I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 712: Return trip

Latest URL: For the two old guys, they are really touching.

Chen Mo's eyes could not be cured, but he told her that it could be cured, so she was relieved! This is a white lie.

And Lin Kexin's heart had failed to such an extent, she didn't want them to tell Chen Mo.

"Old Zhao, should you rest assured that your granddaughter is following these two young people?"

Jiang Renyi said.

"Hey, kind-hearted children, why do these things fall on them."

Zhao Aiguo sighed.

"There are still too many things we can't do in the world. You, the sword god, have seen too many."

Jiang Renyi sighed and said.

"Yeah, there are too many powerless things in the world. As long as you are human, you will always meet. Let alone cook. It's been a long time since I cooked for my good granddaughter."


Lin Kexin walked out, and Chen Mo sat in the courtyard chatting.

"Kexin, what's wrong?"

Zhao Yingmeng saw Lin Kexin ask.

Lin Kexin was still in a daze.

"Ah...no...nothing, the two grandpas won't let me help."

Lin Kexin spit out her pink tongue and said.

The little dream next to him sat beside Chen Mo and looked at Lin Kexin.

"Puff, isn't it because you dislike your stupid hands? Impossible, impossible, but Xin, how could you be stupid." Zhao Yingmeng shook her head and said.

Lin Kexin sat next to Chen Mo, lowering her head, thinking about something.

"what happened?"

Chen Mo looked at Lin Kexin and asked, "What's wrong?"

Although Chen Mo couldn't see it, he could feel it a little.

"Huh? It's nothing."

Lin Kexin smiled and shook her head.

"Yeah." Chen Mo nodded slightly.

Zhao Yingmeng gave Lin Kexin a strange look. Why did he always feel that Kexin was worried? Brother Chen Mo's eyes should be restored after a while. What a joyful thing, how could Kexin still be worried? What?

After a while, Zhao Aiguo's voice came from the room: "Girls, come and serve food, let's eat in the yard!"

"Come on!"

Zhao Yingmeng then ran in, and Lin Kexin also ran in.


Xiao Meng gently tugged at the corner of Chen Mo's clothes at this time.


Chen Mo looked at her suspiciously.

"Brother, sister's situation is very bad, sister has only three months..."

Xiao Meng said to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo frowned.


Lin Kexin brought out everything, and Chen Mo learned everything from Xiao Meng's mouth!

Because Xiao Meng has the ability to hear other people’s voices, maybe Lin Kexin has forgotten this. Although Xiao Meng is big and small, she may be more mature than a girl of this age. She is considering Don't tell Chen Mo, but she decided to tell!

Because she felt Chen Mo's inner worry about Lin Kexin, she even knew what Chen Mo might have to help her, so she decided to tell Chen Mo.

In the state of mind, Xiao Meng is much more mature than Shui Shui, but only the state of mind is actually a little girl. If they are together, it is estimated that they can really chat around every day.

Chen Mo learned everything from Xiao Meng. He now has only one goal, the law of life!

He believes that the law of life can heal Lin Kexin, and it can definitely be!

He must now go back quickly, leave the underworld, and then look for the law of life!

If it was before, Chen Mo's law of life was only for himself, now it is for Lin Kexin! He can even keep his eyes from regaining his vision, he must find and save Lin Kexin.

However, what Chen Mo didn't understand was...

Isn't Lin Kexin's heart better?

She has been lying to herself!

Chen Mo secretly clenched his fists!

He didn't blame Lin Kexin, but himself. He kept asking Lin Kexin to cook, do housework, and go out with him for a little exercise! Chen Mo felt that if this were not the case, Lin Kexin's situation would be much better than it is now!

Can it!

Can Tianlin's law of life save her!

Chen Mo clenched his fists tighter.

"Brother Chen Mo, have dinner."

Lin Kexin looked at Chen Mo and said softly.

Chen Mo's clenched fists loosened slightly.

"Well, eat."

After the meal, Chen Mo and the others said goodbye to Zhao Yingmeng's grandfather and Jiang Renyi. Zhao Yingmeng wanted Chen Mo to stay one more day, but Chen Mo was more anxious, so she left together.

Yes, if it is normal, Chen Mo might stay one more day, but now for him, one day is a very important time!

Lin Kexin has three months left...Three months to find an illusory law, can he do it?

Chen Mo really didn't dare to make sure! So he will worry, and even if he finds it, how to use it?

To be honest, Chen Mo has the Law of Soul and the Law of Withering, but all he can do is to use it in the game, resurrecting players, resurrecting himself, withering monsters, and withering NPCs. How do you use them in reality?

This is what Chen Mo is particularly worried about!

Even if he finds it, how to use it? How to use power on Lin Kexin in reality!

Chen Mo didn't know! So he panicked.

"Ke Xin, do you think there is something wrong with Brother Chen Mo?"

Zhao Yingmeng whispered to Lin Kexin.

Lin Kexin nodded.

Girls are actually very, very thoughtful, and Chen Mo's performance really feels very different from before.

"Will the genius doctor Grandpa couldn't help Brother Chen Mo, and then Brother Chen Mo just lied to you?"

Zhao Yingmeng guessed.

Lin Kexin shook her head.

The little dream next to her didn't say a word. She knew the reason best, so she ate delicious food and didn't speak.

In fact, she is willing to follow Chen Mo and the others for very simple reasons. First, she likes the taste of Chen Mo very much, and she likes it inexplicably, but she wants to approach him inexplicably. Second, she can hear everyone's voice. So I also know that Chen Mo and each of them are good people, not the many bad people I saw on the street, so she didn't worry anymore.

how to say? She thinks it is a good thing to tell Chen Mo, otherwise, if one day is really late, she will also blame herself.

"Brother Chen Mo, would you like to drink water?"

Lin Kexin asked in a low voice.

Chen Mo walked out of his thoughts, then shook his head: "You drink, I won't drink anymore."


Lin Kexin doesn't know what to say~www.readwn.com~ Is it really the grandfather of the genius doctor who could not cure Brother Chen Mo?

She is also not sure.

Soon the plane landed, and they returned home.

"Brother Chen Mo, then I will go home first, and go out for dinner tonight?"

Zhao Yingmeng asked expectantly.

"Forget it, the cold air is coming today, the weather is too cold, next time." Chen Mo said.

"Then...Will Kexin go together?"

Before Lin Kexin spoke, Chen Mo said: "It's too cold, next time."

(End of this chapter)

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