I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 724: Fengya Poisoning

Latest website: Soon they came to the place where the **** of darkness is, magnificent and luxurious, needless to say.

Hades directly arranged a grand dinner for Chen Mo and the others, but Fengya went to rest alone.

"Come on, Xiao Yu, try this."

At the dinner, Ming Zhan and Huang Yun were talking to Lin Xiaoyu all the way, making Lin Xiaoyu really a little nervous.

Although they are parents, they have no feelings and don't know each other at all. In fact, what is the difference from strangers?


And Lin Xiaoyu was holding something to Chen Mo.

Ming Zhan and Huang Yun looked at each other.

Then Ming Zhan asked: "Xiao Mo, I heard Xiao Yu said that you photographed her at the female slave auction?"

Chen Mo nodded; "Well, I was just about to go to auction some things, and then I saw her."

"Master has no other meaning. Master auctioned Xiaoyu just to save Xiaoyu."

Lin Xiaoyu quickly explained, for fear that they thought Chen Mo was auctioning her for her beauty.

"I know for my father, you told my father before." Ming Zhan smiled pettingly.

Then he said: "I will send someone to kill all those who have captured you."

"Young Master has killed all of them."

Lin Xiaoyu murmured.


Ming Zhan looked at Chen Mo more.

Chen Mo said, "It just so happens that I also have a relationship with them.

"Well... and your adoptive parents, they are also your parents, I will take them here and give them the best life." Ming Zhan said.

When Lin Xiaoyu mentioned this, he became depressed.

"What's wrong?" Huang Yun asked when seeing her daughter's expression lonely.

"They all passed away."

Lin Xiaoyu lowered his head and said softly.

Ming Zhan and Huang Yun looked at each other.

For them, they are naturally extremely grateful. Without their adoption, Lin Xiaoyu might have starved to death long ago. After adoption, they have no crooked minds and sell them to improve their lives without seeing Lin Xiaoyu being beautiful. It is really grateful.


Ming Zhan clenched his fists.

"Did those people do it?"

Lin Xiaoyu nodded.

"Master has buried them well for Xiao Yu."

Lin Xiaoyu quickly looked at Chen Mo.

"Hey...I feel more and more useless as a father."

Ming Zhan sighed.

"Senior, don't say that. Who wants to abandon his own flesh and blood? I believe that if it wasn't an accident, even death would not have left her behind."

Chen Mo said.

In fact, Chen Mo didn't have any confidence to say this, because he himself was also a person who had no parents in his memory. He really didn't have the confidence to say such things. He just said it to comfort Lin Xiaoyu more.

"Hey...Don't mention it. In any case, it is my fault and my wife. It's fine now, Xiao Yu is back, and I will use everything to spoil you for my father in the future."

Lin Xiaoyu shook his head.

"I...I want to follow the young master."


Then Ming Zhan looked at Chen Mo and said, "Xiao Mo, then you will stay here too, and be my son-in-law, how about it? From now on, I will leave this huge foundation in your hands!"

Ming Zhan felt that this was not the temptation that a young man could resist, the foundation of a generation of gods! The huge empire is his.

The three girls beside them are desperately trying to eat delicious food, it is heavenly, there are as many delicious foods as you want.

Lin Xiaoyu is really looking forward to Chen Mo. She doesn't expect to be Chen Mo's partner. She really only hopes that she can be with Chen Mo. If she stays here, there is no danger. She thinks it's good. ! She did not feel any sense of pride or superiority because she was the daughter of the gods, she was still exactly the same as her before.

But Chen Mo shook his head.

Lin Xiaoyu saw Chen Mo shaking his head and couldn't help biting his lip.

"What? Are these bad?" Ming Zhan asked.

"Senior, to be honest, I come from another world."

Ming Zhan frowned, and exchanged another look with Huang Yun.


"This is the underworld, and the underworld is the place to receive all the spirits of death. It is normal that you come from other places, and most of them here are from other places."

Ming Zhan said.

"No, I mean, I came in in the flesh, including these three girls, I am not dead, I also keep all the memories, I came with my purpose, and at the same time I can return to my world. ."

"What! This is impossible!"

Ming Zhan immediately refuted.

"It sounds like a fantasy, but the reason is that I promised that others can't say it, so I won't say it, but I have to go back because I have something to do, which is very important."

What Chen Mo said has even exceeded Ming Zhan's worldview! But nothing in this world is absolutely impossible.

Chen Mo then looked at Lin Xiaoyu and said, "But I also promised that I will come back to see you often."


What Chen Mo said, Mingzhan needs to be carefully tasted, after all, it is too incredible.

"Then why did you come to the underworld?"

"The law of death." Chen Mo said.

Ming Zhan frowned.

"You came from another world in a physical posture specifically for the law of death?"

Chen Mo nodded: "Under normal circumstances, this is impossible, but I happened to have an opportunity, but I can't say, but yes, it is for the law of death."

"This law of death is indeed here. We all knew it was here a long time ago, but no one has seen it and has never found it, but..."

"But what?"

"Fengshen seems to have received news about the Law of Death, even the Law of Death."

Chen Mo: "..."

"She was hunted down by the four great gods and even the four great gods some time ago~www.readwn.com~ because of this news, getting the law of death means being able to stand above the crowd and stand above the eight great gods. If you really If it comes for the law of death, you can go to her and ask."

To be honest, when Chen Mo heard what Fengya had obtained, he guessed whether he would get the law of death?

Because it alarmed the gods, and even the gods did not hesitate to fight against her, this is enough to prove how eye-catching and precious the things Fengya got!

Now, Fengya has found it. The mission has not been completed. A little bit of things may be needed. The Law of Death has been improved. Lin Xiaoyu has settled down. He has basically completed all the things he has come here so far.

"I see, thank you senior, that senior Fengshen she now..."

"She should have been poisoned by the poison of the poison god, and she will naturally not fall due to her ability, but the premise can not be used to stimulate spiritual power, one point is one point, one point is serious, hey, but the poison **** is one of the gods after all, he He’s probably the only one who can deal with the poison of Jiuzhongtian. Anyway, it’s very tricky now."

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