I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 732: Xianhai Secret

Latest website: Chen Mo doesn't know what's going on with Huasheng. Let's talk about it after he comes out. What is more important now is to see Xiao Ruhan.

If it is said that Chen Mo is the most important person in this day, in addition to the three girls, Xiao Ruhan must be one of them, her help to Chen Mo and even the significance is too extraordinary.

Xiao Ruhan naturally also knew that Chen Mo was back. She had a tacit understanding with Chen Mo. Knowing that Chen Mo was back, she did not leave the yard and prepared some food in her yard. Of course, the most important thing is good wine. , And then waited for Chen Mo to come over.

Chen Mo walked into the yard and saw Xiao Ruhan.

"Xiao Momo, hug."

Xiao Ruhan saw Chen Mo, then trot over and hugged Chen Mo.

"Fairy Master, if you let others see it, and you will misunderstand it later, how do you marry?"

Chen Mo chuckled and said.

"You can't live without a man, right? Sit and drink with this fairy."

Xiao Ruhan filled Chen Mo with a drink. In fact, she was observing Chen Mo's changes the first time she came in. She found that there seemed to be no changes. This seemed to be a good thing, although the Heavenly Scourge Pearl became darker. But she felt that Chen Mo seemed to be in good condition.

This relieved her a lot.

"How about the journey to the underworld? Are you out now or just come out temporarily?"

Chen Mo said, "It's coming out."


Xiao Ruhan knew why Chen Mo went to the underworld and looked for the rules. She didn't understand what Chen Mo was for looking for the rules. Everyone wanted the rules, but that was not something that everyone could get. It was entirely a matter of chance. It's a coincidence, and there is a chance that you may not be able to take it away.

But everyone has their own reasons. She is too familiar with Chen Mo. She also believes that Chen Mo must have his reasons. Maybe she just wants to use the power of the law to strengthen herself, or there are other reasons...


"You mean, did you get the law?"

Xiao Ruhan showed a surprised expression.

Go to one place and find what you want... and it's still a rule, this...

It really is a man of destiny.

"Well, the law of death, but the law of death in the underworld is only half, and I can't use it if I get it."

"Only half? It might be for some kind of balance."

Chen Mo nodded.

"Then what are you planning now?" Xiao Ruhan asked.

Chen Mo has no reservations about Xiao Ruhan. Since she asked, it doesn't matter to get news like the Law of Death to tell her. If you don't ask, Chen Mo will naturally not bother to talk.

"Looking for the Law of Life, so I came to you for this reason. Have you heard anything about the Law of Life?" Chen Mo asked.

"Looking for the law of life again? How come your kid has such a soft spot for things like the law." Xiao Ruhan drank a sip of wine and shook his head secretly.

Although Chen Mo is indeed very lucky, and he may indeed be a man of destiny, but...

Forget it.

He will do whatever he wants.

Because Xiao Ruhan knew that the road to finding the law was extremely dangerous, for example, when Chen Mo went to the underworld, he found only half of the law in a place like this. How could there be so easy to find a law.

"I'm the seventh elder of a small sect, why would you think of asking me about this kind of thing?"

Xiao Ruhan looked at Chen Mo and asked.

"I always think you know."

Chen Mo shrugged and said.

Xiao Ruhan: "..."


"It just feels like you, the seventh elder of Weiyang Palace, but in my opinion, it is much more than that."

Xiao Ruhan also learned Chen Mo's standard moves and shrugged.

"You guys can see the extraordinary thing about this fairy! Okay, let's stop acting, I'll have a showdown. This fairy is actually a fairy who descended from the sky to the earth."

Xiao Ruhan said with a smile.

Chen Mo; "..."

"Okay, I'll showdown too. In fact, I kicked you to the mortal world." Chen Mo said.

"Not big or small."

Xiao Ruhan then held Chen Mo's ear with a vicious look, but his strength was useless.

Then she let go of Chen Mo and said, "I have heard some rumors about the law of life, but I don't know if it is true or not."

Chen Mo looked at Xiao Ruhan.

"I heard that the law of life once appeared in Xianhai. It's probably a long, long time, more than ten thousand years. Why don't you go to Xianhai to try it?" Xiao Ruhan said to Chen Mo, but her tone was not Uncertain, because she is not very sure.

But in Chen Mo's eyes, Shui Shui said it might be there, and Xiao Ruhan said the same. Chen Mo felt that the chance was too great!

"I see." Chen Mo nodded.

"What do you know, you know that in Xianhai..."

Xiao Ruhan wanted to speak but stopped.

"What's the situation there? I've heard others say that there seems to be a very special place."

"What kind of place is Xianhai in your impression?"

"A huge sea area, there are certain forces under the sea." Chen Mo said.

This is indeed what Chen Mo thinks is the situation in Xianhai.

"It's only half right, no, one third."

Xiao Ruhan then said: "Xianhai, in fact, you can regard it as the sixth empire of the five empires of Tianlin, but this sea belongs to the realm of the monster race, in the sea, in the deep sea above and below Xianhai, but that's just the tip of the iceberg of Xianhai! In this tip of the iceberg, there are several clans in the sky, dozens of clans in the sea, and dozens of clans on the sea...It is not so easy to finish just the tip of the iceberg~www .readwn.com~ And these races have been fighting all the year round, and the fighting is constant, which is very difficult."

"What about the rest of the iceberg?"

Chen Mo asked.

"The remaining……"

Xiao Ruhan thought for a while and said: "The rest seems to be in another dimension, but it can't be said to be a plane. It is not as exaggerated as the underworld. It seems that you have to enter a secret realm to find out. That is the real fairy sea. If the law of life is in As for Xianhai, it is estimated that it is most likely to be there! I just heard that in Xianhai, there are many demon forces that are no less than superpowers, and there are even many demon gods. One of the Demon God Temple is also there. This is what I knew about Xianhai a long time ago, and I don’t know what the situation is now."

"It's because I think too much. I thought that Xianhai was just a piece of sea. The forces in the ocean below the sea were just so big."

"Even if it's big, it's very complicated, and the relationship is intricate. Another point is that many people in Xianhai are hostile to humans, but whether they are humans or demons, they have no background and struggle."

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