I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 727: Please bring this to him

Latest website: The poisonous **** approached Chen Mo, suddenly the green light made a masterpiece, and the ghosts of nine huge green pythons rushed towards Chen Mo, controlling Chen Mo!

"It doesn't matter if what you say is true or false, you are still safe under the boundless Blind Poison of this deity. There is indeed something, but the deity can easily kill you next. Let's say, what is the so-called coming here?"

The Poison God did not directly kill Chen Mo, but instead controlled Chen Mo and could kill Chen Mo at any time. This was also his vigilance. After all, Chen Mo showed the power to avoid poison that he was afraid of.

"No other meaning, just come in and let the senior take a look, the junior's ability in drug control, I hope to learn from the senior."

Chen Mo said.


Poison God laughed.

It doesn't matter if he believes it or not.

"Learn from the deity to control drugs? Why do you?"

"I can make seniors immune to all kinds of poisons!" Chen Mo said.


The poison **** swept towards Chen Mo suddenly, his eyes were even green.

"Although Senior is a poison god, it is because Senior can control the strongest poison, and no one can control and use poison. He has become a **** with a single poison. But unfortunately, Senior himself is not immune to all the poisons. Poison, otherwise it won't be like this." Chen Mo said lightly.

"You can see it thoroughly."

Chen Mo smiled and said, "Of course, otherwise I would not dare to just appear in front of Senior, because I know Senior must be interested and will definitely not kill me."

"How does the deity believe you?"

"Could it be that the younger generation can come to the senior here, even now that the poison of the senior has not had any effect on me, this is not enough to convince the senior?"

Chen Mo said.

To be honest, although the poison **** is very strange and suspects the appearance of Chen Mo, I have to say that Chen Mo is indeed immune to these poisons, and the body of ten thousand poisons is definitely what he dreams of. If he can really be immune to everything himself The poison, that is a qualitative change for him!

Then the poison **** waved his hand, and Chen Mo fell to the ground.


Poison God said slowly!

"It's very simple. I hope to get your inheritance and teachings from Senior Poison God."

Chen Mo patted his clothes and said.

"This is simple, your talent is so strong, and you have such a physique, you are definitely the best candidate for the inheritance of the deity." The poison **** said lightly, and then looked at Chen Mo.

"Then how to make the deity also possess this ten thousand poisonous body?"

Poison God asked.

"That's a relatively long process, Senior Poison God, you have cultivated poison for so many years, and your body has long been eroded by various toxic powers. I first need to determine your current physical condition, Senior Poison God. "Chen Mo said.

Poison God is a very vigilant person. Chen Mo’s appearance like this is very strange, but the reason that made him dare to try is also very simple. Although Chen Mo is immune to these poisons, he felt what he felt in Chen Mo’s body. Just a very weak breath.

"Okay! If you can really do it, the huge temple of poison, in the future, you will be more than ten thousand people under the deity, but if you deceive the deity, you can try it if you are killed by the poison. "

Chen Mo nodded; "That's natural."

Then Chen Mo took a step forward.

"Senior, please give me your hand."

The normal poison **** would naturally be very vigilant, but now, although he is also vigilant, yet, Chen Mo's strength is so low, he has nothing to worry about!

Chen Mo then stretched out his hand, the poison god's gaze was also staring at the palm of Chen Mo's palm, and he found that Chen Mo's palm had no clues, and he was completely relieved.

And just as soon as he was relieved and relaxed his vigilance a little, the puppet talisman appeared directly in Chen Mo's hand, and then the puppet talisman was attached to the poison god's arm with extremely fast hand speed!

The two are too close, although the strong's reaction ability is beyond ordinary people, but Chen Mo's speed is really not slow!


When the poison **** reacted, the puppet talisman had already been attached to his arm! In the next instant, his eyes lost their focus, and he stood motionless.

"Tsk tut."

Chen Mo secretly admired that Linglong is really amazing, and he doesn't know what her identity is, why there are such amazing things! The top powerhouses have been controlled! Of course there must be time!

"Take out the antidote to the poison you gave to Fengshen!" Chen Mo said to the poisonous god.


Then the poison **** took out a jade box from his arms and handed it to Chen Mo respectfully.

This puppet is so easy to use!

Chen Mo opened it and took a look, there was a pure white pill inside! Without any virulence, it is a kind of medicinal fragrance that rushes to the face, which can be sure that this is definitely a non-toxic pill.

"The rest... destroyed the Poison Temple and killed everyone!"

Chen Mo said.



In the next instant, the poison **** rushed to the sky!

The entire Poison God Temple is about to face an extinction disaster, and it is a disaster brought by the Poison God.

Chen Mo had already come outside, looking at the whole turbulent Poison Temple, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

In this way, the power of Poison God is bound to be destroyed, much worse than before, he is Fengya's enemy, then Chen Mo has the obligation to deal with him, to settle for Fengya a little!

Riding on the mount, Chen Mo soon came to the Temple of Underworld again.

Fengya was still sitting there.

"You're back?"

Fengya quickly got up and looked at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo directly took out the pill and handed it to Fengya.

"This is the antidote."

Fengya took it.

Some people can't believe how he did it in such a short time?

"Don't worry, whether it's an antidote or not, at least it's not a poison," Chen Mo said.

Feng Ya nodded and could perceive that this was not a poison, and then she took it directly, whether it was or not, and then meditated on the spot.

Ten minutes later, she opened her beautiful eyes and sprayed out a bit of blood!

Chen Mo was startled suddenly, but he probably understood something when he saw the blood corroding the ground.

Fengya face surprise!

Poison, solved!

He really got to know the medicine, it was incredible.

"Are you all right?" Chen Mo asked.

Feng Ya nodded.

"Then I can rest assured, I have gone to the desert."

"Wait, I'll take you there."

Fengya said to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo paused slightly~www.readwn.com~ too! "

In this way, Chen Mo saved a lot of searching time!

On the way, they talked a lot, and Fengya also asked a lot about Chen Mo, including how to get the antidote from Poison God... The more she listened, the more surprised she became!

This boy is terrible.

"You... did you go back after finding the law of death?" Feng Ya asked.

Chen Mo nodded.

"Then please bring this to him."

Fengya handed Chen Mo a necklace and an autograph letter.

The necklace is her own.

(End of this chapter)

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