I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 698: Annihilation

Latest website: These girls are here, and Chenmo must be here!

"Xiao Yuan, run slowly, don't fall."

Lin Xiaoyu shouted.

She took care of them under Chen Mo's order, but...

The girls were so naughty and lively, she was really afraid they would fall.

Although it doesn't matter to her if she falls, she just thinks it's her own problem. That's really worrying.

Zhuang Bifan is easy to pass, so they are not afraid of seeing it.

"Brother, how come there are so many beautiful girls playing in this barracks? This is different from what I thought."

Zhuang Bifan asked the soldier next to him, but he was just talking.

"Oh, that's the case, they are the female relatives of Young Master Chen Mo, they are very cute, hey, they remind me of my daughter."

Zhuang Bifan was taken aback.

Only a few days? This Chen Mo has already made everyone in this barracks know?

How did he do that?

"What is this Young Master Chenmo?"

Zhuang Bifan continued to talk.

"Oh, you newcomer may not know, Young Master Chenmo didn't know what power he used that night to kill all the kamikaze empire's clutter in an instant, millions of people, just like that. No, it’s so cool! Hahaha! So, Young Man Chenmo is the one we admire now!"


Zhuang Bifan exclaimed.

"You feel shocked too!"

Zhuang Bifan gritted his teeth and nodded.

It's him!

He actually did that thing?

He turned back?

it is good! well!

"Then where is he now? Such a powerful character is better than our general? I really want to see him."

"He, I don’t know. The general hasn’t seen him anyway anyway. Young Master Chenmo is still having dinner with these lovely girls in the morning. Now I don’t know where to go. I heard that the six empires are going to attack. We are probably discussing tactics with the general! Don’t you know, the myth of our general’s undefeated defeat was defeated by Young Master Chenmo!"


Zhuang Bifan looked at him with interest.

"Young Master Chen Mo and the General Sandbox played against each other. Our general lost to Young Master Chen Mo for several rounds. I have never seen anyone win her since I followed the General. It's amazing!"

"It's amazing!"

Zhuang Bifan nodded and said.

He is particularly eager to kill Chen Mo, but he has it under control! He must control it!

His bigger goal is to kill Nangong Yu, or to injure her, so he must make sure that Chen Mo and Nangong Yu are together to detonate! He must hold back! Must be restrained!


On the other side, Chen Mo and Nangong Yu sat next to the artificial lake, overlooking the earth in the distance!

"What do you want to do most?"

Chen Mo asked.


Nangong Yu glanced at Chen Mo.

After spending a few days with Nangong Yu, Chen Mo discovered that in front of the soldiers, she was a heroic general and a good friend of everyone, but when she was alone, or when they were chatting, she was actually a woman! Sentimentality is actually very simple.

"That is, what is your wish?"

Chen Mo asked.

It's a task.

"My wish..."

Nangong Yu looked at the distant land and said, "I don’t have a particularly grand wish. I can’t make the entire Seventh Heaven peaceful. So my biggest wish is actually that my Linfeng Empire and the Kamikaze Empire can be merged to give birth to me and raise me. The wind emperor proclaims the emperor, and the tyrant sacrifices to the heavens. In this case, the entire Kamikaze Empire...No, the people of the Linfeng Empire can live and work in peace and contentment. I believe that an empire that lives and works in peace and contentment must develop much faster than other empires! There is no need to worry about Linfeng Empire being attacked by other empires."

This is her wish, it just happened to go well with what he is doing now!

You say that it is impossible for people to have no selfishness! Chen Mo helped to do so much, but of course he was selfish, wasn't it just for his own task?

What does the life and death of people here have to do with him? However, Nangong Yu really made him admire.

"I think you are also very suitable to be an emperor, because I believe you must be from the heart for the people."

"Me? I don't have such a big pursuit, so it's good for me to be a general with peace of mind. Drinking, eating meat, chatting with my brothers, and listening to them about my family and the past is good."

Nangong Yu shook his head and said.

Then she looked at Chen Mo and said, "I think you have the possibility of being a god."


"Just intuition, I think you are very different, very powerful, better than anyone I have ever met, and of course, also above me."

"Maybe the day we meet again, you will also be called God."

Chen Mo said.

Nangong Yu did not speak.

In the distance, a dark crowd appeared in their eyes.


Nangong Yu said.

"Are there no spies?"

Nangong Yu said: "The six empires besieged the Linfeng Empire. In everyone's eyes, ambushes by a large number of soldiers would not be a good choice. It would be better to guard the benefits of fighting in front of the city gate, so I am afraid they are not. I would think that our Linfeng Empire has this force to carry out ambushes. It is true that we did not send a large number of troops to ambush. Without you, I would definitely not choose to ambush, no... this is not necessarily true."

Nangong Yu then continued: "The only thing that will be defeated is a last fight. Without you, the only way to fight a last fight is to block the Six Nations, although the ultimate success rate is almost zero, because there is really no time to prepare."

"Hide it first." Chen Mo said.

"it is good!"

Then the two went into hiding!

On the other side, a mighty army of more than two million rushed to this side, and the leaders were several very powerful generals!

"General, there is Fallen Phoenix Ridge ahead. This is very suitable for ambushes. Do you think we should send a small team to investigate?"

A lieutenant asked respectfully.


Zhang Tianmeng raised his head and glanced, then sneered.

"Even if Luofengji is in an ambush, how many people can it hold?"

"Up to 200,000 people out of sight!"

"How many of us?"

"Two and five million!"

"Then do you say they dare to ambush?"


Zhang Tian fiercely said: "200,000 ~ www.readwn.com~ there will be no return. The six countries send troops. With the strength of the Linfeng Empire, 200,000 may not dare to draw out. Their only way is to defend. Fighting in the city, defending the city is much smarter than ambushing. Now that they have 10,000 fewer troops, Changfeng City will defend an hour less. Do you dare to let the 200,000 troops die here in vain?"


"The whole army passed through Luofengji and rested on the spot for two hours after passing!"


Then the mighty army walked towards Luofengji.

Twenty minutes later...

The corner of Chen Mo's mouth twitched slightly, and the two sharp blades of Nangong Yu rushed to the sky, directly cutting the dam!

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