I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 250: Invincible existence

Chapter 250 The Invincible Being


"What if there are Zak people?" Qin Lan asked, worried, and she hadn't seen Fang Chong's face change for a long time.

What can make Fang Chong feel worried is definitely not simple.

"I hope the quantity is not too much, and the strength is not too strong ..." At this time, Fang Chong did not have a popup in his heart. In fact, he had no bottom. The Zak also learned from the Maya system. As for how terrible it is, I no longer know.

I've come here now, can't I go back? Besides, if the Zak people really appear here, will Kyoto base city be spared in the future?

"Can't we be far away from here?" Ling Ya asked when he saw the bitter smile on the corner of Fang Chong's mouth from the rearview mirror.

In her heart, the feeling of the other Chong is almost the same as that of Qin Lan. At least since they met Chong, they found that there were very few things that could make Fang Chong embarrassed. Special zombies and mutant creatures, no matter how powerful they were, were eventually defeated by Fang Chongge defeated ...

Facing those dangers, they have never seen Fang Chong flinch or run away, but now, Fang Chong guessed that the Zak people were a little panicked? After such a change, they were puzzled and very worried ...

"Although the earth is large, we can escape there, go back to base city, or go somewhere else?" Fang Chong shook his head, denying Ling Ya's idea.

"Are you afraid of death?" Fang Chongton paused, looked at the three women, and said seriously.

"Dead?" Hearing Fang Chong asking such a question, the three women froze.

"Yes, I am afraid of death. From now on, anytime, anywhere, we may all die ..." Fang Chong's expression calmed down when he thought about the problem of death.

Thinking of the word death, he suddenly felt relaxed ...

"Dead, I'm not afraid to be false, but if you die in battle, afraid of us ..." Qin Lan immediately laughed when Fang Chong understood, everyone was Fang Chong, left alone, and was able to go there again How about it?

Fang Chong was right, if the Zak people really appeared on such a large earth, they would be able to escape there ...

"Sister Qin Lan is right, we will die together when we die. As long as you are there, we are not afraid of death ..." Hearing Qin Lan's words, the original idyll also understood.

But her words are more direct than Qin Lan ...

"Don't look at me, they're not afraid. Maybe I'm afraid? I have made money in the last days, and death is not terrible at all ..." Ling Ya felt Fang Chong's eyes really looked at her.

She turned her head slightly and said very cleanly, but her eyes looking at Fang Chong were full of tenderness.

"Then we will continue to move forward. If the number of Zak people is small, with our current strength, weapons, and maybe a chance of World War I ..." Fang Chong listened to the words of Qin Lan, Ling Ya and Muge. There was a burst of warmth.


………………………………………… ..

"Song Ming, you must pay great attention to the front. The safer you are now, the greater the potential danger ..." For the time being, I'm not sure if there is a Zak Fang Chong, but I can only let everyone be vigilant.


"Liu Yu must also be careful ..."


"Chen Dong is vigilant ..."


After Fang Chong raised the attention of the entire team through the walkie-talkie, he asked Qin Lan not to disturb him for the time being ...

"Maya, can you feel the danger now?" Fang Chong leaned on the leather chair in the back seat, as if he was asleep on the surface, but consciousness had entered the Maya system instantly.

"Not for the time being ..." Seeing Fang Chong's anxious look, the personified figure of the Maya system slowly walked in front of Fang Chong and replied.

"No? How is that possible?" Fang Chong did not expect the Mayan system to answer in this way. "Did I feel wrong ..."

"No, the analysis of the host is correct. In this case, the chances of the Zak people appearing, but the host's level is still not high enough, and I can detect a limited range ..." Maya explained.

"This way ..." Fang Chong understood that he was fainting himself. Maya had already told him these functions long ago, but now he has forgotten it ...

"So what do I do now?" After calming down, Fang Chong and Maya discussed. Regarding the Zak people, the Mayan system is much clearer than Fang Chong himself.

"The environment in Dongshan Province is not bad, and in the city, the mutant organisms that appear will not be strong there. I believe that even if the Zak people appear here, they will not be strong there ..." Maya thought After a while, the other side slowly said.

"Yes, the environment in Dongshan Province can't be regarded as bad, how can you say that the environment is good in the coastal cities of Dongshan in Shandong Province ..." Fang Chong nodded. "But does this have anything to do with us saying Zak?"

"The worse the environment of the Zaks, the stronger they are, and the better the environment, the worse ..." Maya continued.

"Then you mean, even if the Zak people appear in Dongshan Province, where is the strength not strong?" Fang Chong understood something.

"Yes, that's it ..." Maya nodded.

"That's great ..." Fang Chong immediately relieved.

"However, even if the Zak people are weak and weak, in general, they are not comparable to the earth's creatures. At least they are invincible where they appear ..." The Mayan system poured a basin of cold water on Fang Chong.

"Invincible existence?" Fang Chong's expression froze again ~ www.readwn.com ~ Invincible existence is not that simple.

"Yes, where the Zak people appear, they will evolve with the most powerful creatures there as opponents, so they have been invincible since birth ..." The Maya system slowly explained to Fang Chong stand up.

"That is to say, within Dongshan Province, there are basically no creatures that can pose a threat to the Zak ..."

"But I'm an outsider, shouldn't the situation be necessarily right?" Listening to the words of the Maya system, Fang Chong's expression slowly changed. From the initial worry, it gradually became dull, and finally, no expression was seen. It's just calm ...

"Yes, the host you guessed about ..." The Maya system did not deny.

"Okay, I see. When the Zachs appeared, you have to remember to remind ..." Fang Chong nodded, saying that he fully understood.

Later, after speaking with Maya, he also exited the Maya system ...

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