I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 701: I will spare your life!

The latest website: Chen Mo's suddenly appeared again to make everyone happy.

"Young Master Chenmo, what happened just now?"

Nangong Yu was actually surprised, what kind of ability is he? Why can it disappear in an instant, come back in an instant, and can't perceive the existence of breath at all?

She believes that her super **** level strength will never be possible!

"It's okay!"

Chen Mo shook his head, then turned on Shura to kill pupils, and swept toward everyone around him.

To be honest, he is a player, or in other words, there will be a system prompt, otherwise this is something he did not expect.

Zhuang Bifan was stunned!

what happened? What exactly is going on?

Why did he disappear when he was about to detonate, and now he is back alive?

Unscathed, just changed clothes.

He can't figure it out! Do not understand!

Is it a coincidence?

Did it fail?


No, it must be withdrawn now!

Just as he turned and took a few steps, a hand was placed on his shoulder.

"Prince Zhuang, are you leaving in such a hurry?"

Chen Mo's cold voice sounded behind him.

Zhuang Bifan trembled all over.

"Prince Zhuang?" Nangong Yu frowned.

She is too familiar with the surname Zhuang, plus the prince...


The six blades instantly surrounded Zhuang Bifan! Seeing Nangong Yu's move, thousands of soldiers around him instantly became vigilant and surrounded him.

Zhuang Bifan gritted his teeth.

He knew that he was noticed by everyone, and his disguise would have no effect, because he would definitely be discovered.

Zhuang Bifan then turned around.

"I just want to know how do you know that the poison pill I gave you is still sealed with powerful power, when did you know that I was here, and how did you leave when it was about to detonate, and why did you Not dead yet?"

Zhuang Bifan looked at Chen Mo.

A series of questions have all confirmed Chen Mo's speculation and doubts!

In fact, Chen Mo never guessed that besides being a poison pill, it was actually a time bomb!

"you do not need to know."


Zhuang Bifan laughed.

"Okay! Nangong Yu, you are lucky! It is also the prince's bad luck. You met such a monster!"

Zhuang Bifan looked at Chen Mo.

With Nangong Yu here, he has no way to escape!


A blade was inserted into Zhuang Bifan's abdomen!


Zhuang Bifan held his stomach and spit out blood and knelt on the ground.

This blow was not to kill him, but to destroy his dantian.

"Come here, take him into the jail, wait for it to be sent!"

Nangong Yu said coldly.


Chen Mo stopped her.

"Young Master Chen Mo, what else is there?"

"Let him go."


Nangong Yu looked at Chen Mo.

"It's just a person, and I can't get over any big waves. I caught him, and it made sense to dislike him, but I have to say that he is also the one who helped me get to the Seventh Heaven as soon as possible. Let him die. When I pay him back One favor."

"it is good!"

Nangongyu nodded without hesitation.

Yes, it's just a person, can't make a big wave!

Zhuang Bifan knelt on the ground and looked up at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo's golden underworld chain released a black mist into Zhuang Bifan underworld chain.

"Pluto is worth I pay you back, let me let go, I don't owe you anything, see you next time, I will kill you!"

Chen Mo said coldly.

To tell the truth, Chen Mo is indeed the one who must repay his flaws. Although this Zhuang Bifan was holding his mortal heart from the beginning, Chen Mo did rely on his Pluto value to go smoothly and arrived at Qizhong as quickly as possible. God, Chen Mo gave him his life and returned his psychic value, which was reasonable.

Zhuang Bifan really didn't expect that he could save himself from death! This is definitely a surprise!

The realm is gone, for him, he is actually not as painful as those people, because he is the prince, and when the realm is gone, he can still enjoy the glory and wealth!

"Okay! You Chenmo is also a person with clear grievances and grievances, and the prince will not say much about your contradictions!"

After speaking, Zhuang Bifan clutched his stomach, staggered through the crowd and walked out.


Hmm...forget it!

Chen Mo did not deny it.

"Master Chen Mo, what just happened?"

Nangong Yu looked at Chen Mo.

"It's okay."

Chen Mo shook his head.


Nangong Yu didn't ask any more.

"Brothers, this is nothing to worry about. Now there are more important things. Now everyone is moving and preparing for the celebration party!"

"it is good!"

Almost the entire army has wiped out a country’s soldiers without a single soldier. This is definitely worth the celebration. This has made the soldiers passionate before the actual fight. This is definitely a very important thing for the war, the morale of the soldiers. Too important is too important, and Nangong Yu will lift everyone's morale very much.

The three girls and Lin Xiaoyu came to Chen Mo's side.

"Big brother, Xiao Rou also wants to fight!"

Long Xiaorou waved her powder fist cutely and said.


Seeing her lovely appearance, Nangong Yu couldn't help laughing.

These girls are really simple and cute, she likes them so much.

"No, your big brother is enough."

Nangong Yu rubbed Long Xiaorou's head and smiled.


Then Nangong Yu looked at Chen Mo and said, "Master Chen Mo, now you have great prestige in the army. Please also accompany everyone to the celebration banquet."

Chen Mo nodded.

This celebration banquet is a paradise for three girls.


But today's battle completely shocked the entire Seventh Heaven!

It took no effort to defeat the Yunhai Empire with more than two million troops. What a sky-defying operation?

Of course, it is Nangong Yu who is famous because everyone thinks that Nangong Yu did all of this. Although Nangong Yu said it was Chen Mo, everyone didn’t believe it, or didn’t even hear the name. They all thought it was Nangong Yu, because This woman is outstanding in this respect.

The face of the Yunhai Empire is completely gone! The loss of more than two million yuan ~www.readwn.com~ is really great for an empire of this level! You know, the Linfeng Empire simply guarding Changfeng City can only come up with more than three million troops!

Naturally, other empires also gradually learned!

Everyone was shocked by Nangong Yu's ability! But the other five empires did not panic!

Although there is one missing Yunhai Empire, isn't it also missing an opponent who competes and annexes Linfeng Empire?

You Nangong Yu spent such a long time doing this thing, it is really worth the money, then you are against the sky, no matter how outstanding, can you do it against the armies of the other five empires in a short time? Can you?

Even if you are a god, it is already against the sky to be able to do this. For the other five empires, you are a **** and you absolutely cannot think of any such method! Moreover, there is also the element of luck on the side of the Yunhai Empire, in the eyes of those people, so! They are shocked, but they will not stop them from moving forward, but they will be more vigilant about Nangong Yu.

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