I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 257: Each break

Charge chapter (8 o'clock)

Chapter 257 Each Break


As for Fang Chong, with the strength of the foot on the Terminator, the body rose again, a beautiful backflip, and fell to the ground steadily.


Although the Terminator was frightened by this sudden change, as a king, they reacted in just a few seconds, a few roars, and once again flew to Fang Chong dozens of meters away.

Although it was somewhat surprising that these Terminators adjusted so quickly, Fang Chong did not have a hint of timidity, and he rushed out, but this time Fang Chong did not choose to jump.

Terminators who have suffered losses once cannot fall twice in the same place. If he chooses to jump again, he will definitely suffer because he has no distance to run up, and will not cause much damage to the Terminator.

As for the instinct of zombies, zombies without intelligence will not lose twice in the same place, let alone the Terminator.

Although Fang Chong did not know what the reason was, he attributed it to a zombie instinct.

This instinctive consciousness Fang Chong knew that they should have been left behind as humans before.

Adjusting the battle plan, Fang Chong prepared to use his speed advantage or physical flexibility.

Although the height of about one meter and eight meters is undoubtedly weak and poor in the face of a terminator more than five meters tall, such physical conditions can express the word flexibility to the fullest.

And Fang Chong's level is not worse than that of the Terminator. When the speed exceeds the Terminator, using this advantage can cause the greatest damage to the Terminator.

Fang Chong himself knew these advantages very well.

After all, after the first battle to defeat the Terminator, Fang Chong has been thinking about what to do if he meets the Terminator again.

In the end, Fang Chong gave his answer to speed and flexibility.

It is also that he has always dared to be confident that he can stand undefeated in the face of three or so Terminators at the same time.



The scene where Fang Chong killed the first Terminator, Huang Qianchuan who followed him all looked at it. In addition to being deterred by Fang Chong's more powerful fighting power, his confidence was greatly improved.

On the second charge of Fang Chong, Huang Qianchuan also rushed and burst into a rage, Huang Qianchuan rushed straight up.

Different from Fang Chong's holding the knife in one hand, Huang Qianchuan learned the movement of Fang Chong's high-speed leap just now, and chopped Huashan with a kind of bravery straight toward the terminator on the ground.

If Fang Chong's action was full of arrogance, then the sword of Huang Qianchuan can be described by the return of the king. The momentum is as if no one can stop it ...

Fang Chong saw the movement of Huang Qianchuan. He originally wanted to shout that Huang Qianchuan could not jump. After all, the ten Terminators were already vigilant, but it was too late to exit, and Huang Qianchuan had flew up.

To Fang Chongsong's breath, Huang Qianchuan chose his opponent very clearly.

He seemed to know the instinct Fang Chong was worried about just now.

Instead of enlarging himself, he rushed to the prepared zombies, but slashed at the terminator who besieged Fang Chong.

Although the Terminator chosen by Huang Qianchuan felt dangerously approaching, at the moment it turned to dodge, Huang Qianchuan's sword appeared in his sight.

The blood-red sword was infinitely enlarged in the Terminator's pupil. Such a scene reminded him of Fang Chongna who split his same knife just now, and suddenly, Huang Qianchuan's knife had already submerged the head of the Terminator.

Bright red blood was mixed with white brain fluid.

With a bang.

The terminator's tall body fell to the ground, which means that this terminator was solved by Huang Qianchuan ...

………………………………………… ..


Huang Qianchuan was clean and extremely smooth, Fang Chong looked from the beginning to the end.

Although Huang Qianchuan's knife is a lot easier than when he killed the first Terminator just now, he can never deny that Huang Qianchuan's sensitive sense of scene including bravery.

Of course, strength is one of the big reasons ...

"A little worse than you ..." Huang Qianchuan did not expect that Fang Chong, who was under siege by the Terminator, still had the mood to speak. He quickly recovered his body and responded.

He himself clearly understands that Fang Chong's strength can be easily used in the zombies, but he is different.

After several quick jumps, Huang Qianchuan opened a distance of tens of meters from the Terminator.

In a squatting position, Huang Qianchuan at this time was like a predatory cheetah, his eyes locked tightly on those terminator.

He is not in a hurry and knows that he cannot be in a hurry. Only by choosing a good time can he be able to hit the Terminator while still saving his strength ...

After killing two Terminators in a row, the situation is now more and more favorable to them.

Not only did Fang Chong's original plan disrupt the Terminator's attack and create opportunities for others, but the two Terminators killed in succession also reduced their pressure.



The third wave of attacks came later, and Song Ming, Qin Lan, Ling Ya and others also came up.

The strength was not weak, but they rushed directly.

"Segment the Terminator, use our strength to break through each one ..." The development of the situation was far beyond Fang Chong's expectations. Fang Chong involved three or four heads of Terminators, and he did not forget to command everyone.

Although the terminator's combat effectiveness is still strong, Fang Chong has a new 羏 f8 private 对于 for their own strength? Br />

If each method is used, they can avoid the loss of their strength as much as possible.

"Understood, Xiaojun and me ..." Song Ming understood for the first time. Among all the people present, his strength was at the top ~ www.readwn.com ~. Of course, he must take care of the weaker soldiers.

The young army is young and its strength is still weak among the people ....

He had no opinion on Song Ming's arrangement. After the two were together, they attracted a Terminator to the past ...

"Qin Lan, let's go ..." Ling Ya looked at Qin Lan, said tacitly, and left for the Terminator.

"Chen Jian is just the two of us ..." Zhang Cheng looked at Chen Jian and nodded.

Instantly, there were three Terminators left on the field.

Huang Qianchuan, who was waiting for the opportunity not far away, knew that this opportunity was the best, and the whole person rushed forward without any hesitation.

He knows that as long as he involves one or two ends, the players who follow up should be invincible ...

Chapter 257 Each Break

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