Chapter 246 Departure


"This is the day to wait ..." On the early morning of the fifth day when Muge sent Fang Chong their weapons, the team that was ready for everything was ready to go.

Looking at the new team, Fang Chong was very excited. The total number of people was 6,000.

Although for the army, such a small number of people is not much, but Fang Chong is not simple in terms of strength.

There are already more than 150 genetic warriors with a level of more than 60, and there are dozens of evolvers. The strength of these evolutionaries is not less than that of genetic warriors. The human race went to the sea. There were more than 1,500 people. As for the rest, they were all above 30 levels ...

This kind of strength can be called an elite. The strength of more than 150 genetic soldiers and dozens of evolvers cannot be underestimated. Besides, all the other teams are well equipped, as well as artillery and tanks. Armored vehicles use these heavy weapons as a supplement, and Fang Chong also exchanged all accumulated reward points during this period into weapons. Of course, the power of these weapons is not comparable to that of Commander Makino. The weapons are many times larger, almost Two cars are equipped with an energy cannon ...

It can be said that such a weapon is not afraid even if it encounters the zombie frenzy or the total mobilization of mutant creatures ...

Although I don't know whether this attack was successful or not, but thinking about the scene of so many people fighting together, Fang Chong's heart was inexpressible.

"Patriarch, be careful, Dad is waiting for you to come back ..."

When Fang Chong turned his head, there was no pop-up novel net, and he just saw Commander Makino standing next to Muge. Today is a difficult day for Commander Makino. Muge is his only daughter. Whether we can see you again is a big question.

Although Fang Chong looked at such a well-equipped team, his confidence was very full. However, in the environment like the last days, life and death are hard to predict ...

He couldn't promise, even if he himself, he didn't know if he could survive ...

"Dad, rest assured, I will be jumping back and forth ..." Of course, Muge knew the meaning of her father's words, but she didn't want to stay under her father's wings all the time. Although that would ensure safety, but that Life is not what he wants to live ...

"Well, be careful about everything ..." Of course, the commander of Makino knows the character of Makko. Although he is not assured, there is no way he can only put hope on Fang Chong.

There are many mysterious things on Fang Chong. Although he is guessing, he is very convinced that Fang Chong is not simple and treats the idyll. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for him to go out ...

"Fang Chong, everything is careful, I will ask you to take care of her ...." After saying this to her, the commander of Makino found that Fang Chong was standing not far from them. When he saw it, he smiled slowly. Go forward slowly ...

"You can rest assured ..." Fang Chong heard Commander Makino saying this, and nodded earnestly. He did not feel angry because Commander Makino asked him to help look after the song, and he understood the commander's feelings as a father.

"Okay, I wish you all success ..."


"How's it all going?" Commander Fang Chonghe and Makino finished, and another one paid tribute to several other commanders, and returned to Qin Lan, Ling Ya, and Muge.

"Everything goes well ..." Ling Ya nodded, saying the four words Fang Chong wanted most to hear.

"Okay, then we're ready to go ..." Fang Chongzhong took a deep breath and looked at the road outside the base of Kyoto. He pointed at the front and said with great force.

As soon as Chong's words fell, thousands of soldiers shouted in unison, and then everyone got into the car and set off.

"Boom ..."

"Boom ..."

With the successive start-up of cars, the sound of car engines suddenly became less deserted, and the entire Kyoto base city became lively.

"Five Commanders, our **** hunting and hunting group set off today. I hope you can guard the Kyoto base city ..." After seeing the team starting one after another, Fang Chong and Muge and others came to the five commanders and Fang Chong spoke. Road.

"You are careful, we don't want to see such a powerful team ..." Hearing Fang Chong said, the fifth commander stepped forward, patted Fang Chong's shoulder gently, nodded, and laughed.

"The fifth commander rest assured that we will win the Shanghai Stock Exchange ..." Fang Chong said confidently.

"Okay ..." The other commanders also nodded. They saw people's eyes are not bad, and the commander of Makino dared to let out the song of the pastoral. Without certainty, the commander of Makino would not take the risk ...

"Okay, goodbye ..." After Fang Chong asked Muge to bid farewell to Commander Makino, the four of them got on the car ...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Liu Yu, how is the situation ahead?" Fang Chong turned on the radio when he got on the car.

The driver's seat is Ling Ya. Many times, Fang Chong will be in charge of the command, so the task of driving was taken over by several women. With their current strength, driving is actually easy.

"Fang Chong, normal together ..." Fang Chong was the slowest one. Liu Yu as a forward, the team has left the base city, but around Kyoto base city, to this day, there have been few large-scale zombies. Or mutant creatures.

Even if there are zombies or mutated creatures, it is only occasionally one or two ...

"Okay ~ ~ Be careful, you can't be careless ..." Fang Chong reminded Liu Yu that although the dangerous situation here is small, it is better to be careful. What is the situation outside the base city? Can all happen ...


After Liu Yu returned, Fang Chong successively contacted Song Ming by radio, and a few of them.

These old group members were arranged by Fang Chong throughout the team. Their current strength can completely stand on their own. In addition, there are dozens of genetic warriors with the same strength that can not be ignored, Fang Chong can do it. rest assured…

"Is this normal?" Qin Lan asked Fang Chong after opening the laptop on the car.

"Normal, but you still look through the satellite system ..." The notebook was given to Qin Lan by Fang Chong. Before leaving today, Fang Chong had once again controlled the satellites in the earth's atmosphere through the Makino system. Now they can use the Screen to see what's going on in front of their team ...

……………………………………………… .. ..

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