I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 722: Lin Xiaoyu's life experience

Latest URL: Dark God took two steps forward and said vigilantly: "Your two god-brilliant brothers were killed by him. This person's strength should not be underestimated, you back! The deity came to kill him personally!"

"Yes, father!"

Dark God then took a step forward and stared at Chen Mo firmly.

"Boy, this deity will cut you a thousand swords to indemnify my two sons!"

After all, a monstrous trend rose from the sky.

"Young... Master will be fine, right..."

Lin Xiaoyu in the carriage asked worriedly.

"Big brother is the best, big brother will be fine."

Long Xiaorou said softly but firmly.

The woman slowly opened her beautiful eyes and looked at them with some surprise.

Is it ignorance or...


If it weren't for her current situation, she would definitely go out to help, but now... she can't help it.


A terrifying force broke out from the outside world!

The woman secretly gritted her silver teeth.

No, something must be done.

She also has some powerful spirit weapons on her body that can help him fight! Just when she was about to do it, suddenly she felt something again.

On the horizon, another terrifying force burst out, and it shot over!


Then there was a huge roar outside.

Chen Mo was just about to change the phantom god, but suddenly someone blocked him from this blow, and Chen Mo was surprised.

Chen Mo looked at a middle-aged man in front of him.

At this time, another beautiful woman was left beside Chen Mo!

There was an inexplicable sense of familiarity when Chen Mo saw her! Because she is a little like Lin Xiaoyu.

"Ming Zhan, what do you mean?"

Dark God looked at Ming Zhan and said coldly.

"What do you mean? Xing Tianfeng, don't you understand what this king means?"

Ming Zhan said coldly.

"Do you want to protect him? You think it over!"

Xing Tianfeng stared at Underworld War.

"The deity came all the way, what do you think?"

"Ming Zhan, don't toast or eat fine wine! This kid killed the deity's two sons, if you dare to stop, the deity and you are incompatible!"

"It's as if you and I have merged with fire and water. This kid saved my life, so it is impossible for the deity to let you kill him!"

Ming Zhan said.

Chen Mo:? ? ?

He saved his life? When?

"Good! Good!"

Then Xing Tianfeng said two good times.

"Ming Zhan, you wait for the deity, one day you will regret what you did today! Let's go!"

Xing Tianfeng snorted coldly, and then left with anger!

"Father, the murderer who killed the two younger brothers is there, why not fight the Mingzhan?"

Xing Tianfeng thought too, but his grievance with Ming Zhan dates back more than ten years, and the two are incompatible. If he wants to block, he will do his best to block it, and Xing Tianfeng believes that if he fights Ming Zhan. , It must be him who suffers.

Because this person's strength and talent are definitely above him, he has been in the position of the eight great gods in just over ten years, which is absolutely incomparable.

"There are so many ways to kill him, why do you have to fight the Mingzhe desperately?"

"Father, what do you mean?"

"Find a chance to kill!"


On the other side, Huang Yun looked at Chen Mo nervously.

"Child, are you okay?"

Chen Mo was dumbfounded, and then he shook his head; "It's okay, thank you two seniors for their help."

The dark **** left directly, obviously jealous of this person, that dark **** is one of the eight great gods, does it mean that this person is also one of the eight great gods? It should be.

It's just that Chen Mo is sure that he has never seen them and has nothing to do with them. Why did they come to save themselves? Very strange.

Huang Yun nodded: "It's all right."

Then she looked at the carriage.

On the carriage, several girls heard that the outside movement had disappeared, and then ran down one after another, rushing into Chen Mo's arms.

Lin Xiaoyu also ran out following behind.

"Master... are you okay?"

Lin Xiaoyu bit her lip and asked worriedly.

"It's okay."

When Ming Zhan and Huang Yun looked at her at such close range, their bodies trembled slightly.

Too much like...really too much like...

Huang Yun couldn't help holding Lin Xiaoyu's hands, and Chen Mo also looked at it suspiciously.

Lin Xiaoyu?

Wait... The two of them really look alike. Isn't that the reason?

"You...what's your name?"

Huang Yun's hands trembled slightly, and then quickly asked.

Lin Xiaoyu showed a timid expression, and then flung her away, hiding weakly beside Chen Mo.

"Lin...Lin Xiaoyu."

"Yun'er, it's useless to ask your name. Even if she is our daughter, she is so young, she doesn't know her name."

Ming Zhan calmed down and said.


Chen Mo probably understood something after hearing it.

"The two are Xiao Yu's parents?"

Chen Mo asked.

Ming Zhan looked at Chen Mo, and then said, “It’s true that she is very similar to my daughter. She and my wife look so much alike. Sixteen years ago, because of one incident, a daughter who was just born more than a year ago was We are lost and we have been looking for her all these years."

Although it felt like a coincidence, it was precisely that Lin Xiaoyu was at the right age, and she was adopted again.

"So let's come over and take a look."

Chen Mo nodded slightly: "Xiao Yu was indeed adopted by others."


When they heard Chen Mo's words, their bodies suddenly shook.

This... this is too coincidental.

The possibility that she is their daughter...very big!

"Girl, is there a light purple birthmark on your collarbone?"

Huang Yun tried her best to restrain herself, looked at Lin Xiaoyu, and asked with a trembling voice.

Lin Xiaoyu looked at Chen Mo, and Chen Mo nodded at her.

Then Lin Xiaoyu gently pulled her collar, and there was a pale purple birthmark on her collarbone.


Seeing this scene~www.readwn.com~ the tears that Huang Yun had endured for a long time couldn't help but rushed out, and ran to Lin Xiaoyu, hugging her and crying.

Ming Zhan next to him was trembling slightly, his eyes red.

I really didn't expect that after 16 years, they actually met their daughter here, and they even thought that her daughter was no longer alive...

Ming Zhan turned his head and touched his tears quietly.

As parents, how deep their thoughts and guilt have been in the past ten years... only they know.

One of the dignified eight gods also cried, how deep is it...

Chen Mo took a long breath.

Everything is fate. For Chen Mo and Lin Xiaoyu, this is extremely good news! Chen Mo can leave here without worry.

Lin Xiaoyu looked particularly upset, but she could feel the true feelings of the woman holding her.

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