I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 737: To Xianhai

Latest website: I don’t know. It’s pure coincidence that I entered Xianhai those years ago, and I don’t even know how to enter. I was sucked in. Anyway, the inner realm of Xianhai is in a secret realm, this secret realm. There are very few people who know it, and it shouldn’t exist in our human race. Even if it’s the Xianhai Overseas Territory, few people know the location of the Xianhai Inner Territory. The Xianhai Overseas Territory and the Xianhai Inner Territory belong to two places, and Few people who enter the Xianhai area come out. "

"Why?" Chen Mo asked suspiciously.

"Two reasons, the first one, because it is difficult to get out after going to the inner region of Xianhai!"

"Isn't it said that as long as you have a certain power, you will be able to come out with fame?"

Chen Mo asked suspiciously.

"You think it's simple? In that place where the various races have existed for so many years, except for the newly added and annexed ones, which race is not strong? As long as the races that exist in the inner region of Xianhai, they must be strong! Only! Only if the clan is strong, they can survive, or have some other methods and reasons that can survive. Under such circumstances, why can those who enter now be able to take down other races? Except for those who are chosen by nature. With the extremely strong people, my strength was not weak back then. This can be done. Otherwise, there is only one way, to send someone under the fence instead of choosing to be a leader, otherwise I will never be able to leave the inner realm of Xianhai."

Chen Mo suddenly realized that it seemed to be the reason.

"But there are still many people who are desperately searching for the Xianhai Inner Territory, because the Xianhai Inner Territory has unimaginable spiritual powers of heaven and earth, and cultivation there is twice the result with half the effort, no, several times! So they are willing to spend a long time in cultivation. , Go to the bottom of the salary and try the courage, send someone under the fence or hide in a certain place to quietly improve themselves. When they have been promoted to a certain level, they will come out only when they have the strength to become the leader of a place. There are many such people, even Demon."

Chen Mo also understood.

"The second reason is what I said earlier. Many people are unwilling to come out because their realm there has improved very quickly. They hope to wait until their realm has risen to a high level before they come out, but even The improvement there is faster than the outside world, but the human talent is there. When the realm reaches a certain level, it is difficult to improve in cultivation. What is needed is chance."

"I understand!"

Hua Sheng then patted Chen Mo on the shoulder: "But I think you should be fine. You kid absolutely cannot treat it with common sense, so even if you go to a dangerous place, I have figured it out now anyway, let you go. Only when there is danger, there are opportunities. After countless hardships, you can hope to end the power of Shura, otherwise you will become Shura one day, without a trace of luck."

Chen Mo nodded.

"Then I won't be too slow, go and send this letter to you first! Goodbye!"

Then Chen Mo disappeared in place! When he arrived at Linglong's place, Linglong naturally let Chen Mo go, and then Chen Mo used the empty magic stone to go to the Temple of Underworld, found Fengya, and gave her the letter. After a few minutes, Fengya handed him an envelope and Chen Mo disappeared again.

I didn’t go to see Lin Xiaoyu, because I thought it was going to be uncomfortable again, so Chen Mo didn’t go to see me. I’ll wait for the next time, wait for him to return from Xianhai, wait for him to solve Lin Kexin completely, wait until he has no worries. Go there again! Now everything is less important than Lin Kexin's matter.

After Fengya's reply was sent to Huasheng, Chen Mo didn't go anymore, and returned to the room to do something very important.

Although there seem to be various signs that the law of life is in Xianhai, they are still uncertain. Chen Mo must be sure, because the law of life is too important, really too important! So Chen Mo was in the room to make sure that he didn't waste time, so he released the secret skill of the secret disk and deduced the secret.

"Ding...Are you sure where the deduced fate rule is located?"


"Ding... The secret disk is being deduced, please wait a moment."

"Ding... The secret disk is being deduced, please wait a moment."


"Ding... the deduction was successful."

Then Chen Mo had two more words in his mind.


In this way, Chen Mo is completely sure, this Xianhai must be gone, and Chen Mo also breathed a sigh of relief, because it is enough to confirm the law of life in Xianhai! It's really enough! As for whether it is in the Xianhai Overseas Territory or the Xianhai Inner Territory, it is not known. You must first look for it in the Xianhai Overseas Territory. In fact, Chen Mo has some ideas.

In the sea of ​​immortals, there must be many ancient races that have survived for thousands of years. Chen Mo feels that if they have existed for so long, they should have an understanding of the law of life. Chen Mo doesn’t need it either. Know a lot, as long as they can give themselves a little bit of news.

The Tianji Pan also deduced Xianhai, so there is no problem.

Chen Mo then stood up, checked the time, and set off.

Then Chen Mo walked out.

Outside, Tang Panpan and Ye Qingqing were all waiting there.

"President Chenmo, we have prepared some food for you. They are all made by ourselves."

Tang Panpan put the delicious food on the table in front of Chen Mo.

"Well, I'll take it away." Chen Mo nodded and said.

"Um... Mr. Chenmo is leaving now?" Both sisters were very disappointed.

"It's time to go, don't forget to practice, practice hard."


Then Chen Mo put away the delicious food.

"Let's go." Chen Mo patted them on the shoulder and walked away.

The three girls were waiting for Chen Mo in the yard, and Xiao Ruhan was there, including Ye Yuhan.


Xiao Ruhan asked when Chen Mo came back.

"Well, time is almost up."

"Okay, the snow sculpture from Weiyang Palace will send you. We don’t know much about Xianhai, and Xiao Yuhan doesn’t know much about it. However, it is said that you have to take a boat to the sea, because if you fly there, even Forbidden-level powerhouses may also be smashed to death by the thunder of Heaven’s Punishment. Only when they are on ships are they relatively safe. As for ships, they must be there. You are not short of money. You can buy a better one when you buy it. Yes, it’s safer. You must know that the danger in the sea is no less than that on the ground, and the warrior fights in the sea~www.readwn.com~ The strength decline is too serious, and the monster lives in the sea. Monster beasts are stronger, so at least your strength in the Xianhai area will be severely reduced. Remember this."

After all, Xiao Ruhan cares about Chen Mo. She should be reminded, and she will definitely remind if she can remind.

"Well, I got it."

Chen Mo nodded.

"Okay, you go, remember to do business."

Chen Mo; "..."

"I'll go and bring the snow sculpture here first."

Ye Yuhan had a headache when Xiao Ruhan said this, and then he hurried away.

"Hey, remember to do business."

Xiao Ruhan said to Chen Mo again.

(End of this chapter)

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