I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 243: like you

Chapter 243 I Like You

ps thank you today for the "1mxy" brother's reward ...


After hearing Qin Lan's words, Fang Chong really followed Qin Lan's finger and looked towards Muge and Ling Ya ...

The idyllic Lingya did not expect that Fang Chong ’s response would be so unexpected. When Fang Chong saw this, his somewhat blushed face turned redder all of a sudden, Ling Ya was older than the idyllic. For one thing, she looked down at Fang Chong for such a thing, and even lowered her head ...

As for Fang Chong, seeing the current expressions of the two of them, and Ling Ya ’s motion of lowering his head, he understood that no matter how slow the reaction was ...

Thinking of what Qin Lan told him last night, combined with what I saw now, Fang Chong understood everything.

However, it is true that Fang Chong does not know what to say. After all, there are three girls here.

Fang Chong chose silence, and continued to pretend, Ling Ya Muge did not speak, the atmosphere suddenly froze ...

"Why, are you afraid to talk about the first two?" After the hall was quiet for a while, Qin Lan slowly opened her mouth to break the silence. She said as she walked to the side of Ling Ya and Mu Ge, the naughty girl. Said.

"Sister Qin Lan, we are girls ..." Muge knows that Qin Lan is now deliberate, this is in revenge for what they just mocked her ...

"I know you're girls, then I don't know who asked me yesterday ..." Qin Lan continued with a smile and said that she is currently teasing these two pure-hearted guys, which is very fun ...

"Then you are good to do it to the end, send the Buddha to the west ..." Muge was said by Qin Lan, her face became even more red, but now there is no way, she is a girl, can not always know directly in front of Fang Chong Say these things?

What's more, Fang Chong they learned from Qin Lan, he doesn't look so lascivious ...

"I'm done here until the end. After all, he's still my man? It's already great enough to share with that, and it's impossible for me to go to bed ..." Like that, Qin Lan shook her head persistently. Although she and Mu Ge and Ling Ya sympathized with the sisters, such a thing, saying that she was not jealous at all, was simply deceiving others ...

"What goes to bed, there is so fast ..." When I heard the two words "Godfuck", I suddenly thought that Qin Lan and Fang Chong got up a little late today to do that thing. I was a little bit excited in my heart, but I was even more embarrassed ...

"You have betrayed yourself by looking at your current appearance. You can't wait to push him to ..." Qin Lan is a comer and a girl. Of course, you can see the changes in the pastoral mind. "Ling Ya, do you think?"

"Ah ..." Ling Ya was much more subtle than Qin Lan and Muge on this issue. She lowered her head to think about things, but never thought that Qin Lan would also pull her in ...

For such a tough question, Ling Ya didn't know how to answer Qin Lan at once. It seemed too false to say what she didn't want. It was impossible to imagine that Qin Lan had been said. If you think about it, Fang Chongren is here. If you leave him Such an impression, she was afraid that she would have been killed by a piece of tofu brain ...

Later, Ling Ya squeaked and did not know how to answer ...

"Hehe, your expression has betrayed you for a long time ..." Qin Lan saw these two guys who just joked with her just now, and the guys who were so happy now are eating sloppy, and the mood is that refreshing ... "I know you want It's ... "

"Sister Qin Lan ..." Ling Ya heard Qin Lan's words at once, she was ashamed and anxious, and she didn't forget to stomp her feet. She is unobtrusive, where Qin Lan is calm ...

"Yes, we need it, we just want it ..." Mu Ge saw that Ling Ya was also eaten by Qin Lan, and he was not afraid of anything. He boldly walked to Fang Chong's side and held it in his hand. With the back of the hand and the body attached, some size of the chest was still pinched on Fang Chong's arm ...

"Oh, the little witch finally showed her true colors, the little girl ..." Qin Lan admired the courage of herdsmen.

"I'm a small woman, you're a big woman ..." Muge is not vegetarian. "Sister Ling Ya, come here, we will unite Sister Qin Lan and unite Fang Chong ..."

Ya was not as brave as Mu Ge, so she stepped forward and hugged Fang Chong. Without the idea of ​​Mu Gong, she moved her heart, and the movement under her foot was slowly and unknowingly walking towards Fang Chong ...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"You ..." Fang Chong saw Ling Ya's encouragement from the mugege, as if he was going to come over. He finally couldn't hold back. He knew that if he continued to pretend to be confused, things would probably become one. out of hand…….

Looking at the performance of Muge and Ling Ya, he no longer doubts what was said by Qin Lan last night, including in the morning.

Although emotionally, Fang Chong's reaction was a bit slow, but by now it was so obvious that he certainly understood.

"We just like you, yes, we like you ..." Muge saw what Fang Chong wanted to say, held Fang Chong's hand, and held her subconsciously tighter, and said boldly in her heart that What to say ...

When Ya saw the movement of herd, her head was hot, and several strides appeared on the other side of Fang Chong's body. She learned the movement of herd, and held Fang Chong's other arm tightly ...

"You ..." Fang Chong didn't even think how big it was to play ~ www.readwn.com ~ Feeling the martial King Qiankun made the sacred king will kill the **** and the seal of the throne in the night and ask the demon to be proud of the world. The royal family will kill the gods of the night, the throne of the gods, and ask the demon to be proud of the world, and the nine strongest days will be the strongest. The throne seeks magic and pride in the world. The strongest abandonment of the young Da Zhou Royal family came from the arms with a gentle touch. His spirit was a little embarrassed. If it was not powerful and self-controlling, there were two beautiful women entwined around. Then, wouldn't it be strange for him to be a beast?

"We just like you, we don't mind Sister Qin Lan being by your side, and it's not good to be jealous of each other. We are all good sisters. We just want you ...." Persuading Fang Chong, she knows that now is the best time. If she doesn't say all the words hidden in her heart now, Muge is also afraid, and she will not have the courage now ...

"Don't bullshit, I'm so good there, one is enough for me ..." Fang Chong shook his head directly, and tonight, the words of Muge gave him a great shock.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

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