I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 260: Pretty 1 arrow

Charge chapter (12 o'clock)

Chapter 260 Beautiful Arrow


"Sister Qin Lan is really amazing now ..."

When Muge saw that Fang Chong had no incident, he pulled Qin Lan who had just fallen to the ground.

The character of Muge often looks like a little girl, but what she said is the fact that Qin Lan's performance is not only she was surprised. Even Fang Chong and Huang Qianchuan were so surprised that she shot a 'terminator' in one shot. With such power, the two of them asked themselves that they couldn't do it.

The two of them can kill one 'Terminator' with one sword, but it is absolutely impossible to be as easy as Qin Lan.

"Is it the power of bows and arrows that have little to do with me?" After Qin Lan stayed, of course, everyone saw her look.

After seeing that Fang Chong had no incident at all, she was relieved and turned back and pointed the bow and arrow in her hand to Muge.

"Bow and arrow is one reason, but confidence and precision depend on yourself ..." Fang Chong already understood her concern from Qin Lan's eyes, and gave Qin Lan a reassuring look after a slight smile.

"Yes, sister Qin Lan, don't be humble. In the future, you will be Fang Chong's first assistant. The position of the boss is sitting firmly ..." Muge blinked her big eyes, and it was also very interesting to speak. Looked at Fang Chong.

"Girl, you are here again ..." Of course Qin Lan understands what Muge means, but she can help Fang Chong most.

"Well, Huang Qianchuan and Ling Ya Muge took out the" muscularized meat "in Terminator's body, and Qin Lan followed me to help other people ..." Fang Chong did not dare to drag Mu Muge on that issue and said After a sentence, he led Qin Lan towards the position of the others.

………………………………………… ..

"Fang Chong, were you really okay just now?" Although Fang Chong was really okay on the surface, Qin Lan was still worried and asked more.

After all, Fang Chong was besieged by four 'Terminators' just now. The 'Terminator''s attack weapon is not like the 'corpse beast'? There are sharp claws, but like the Hulk, the attack weapon is a pair of fist full of explosives.

The power of that fist can reach more than ten thousand, three or four thousand pounds, and that power has completely exceeded the attack that the 'Black Armor Set' can withstand.

The "Battle Armor Set" is not broken, which does not mean that Fang Chong was not injured.

Qin Lan is most worried about Fang Chong's internal injuries?

"Of course it's okay. If something happens, will I hide from you?" Fang Chong felt the warmth from Qin Lan's gentle eyes. He likes Qin Lan, and he likes this feeling, which can only be felt from his family.

Having a woman like Qin Lan is arguably the luckiest thing for Fang Chong. If it weren't for the current situation, Fang Chong really had the feeling of holding Qin Lan in his arms.

Why is your husband asking for this?

"Well, if something really happens, you won't be able to hide me ..." Qin Lan hasn't had the calmness of shooting 'Terminator' before. As long as Fang Chong is around, she is a little woman, a happy little woman ...

"It just seemed really dangerous just now ..." Qin Lan muttered and asked Fang Chong again. Looking back now, the situation just now was really beyond her expectation.

"I was trying to seduce the enemy ..." Fang Chong looked at Qin Lan's confused look, and then said the idea he had just ventured.

"That is too dangerous, if it is a calculation error? ..." Qin Lan listened to Fang Chong, and her face changed. Fang Chongna was completely taking risks, and not taking ordinary risks.

She couldn't believe it. What would happen if Fang Chong made a mistake in calculating ...

"Not risky, that kind of situation ..." Fang Chong smiled bitterly, knowing that Qin Lan still wanted so much, he wouldn't say it.

But in that case, if you do n’t take risks, you really ca n’t do it. After all, facing the four “terminators”, it ’s really not easy to win intact… ..

"I know, but you are our God. Such a risk can't be taken again next time ..." Qin Lan also understood that Fang Chong did this to reduce the pressure on others as much as possible.

If Fang Chong hadn't attracted so many 'terminators', they would have been hurt long ago.

"Well, let's not talk about this anyway, we are all victorious ..." Fang Chong touched Qin Lan's hair and motioned him to stop thinking about it.

After Qin Lan nodded, the two speeded up.


The 'Terminator', which was dragged by more than 200 'gene warriors' and 'evolvers', hasn't gotten better yet, although \\ hasn't been taken off yet.

Bloody, the wound didn't know how many.

However, in the case of the "Terminator", the price paid by the soldiers was not small, and more than ten people were injured.

However, Fang Chong was very relieved that no one died.

Although it is not particularly difficult to make a ‘gene warrior’, it is definitely not easy. Otherwise, their current strength will be more than just a little bit… ..

And the higher the level, the more materials Fang Chong needed to provide.

In such a case, it is necessary to save as much strength as possible.

This is also the biggest reason why Fang Chong is unwilling to allow more than two hundred soldiers to participate in killing the 'Terminator'.

Now they can accomplish this, which is beyond Fang Chong's imagination.

"Everyone let go ..." Fang Chong didn't mean to shoot, but Qin Lan was different. She became more confident and saw that the Terminator was still alive and jumped directly into the sky.

The familiar ‘bend bow and arrow’.

When the preparation was completed, Qin Lan opened up and let the others spread.

"Hmm ..."

& nbspff8; Simple action, but extremely fast.

The speed at which the arrow detached from the bowstring looked frightened.

If Qin Lan shoots such an arrow at him, it is really difficult to avoid it without precaution.

While Fang Chong was still imagining, the endless body of the 'Terminator' finally fell, and an arrow in his eyebrows completely ended his vitality.

"Pretty ..." Fang Chongchao Qin Lan nodded, Qin Lan developed such a capability, which is a great thing for him and their entire team.

If he meets the Terminator again next time, Fang Chong will not have to be as embarrassed as he is today.

Just let Qin Lan go ok. ‘

Come on, kill one, come on two, kill a pair ...

Thinking of this, Fang Chong even has some hope that this 'Terminator' comes more, after all, 'Terminator''s 'Musculed Meat' is not comparable to ordinary 'Zombies'.

'Terminator''s 'muscularized meat' can be processed and extracted by itself into human evolution's need of 'gene pharmaceuticals'.

And they are all kind of combat power as powerful ‘gene warriors’, ‘power type’… ..

The most important thing is that the 'gene warrior' who takes the 'terminator gene potion', in addition to inheriting the power of the 'terminator', the 'skill' of the 'terminator' and the 'critical strike' are also passed on ...

"Critical Strike" is a skill that should not be underestimated. If used properly, it is possible to defeat even a powerful opponent of ten levels ...

…………………………………………………… ..

"It's awesome. You actually killed 'Terminator' in one arrow?" Looking at Qin Lan's stunning arrow, the team of more than two hundred people was commotion, watching Qin Lan's eyes full of envy.

"It seems that after today, your prestige in the team is much stronger than mine ..." Qin Lan returned to Fang Chong's side, Fang Chong said in Qin Lan's ear.

"is it possible?". Qin Lan understood that Fang Chong was joking, but she also laughed.

Her smile was not because of the praise of the people, but she finally knew that she could help Fang Chong ...

…………………………………………………… ..

"Well, everyone can clean up the battlefield as fast as possible,‘ muscle meat ’ca n’t be wasted… ..” After smiling at Qin Lan, Fang Chong directed everyone to move… ..

After Qin Lan resolved this 'Terminator', Song Ming and Xiaojun also resolved and came over.

Seeing that the core members were not injured, Fang Chong was undoubtedly the happiest.

The next step is to clean the battlefield. In fact, it is to take out the "muscularized meat" of "zombies". This kind of work is very simple.

In Ling Ya, Muge and Huang Qianchuan, they took out the muscles of Terminator, and Fang Chong and their core members returned to the first floor of the building.

Although it was said that he was not harmed in the battle with the 'Terminator', the feeling of exhaustion still exists under the high intensity of pressure, especially after the 'Terminator' was completely killed, the tense nerves relaxed. Later, the feeling became more obvious.

After having more than 200 'gene warriors' evolvers' in charge of guarding, Fang Chong dispatched most of the other members with combat effectiveness. Today, all the' zombies' killed by all have tens of thousands. The shelling has caused a lot of losses, but the quantity is still amazing. Otherwise, most people will be sent out, for fear that with the few hundred people, they will not be able to clean up until dawn.

Gene warriors and evolvers are the main players. Fang Chongke dare not let them overwork.

"Xiaojun, give these bottles of 'Gene Repair Agents' to the injured team member ..." Back at the lobby, Fang Chong found a place to sit down, Fang Chong took out a few bottles of 'Gene Repair Agents' from the storage space. Put it in front of Xiaojun ~ www.readwn.com ~ If the injured team member is not treated immediately, it will have a more or less impact on the future development, and the value of 'repair gene medicine' is not particularly high ...



After Xiaojun left, Fang Chong took the intercom.

Fang Chong's move was unexpected in the eyes of others. They originally thought that Fang Chonghui would say the next plan, but Fang Chong was not prepared to call Xiaolan.

"Brother Fang Chong, everything is normal outside ..." As soon as the intercom e23 was turned on, Xiao Lan's voice was heard.

"Everything is normal?" Fang Chong's expression was quite relaxed when he heard these words, but soon, the relaxed expression became serious again. .

Chapter 260 Beautiful Arrow

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