Chapter 234


"Flying car?" Qin Lan was reminded by Fang Chong and suddenly remembered it.

Previously, her relationship with Fang Chong was not close to the point where she is now. She did not ask Fang Chong about this matter. She is wise, of course, knowing that these things are all Fang Chong The secret ...

Later, there was so much to do, busy ...

These things were ignored, but today Fang Chong raised it, and Qin Lan's interest came at once.

"You should know a lot about the origin of the car now." Fang Chong said in a while ago that these things related to the Mayan system were not specifically mentioned, but there was no pop-up window when they found the alien spacecraft. Fang Chong said something more or less. Qin Lan never asked. Fang Chong probably knew that with Qin Lan's cleverness, he would not know where ...

However, up to now, Fang Chong has little need to hide it.

If you want to build a base city, a strong base city, you must have a strong military force, but also a strong scientific and technological force, otherwise, it will not be powerful at all ...

The strength of the warrior is not a big problem for them now, but it needs a headache in terms of scientific and technological strength ...

A powerful warrior force can be manufactured with only enough gene medicine. For him who has a gene extraction machine, he has long been a genetic warrior, and like boiling water, there is no trace of difficulty ...

But the power of technology is not the same. If he did n’t own the Maya system himself, and he exchanged genetic medicine with Commander Makino, he was afraid that even a team of more than 5,000 people could not be armed ...

The current blood killing and hunting regiment, although it says that the combat ability of individual soldiers is not weak, but guns and ammunition cannot be self-sufficient. They are now facing a major problem ...

In other words, solving the problem of science and technology is a top priority.


"The car's technology comes from alien technology, but how it came, I dare not say ..." Qin Lan nodded, but when it came to the source, Qin Lan was still a little confused.

"From there, we will not delve into this issue. What I want to say today is about this alien technology ..." Fang Chong suddenly broke away when he heard that Qin Lan was really curious. After discussing the topic, he did not want to deceive Qin Lan, so in order to avoid deception, Fang Chong made a wise choice to break the topic ...

"You're not going to find a technician to make such a flying car a lot of words." Qin Lan understood Fang Chong's purpose somewhat, but thinking of this problem, Qin Lan's problem came again.

"That's right, I just made this plan, and it's getting more and more, there are not many mutant creatures that can fly in the air, let alone zombies ..." Fang Chong gave an example. "And you also know that small energy vehicles are fast, even if they encounter mutant flying creatures, the chances of escaping are quite high ..."

"Yeah, if the ground can't hold it, it's more than enough to run on such a small energy car ..." Qin Lan finally understood Fang Chong's thoughts, but Qin Lan himself thought about it, only now, Fang Chong planned Many things are really useful ...

"Yes, the purpose of making this small energy car is here ..." Fang Chong nodded seriously to Qin Lan's conjecture.

"In the future, we are really defeated. When there is no way out, in the small energy car is our chance to escape ..."

"I understand, but, with our current technology, can this small energy car be made?" No word skipping. Qin Lan has long understood, but thinking of the technology they have now, the expression is not so good-looking ...

"Before the end of the world, we had the most things around us ..." Fang Chong asked without asking directly.

"You want to say,‘ cottage ’?” Qin Lan understood something.

"Yes, it is counterfeiting. I thought our counterfeiting technology could not be successful? And I still have this small energy drawing. It can be said that it is easy to draw melon according to the gourd ..." Fang Chong nodded, Indeed he did exactly that.

"I see ..." Qin Lan finally understood.


"After knowing what I intend to do, how about Shanghai's market as the target of this operation?" Watching Qin Lan nodded curtly, Fang Chong subconsciously leaned Qin Lan's head against his chest and simply held it.

There are still things to discuss, and other things will be set aside temporarily.

"Yes, the heavy industry base in Shanghai can save us a lot of trouble. This destination is really good, but it is too dangerous ..." Qin Lan thought for a while before saying.

She was worried about the danger for a reason. After all, there are so many zombies on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. With their team of more than 5,000 people, it really doesn't look like ...

"Danger is also to be done. If you want to succeed, adventure is a must ..." Fang Chong is still very sure of his strength, isn't it just a zombie? For him, he hasn't put his mind on it yet ...

Of course, the premise is not to meet too many Terminators. Otherwise, with the current strength of the Terminator, Fang Chong has no problem with one end. If both ends are sloppy, it will be troublesome, but Fang Chong will not dare to imagine.

Because if there are three or more Terminators attacking at the same time, their blood killing hunting group will not be far away from dissolution ...

One Terminator's Majesty has more than 100,000 zombies, and the three heads indicate that more than 300,000 zombies exist, so many are not to blame if you lose ...

But ~ ~ Fang Chong always believed that things would not be so coincidental.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"I will support you unconditionally no matter what you do, but since we are sure to go to Shanghai, we'd better have a meeting tomorrow to discuss ..." Seeing Fang Chong so confident, of course Qin Lan would not object, he believed Fang Chong, now in her world, as long as Fang Chong is together, it doesn't matter ...

"Well, I know. Thank you ..." Fang Chong saw Qin Lan so trusting in him, and smiled, his lips involuntarily stuck on Qin Lan's face ...

After a deep kiss, Fang Chong stared straight at Qin Lan.

"Look at me?" After being watched by Fang Chong for a while, Qin Lan couldn't help asking.


Chapter 234

Chapter 234 Grasp, Go to Website

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