I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 706: uninvited guest

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Is this Zhao Yingluo deliberate or is he really leaking? This is not cheating.

"What's wrong with Yingmeng?"

Lin Kexin asked.

"In big trouble, an unexpected guest came."

"What uninvited guest?"

Zhao Yingmeng said helplessly: "A brown candy, the family is quite powerful."

"A pursuer of Shadow Dream?"

Lin Kexin asked.

Zhao Yingmeng nodded.

"It's normal. It's normal for Yingmeng to be so beautiful and to have pursuers."

To be honest, until now Chen Mo didn't even know what Zhao Yingmeng looked like.

In the game, she wears a veil all day long.

"It's just that it's not time to come, forget it, anyway, I don't bother to care about him, Brother Chen Mo, let's go into the room.

Then Lin Kexin took them to a villa together.

"Miss is here."

The door of the villa opened, and a beautiful middle-aged woman...No, you don’t think she is a middle-aged woman at all, she is very beautiful, very young, and even looks like her in her twenties, if it weren’t because she was wearing Ring, Lin Kexin really felt that she would not be married.

"My dear baby, mom wants you to die."

She saw Zhao Yingmeng, then ran over, took Zhao Yingmeng in her arms and rubbed it vigorously.

"Mom... I'm not a plush toy, and it will break if I rub it again." Zhao Yingmeng said helplessly.

"You were born to mom, so you can play whatever you want."

Everyone: "..."

Although Chen Mo didn't see what happened, just this sentence...


Lin Kexin held back a smile there.

Qin Wei then let go of Zhao Yingmeng and looked at Lin Kexin and the others.

"Oh, what a pretty girl." Then she couldn't help but ran over and picked up Xiao Meng in one hand.

Xiao Meng looked innocent and confused.

"Mom, her name is Xiao Meng, she is Brother Chen Mo and Ke Xin's younger sister."

"It's so cute, just like you and your sister when you were young." Qin Weiwei couldn't help but rubbed Xiao Meng's little cheek.

"Mom, this is Kexin, and Brother Chen Mo."

Zhao Yingmeng introduced.

"I've heard Yingmeng talking about you a long time ago, saying that you take good care of her, don't be outside, come in quickly, and the dinner is ready."

Qin Weiwei said with a smile.

Seeing Lin Kexin is also quite pleasing, very beautiful, and that at first glance she is a kind girl, think about her daughter living with them, it should be safe, as long as she is surrounded by kind people That's good.


She looked at Chen Mo.

At the first sight of him, she had a strange feeling!

This person is handsome, but he can't see anything. It's weird. There are really few young people who can't see through.

Very strange, Chen Mo made her feel a little strange.

"Thank you sister...auntie."

Lin Kexin gave a sweet cry.

Qin Weiwei put Xiao Meng down and said with a smile: "Did you girl just want to call sister?"

I'm happy to hear this.

Lin Kexin spit out her pink tongue.

"It's okay, just shout like that."


Zhao Yingmeng stomped her feet and groaned.

This mother really doesn't have a proper form, so how can a girl of the same age call her sister.

"Hahaha, all right, go in first, it's cold outside."

Then Lin Kexin helped Chen Mo walk forward.

"Brother Chen Mo, be careful, there are steps ahead."

Lin Kexin said softly.

Chen Mo nodded.

Then Qin Weiwei glanced back.

Can't this kid see with his eyes?

She only knew that her daughter took her friends home as a guest, but she didn't know what she was doing, and she didn't even act like an invisible person just now.

This daughter, people can't see it. Why are you taking him home? How dangerous.


Qin Weiwei called Zhao Yingmeng to her side and said, "Then Chen Mo has bad eyes, why are you bringing him here? There is strong light outside, which is even worse for the eyes."

"I brought Brother Chen Mo for treatment."


"Yeah, I asked Grandpa to invite Grandpa the genius doctor."

Qin Weiwei: "..."

"You! You, you girl!"

Qin Weiwei was angrily speechless, and then whispered: "This medical sage has an old friendship with your grandfather, but even asking him for help is a great favor."

"But Brother Chen Mo took special care of me. It's really good, but he can't see it anymore, so I want to ask Grandpa Genius Doctor to help."

"Hey, it's okay, anyway, don't have a next time, the medical sage's favor is too big, you know?"

"Anyway, I don't care about others, Brother Chen Mo, I must help."

Zhao Yingmeng murmured.

"Yes, you girl like him?"

Qin Weiwei asked.

"Wh... there is no such thing, don't talk nonsense!"

Zhao Yingmeng said quickly, but her face was slightly flushed.

Seeing the appearance of her own daughter, what else can she know as a mother?

"What is the relationship between Kexin and Chen Mo?"

Qin Weiwei asked.

"Hmm... I think they are brothers and sisters, but they are just brothers and sisters they recognize."

Zhao Yingmeng also felt that they were lovers, but she had asked Lin Kexin more than once, but Lin Kexin did not say that they were lovers. There was no need to hide this kind of thing, so for the time being they should not be lovers, she was relatively certain.

"So you like him?"

"No...no, I told you to stop talking nonsense, huh!"

As they spoke, they walked into the villa.

Xiao Meng blinked her big eyes to watch this magnificent scene, and then stared straight at the table full of delicious foods, her saliva was about to flow down.

"Xiao Meng, go and sit down." Zhao Yingmeng walked over and rubbed her little head.

Xiao Meng nodded, then glanced at Chen Mo and Lin Kexin who were following him, ran over and stayed by Chen Mo and Lin Kexin obediently.

In the entire villa, apart from a few beautiful girls who help serve dishes and drink wine, there are only a middle-aged man and an extremely handsome man.

"Shadow Dream."

Ou Zhenjie saw Zhao Yingmeng, then stood up from the sofa, smiled and walked to Zhao Yingmeng.

"Brother Zhenjie."

Zhao Yingmeng shouted.

"I haven't seen it for a long time and I have become beautiful again."

Ou Zhenjie smiled.


Then she ran into the arms of the middle-aged man behind ~www.readwn.com~Daddy. "

Zhao Yingmeng then coquettishly.

"Good girl, it's heavier again."

Zhao Lingfeng hugged his good daughter and said with a smile.


Zhao Yingmeng acted spoiled and then pulled Zhao Lingfeng up.

"Daddy, this is Kexin, my super super good friend, this is Chen Mo, and my super super good friend."

Zhao Lingfeng smiled and looked at them. Like Qin Weiwei, he paid more attention when his eyes fell on Chen Mo.

Chen Mo's temperament is the kind of feeling that will feel uncommon at a glance, yes, not an ordinary person.

(End of this chapter)

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