I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 237: seemingly.....

Chapter 237 looks like


"Are you my woman first?" Fang Chong didn't expect Qin Lan to talk about this problem again. For such a superb problem, Fang Chongshi was a little speechless ...

From Qin Lan's tone, he can clearly understand the meaning in Qin Lan's words ...

When Qin Lan talked about Ling Ya, when the pastoral songs were interesting to him, the tone was not jealous or other envious, but there was an acceptable feeling, that is, there was such an alternative feeling, and Fang Chong was so incomparable. depressed…

If Qin Lan roared at him a few times and asked him to stay away from them and keep a distance, Fang Chong would easily accept some ...

However, this kind of encouragement of his own man to accept other women's affairs, Fang Chongnu is so powerful, but still very difficult to accept ...

I had to ask Qin Lan quietly, as if Qin Lan let him accept Ling Ya and Muge, how aggrieved ...

"Of course it is, don't you want to confess your account ..." Qin Lan didn't quite understand the meaning of Fang Chong, obviously talking about the question of Muge and Ling Ya, so I suddenly turned to whether she was Fang Chong's woman. Things went up ...

"Of course I confess it, but it looks like you don't appreciate it very much ..." Fang Chong did not expect that Qin Lan would have such a simple time. He wanted to talk about this matter more seriously, but after hearing Qin Lan's sentence, he was patient. Can't stop laughing all of a sudden ...

"I don't confess it?" Qin Lanjia was dizzy ...

"Of course, if you pledge your account, if you are responsible for me, there will be women who help their men find women, and you will find two at once ..." Fang Chongqiang held back a smile, and said what he wanted to say ...

"You ..." When Qin Lan heard what Fang Chongxian said, he immediately understood, and his face was blushing, but he couldn't speak ...

Although Fang Chong's words depressed Qin Lanjia, Qin Lan's statement seemed correct, as if she was really irresponsible. There is no such generous woman in the world as she ...

How could he encourage his man to find other women?

The more I think about it, the more red Qin Lan's face becomes, the more she looks ...

"No, if I don't say this now, the relationship between Fang Chong and Ling Ya Muge will soon develop into their current relationship ..." Qin Lan thought for a while and then came to understand.

The relationship between her and Fang Chong has changed from a partner to a present. Isn't it the same as the present Lingya, Muge and Fang Chong?

The reason why she is one step ahead of Ling Ya and Muge is simple. Fang Chong has known her for a long time.

Qin Lan also knows that Fang Chong or he really has no interest in pastoral Lingya, or no such idea, but Lingya and Pastoral Song are different.

As a woman's intuition, Qin Lan's sixth sense tells her very clearly that herds of pastoral songs and Ling Ya are fascinated by Fang Chong, especially the little girl with a simple mind. In many cases, her emotions It shows ...

"That's right, I didn't do anything wrong, let alone Fang Chong could not satisfy him if he was alone ..." The more Qin Lan thought, the more he felt that he did nothing wrong, and when he thought of the topic of shame, his face turned quickly. It must bleed.

Fang Chong's ability and his rapid increase in strength are showing a proportional trend. If it were not for her current strength, she was afraid that she would not be able to meet Fang Chong, and she often found that Fang Chong looked real. She can't fight without interest ...

She didn't dare to imagine what the scene would look like if Fang Chong's strength was further enhanced. Instead of letting Fang Chong sneak out to mess around, it would be better to find some knowledgeable ...

And Ling Ya, Muge is undoubtedly a good choice. Plus, Qin Lan discovered that if Fang Chongzhen and Muge, what happened to Ling Ya, she would not be unhappy or jealous ...


"Whatever I am, it's just that you are irresponsible ..." Fang Chong saw Qin Lan's face changing constantly, knowing that Qin Lan should blame himself. Although he didn't want to make fun of it anymore, it was too good to think of this guy ...

How can you let your man out casually? As soon as I thought about it, Fang Chong's feelings of compassion and sorrow disappeared. As soon as he turned his head, his voice was aggrieved like a little daughter-in-law, pouting his mouth and slowly speaking.

"Do you still feel wronged?" Qin Lan saw Fang Chong actually pretend to look like this, but she was speechless, but thinking of what she said just now is not the same ...

However, when Qin Lan thought that she was a woman, she should treat her differently from Fang Chong, and then she turned her head around and got an idea ...

"Of course, there are women like you of course ..." After seeing the situation seems to really develop towards the side he imagined, Fang Chong continued with some elation, but he was okay to hide his proud expression ...

"I'm really angry ...?" Of course Qin Lan saw a weird smile in the corner of Fang Chong's mouth, but Fang Chong wanted to dress, and of course she was to accompany him, deliberately coquettishly ...

"Of course ..." Fang Chong was blindfolded by victory this time, thinking that Qin Lan was really fooled.

"Okay, then I was wrong. I will never mention this again. If Ling Ya and Mu Ge dare to say anything like you, I will fly them fiercely ..." Qin Lan followed Fang Chong's meaning Go on. "They are not my opponents anyway ..."

"That ..." Fang Chong didn't expect Qin Lan to have such a domineering side, so he flew them fiercely. Fang Chong heard the line and became depressed. He really wanted to tell Qin Lan a word ~ ​​www.mtlnovel. com ~ You're not a straw hat kid, what do you mean?

How could Fang Chong never think that Qin Lan also pretended ...

"Isn't it possible? Otherwise, I'll go and fly them now, and you won't see it tomorrow ..." Seeing Fang Chong's squeak, Qin Lan's heart was almost happy, and almost came to the last sentence. "People, really happy today ..."

However, in order to continue to stimulate Fang Chong, while Qin Lan said this, the body really wanted to break free from Fang Chong's embrace and do it ...


Seeing Qin Lan seems to be real, before Fang Chong did not figure out whether Qin Lan really wanted to do this, of course it was impossible to let Qin Lan sit on Qin Lan ...

But I ca n’t think of anything to say ...

And after such a momentary change, he finally saw his inner thoughts clearly, seemingly really what Qin Lan said. Ling Ya, he really has a place in the heart of these two girls?

And the location is not low ...

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