I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 705: Mysterious Little Beggar

The latest website: Zhao Yingmeng and Lin Kexin are very strange!

They stared at Chen Mo's chain of disaster carefully. The strange thing is that this bracelet does not seem to have a switch, and it does not look like there is a place for electronics. Why does it flash?

And this kind of flash is very strange, it doesn't feel like that of electronic equipment flashes, it just feels like this anyway.

Zhao Yingmeng then stretched out her index finger curiously to touch it.

"Don't touch it!"

Chen Mo whispered.

Zhao Yingmeng trembled all over, then withdrew his hand, startled.

"If you don't touch it, don't touch it, Brother Chen Mo, you scare me."

Zhao Yingmeng's little mouth pursed.

It's not that you don't touch it, you can't touch it. Chen Mo doesn't know if it can be. This is a chain of disasters, which represents disasters. Chen Mo does not guarantee that others will not happen if they touch them.


Chen Mo said slightly, and then asked: "Is it still flashing?"

"Hmm, it's still flashing."

Lin Kexin nodded.

Chen Mo's brows were still not stretched out!

Is there something on this plane?

Since the chain of calamity has reacted, it must mean that it is connected with the chain of calamity, and the chain of calamity has also reacted to the sky blue star. In fact, it is not surprising to Chen Mo that he can reach the sky. What's weird about bringing out the stuff?

"Come out! Come out!"

Suddenly an angry shout came from the cabin! Everyone's eyes looked over.

Several beautiful flight attendants stood there with some fear, and the one who was speaking was a security officer on the plane, who was holding an electric baton at the bottom of a seat! There was no one in the seat, and no one would notice normally, but inexplicably, a foot protruded from there. They only knew that this was a person, and it seemed to be a young person, but it was strange, the vigilance was normal.

"I will take coercive measures if I don't come out again!"

This is an airplane. Any slight clue can bring unimaginable consequences. This unusual scene is really worrying.

"Okay! Can't come out yet!"

The man then grabbed the foot and pulled her out.

Everyone stood up and looked over, then froze.

A girl rubbed her sleepy big eyes, yawned and then opened her eyes. She lay on the ground, blinked and glanced at the scene around her, suddenly showing a frightened expression.

It wasn't that she didn't come out, but that she slept too soundly.

"Who is this? How did she come up?"

The captain watched this scene and turned to look at the young ladies of the flight attendants.

"We don't know, she is definitely not one of the passengers."

This girl is all dirty, and she doesn’t know where she got her clothes. I’m afraid it’s a long-sleeved sweater of a 1.8 meter tall man. The whole clothes she wore on her body reached her knees. I don’t know how long a sleeve is, how tall it is...

They are very small, similar to Xiaoyuan, their faces are dirty, their legs are covered with dust and dirt, and they don't even have shoes. They just stand there with two dirty feet and their hair is messy.

In short, this is a little beggar!

To be honest, if Chen Mo saw her, he would definitely think of seeing Xiao Yuan at the time. Wasn't it the same way when he saw Xiao Yuan for the first time?

"What are you doing, such a big airline, you can let people get into the plane? This is the security capability of your airline? I want to complain!"

A male passenger pointed at them angrily.

It's nothing, but it's ridiculous!

A little beggar slipped into the plane! Isn't this absurd?

With this level of security, such a small beggar can get in. Wouldn't it be that some criminals can get in casually? How to ensure their safety?

"That's right, how do you guys work!"

"I must reflect this to the society!"


"Sorry, sorry everyone, this matter is our negligence, we will definitely investigate it, and the identity of this girl will definitely be investigated! You guys, lock her up first and see if there is anything suspicious about her. thing!"


Then several flight attendants took the girl away.

"poor thing."

The kind hearts of Zhao Yingmeng and Lin Kexin were hooked.

The main thing is that she is a very young girl. What kind of a bad person can she be, and she is so young, she has no shoes, her body is dirty, her clothes are all torn...

But even though they have encountered this kind of thing, what can they do?

It’s a good thing for her to be discovered. If she is really not a bad person, then at least she can receive such attention. dead!

But not necessarily!

Such a big airline might be discredited because of her sneaking in, and the market value will plummet by then. Maybe people in this company will secretly use her to relieve her anger!

"Huh? Brother Chen Mo, is your bracelet dead? The bright light dimmed."

Zhao Yingmeng suddenly discovered something amazing and said.

Chen Mo frowned slightly.

"Ke Xin, take me to the direction of the girl who was caught just now."

Chen Mo said to Lin Kexin.


Zhao Yingmeng scratched her hair, what is this going to do?

"Kexin, is the bracelet brighter than just now?"

Chen Mo asked.

"Yeah! It's brighter than Yingmeng just said."

"Get closer."

"Hey, it's brighter, and the flickering frequency is faster. Brother Chen Mo, does it have anything to do with that little girl?"

Although Lin Kexin feels that there is something in the world, the light and frequency of Brother Chen Mo's bracelet has something to do with a little girl? It was true, but she also guessed a little bit and understood a little bit.

Chen Mo nodded: "It may be, there is still a spare room at home."

"Does Brother Chen Mo want to adopt her?"

Lin Kexin blinked her eyes and asked.

She is willing~www.readwn.com~ In this way, the family will definitely be lively, and Lin Kexin is a softhearted girl, and that girl is so young, she is willing.

Chen Mo felt that although he was uncertain now, he doubted that it would be good to be able to keep her!

When a person goes to a place, meets a person, something happens, it is always destined, whether it is good or bad, there will always be something for you. Chen Mo has always believed in this.

Chen Mo nodded slightly.

"Yeah, Kexin thinks too, but..."

Lin Kexin thought for a while and said, "Then how can I take her away? She has been arrested now."

"Isn't there still a daughter with a very special identity?"

Chen Mo's meaning is very clear.

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