although the law of life may be possible, if the law of life is not needed and normal modern treatments can be cured, wouldn't it be better?

But Chen Mo still remembered that when he went to check his eyes, he said that the nerve was injured. There is almost no possibility of curing. There may be a little possibility of craniotomy, but at the same time, there is a great possibility of death on the operating table! So Chen Mo gave up.

There is a high chance of dying on the operating table, and then only a small chance to recover. Who will try?

But now so many years have passed, and the times are advancing at a rapid pace, maybe it's really possible.


Chen Mo still doesn't want to try it if he wants to have a craniotomy. It is estimated that these are the only possibilities.

"Forget it, the doctor said before that there is a chance that a cure is a craniotomy. The danger is still great, so let's not try it."

"Um... but the grandpa I was looking for was super super powerful. I heard that even if a person is about to die, he can be cured by him. Anyway, it is super powerful, and it's not that you want Brother Chen Mo to undergo surgery in the past. The grandfather of the genius doctor helps Brother Chen Mo to see if it can be cured. Those doctors say that the doctor can’t cure it, but it doesn’t mean that the grandpa the genius doctor can’t.”

Zhao Yingmeng explained.

Can people be cured if they die?

Could it be someone who has entered a new level?

If this is the case, you can try it.

"Brother Chen Mo, let's go, Kexin will also accompany you. If Brother Chen Mo can have good eyes, that would be the happiest thing."

Lin Kexin looked at Chen Mo expectantly and said.

Zhao Yingmeng nodded again and again: "Yeah, that grandfather of the magical doctor is super-stated and famous. It is said that he exists on the same name as the grandfather of the sword god, because grandpa and him know him before agreeing. Brother Chen Mo will go. It's really super, super not easy to be able to get Grandpa's genius doctor."

Chen Mo: "..."

The Sword God, he has heard, is said to be one of the strongest of the Sky Blue Star. The strongest is the strongest in combat power. The strongest combat power means the strongest realm, but what is the strongest realm? Chen Mo didn't even know!

That genius doctor is as famous as the sword god? It might really be possible! That is no longer the ability of mortals! It is said that the sword **** can split a hill with one sword and put it in the eyes of others. This is simply a joke. Is this still a human?

But if the realm reaches a certain level, it can really be done.

Zhao Yingmeng's grandfather can invite such a master! Then this Zhao Yingmeng's family is definitely not an ordinary family!

"Okay, thank you very much. I will pay no matter how much money it is."

Chen Mo said.

"No need, Brother Chen Mo, you have helped us so much, really no need."

Zhao Yingmeng said happily when Chen Mo agreed.

Chen Mo frowned slightly.

This sentence didn't sound much in Lin Kexin's ears, but in Chen Mo's ears...

This basically exposed the news that Zhao Yingmeng knew that he was Chenmo in the game.

Did he help her in reality? Almost none! Is it worth asking her grandfather to invite that powerful genius doctor? It's not worth it, and definitely not that level!

But Chen Mo in the game is worth it!

So now Chen Mo has basically determined that Zhao Yingmeng has guessed his identity.

He knew there would be such a day, but he didn't expect this so-so girl to notice it so quickly.

But it should be nothing. She didn't say broken, and Chen Mo wouldn't say broken, so let's keep it like this for now.

"When the time comes, I can't trouble people in vain, when will we leave?"

This is indeed an important thing for Chen Mo! Although it seems to Chen Mo to restore vision in Tianlin, it is really possible, but what if you can't do it? But what if you can't find the law of life?

If it can be cured in reality, why not choose?

"Um... Grandpa the genius doctor seems to be coming next week. I guess I can tell my grandpa three or four days, then I will leave next week."

Chen Mo nodded; "Okay, thank you."

"Hee hee, no thanks, but Brother Chen Mo and Kexin don't tell others, by the way, sister Qinghan don't tell either."

"Is it because Yingmeng was born into a big family?" Lin Kexin asked.

Although Zhao Yingmeng had never told them about her life experience, since she said it today, it is impossible to hide her life experience from Chen Mo and Lin Kexin, anyone can guess.

"Hmm... My sister and I just want to live a simple life. I am afraid that if Sister Qinghan knows that feeling will change, although Sister Qinghan may have guessed it with her cleverness."


Chen Mo and Lin Kexin nodded slightly.

"Then... Then I'll go first, and go online first, or I might be left behind again, hehe." Zhao Yingmeng ran away after speaking.

"Brother Chen Mo, that's great. Brother Chen Mo will be especially convenient when his eyes are better."

Lin Kexin is happy from the heart~www.readwn.com~If Yingmeng said that, the grandfather of the genius doctor must be very special and he can do it. "

Chen Mo nodded softly.

If it is really that level of existence, it will surpass common sense, such as a terminal illness in everyone's eyes, it may be a matter of a few silver needles in the hands of that degree of existence, it is really such an exaggeration!

But Chen Mo definitely can't expect too much! Otherwise, if you are disappointed then you will feel bad.

"I'm online first, maybe I can finish some things within this week."

"Well, will Brother Chen Mo eat at noon?"

Chen Mo said: "Not necessarily, you do it yourself, don't be like me, your health matters."

"Know it."

(End of this chapter)

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