Chapter 277 Zac


Chapter 277 Zac


"Qin Lan, pay attention to the ground. If there is really a Zak, you should be able to jump ..." Fang Chong agreed with Huang Qianchuan's proposal and immediately contacted Qin Lan with a walkie-talkie. "Huang Qianchuan and I are behind to support ..."

"I understand, you are careful ..." Qin Lan glanced back at Fang Chong's side in the air and nodded silently.

"Every careful ..." Fang Chong put down the walkie-talkie and turned to look at Ling Ya, Muge and Song Ming etc. beside him ...

The entire team arrived at this meeting and has completely listened.

Although there was no dangerous situation, but due to customary vigilance, when the team stopped, all the team members were also on alert, guns and muzzles were facing all around, and they were ready to go ...

Of course, Fang Chongdu looked at the changes in the team. Fang Chong can be said to be very satisfied with the situation now.

Being able to be alert quickly without instructions has shown that in the event of an emergency, it is not difficult to respond.

"Ling Ya, Muge, and Song Ming, you need to be a bit more vigilant. I and Huang Qianchuan went to support Qin Lan ..." Fang Chong originally planned to leave the team ready for the defensive position, but now the situation before him It has been shown that he need not say much.

Knowing this, Fang Chong went back and told everyone around him.

There are people like Ling Ya and Song Ming. The safety of the team does not need to be particularly worried.

Not to mention they can also support.

"Understand that we don't need to worry about our safety here, but you have to be careful, the jungle is no better than the city ..." Ling Ya nodded. But there were still a few worries in her eyes.

The jungle in front of you is a mutant creature, except for the potential Zak.

Mutant creatures in the jungle are dangerous and abnormal. Compared with mutants, zombies are not cute.

"Let's go ..." Fang Chongshen looked at Ling Ya deeply for a few moments, and he no longer hesitated, turning to look at Huang Qianchuan.

"Hmm ..." Huang Qianchuan nodded, and followed Fang Chong out.


The unknown is always fearful. After talking to Fang Chongtong, Qin Lan raised her flying height and stayed as far away from the ground as possible.

Whether or not the Zak will show up, Qin Lan has no bottom in her heart, but she is not afraid. I do n’t know if it is because she knows that Fang Chong is waiting for support behind her, or she still believes in her own strength.

Flying a long distance, Qin Lan's speed slowly raised.

Quickly approached the picture previously seen in the satellite system. As Qin Lan approached, he also held his bow and arrow in his hand.

"Is it really a spaceship?" Qin Lan kept the altitude in the air at about 50 meters, and watched carefully that there was no particularly dangerous situation around him, before seriously looking at the open space where there were no trees at all.

After some observation, Qin Lan actually found a different place.

Less than a hundred meters away from his feet, there were a lot of things rising high, surrounded by vines of green plants. If you don't pay attention, you can easily ignore the existence of this place.

Had it not been for Qin Lan's appearance of an alien spacecraft twice, she might have ignored it.

After a few minutes of careful observation, Qin Lan was finally able to be absolutely sure that this high uplift, similar to the hillside, was an alien spaceship.

With such a major discovery, Qin Lan quickly turned on the intercom.

"What's the matter?" Fang Chong asked in a panic. Qin Lan must have found something. Otherwise, she would be able to solve it, she would not be excited ...

Now Qin Lan is either found or in danger ...

"I found an alien spaceship here ..." Qin Lan answered.

"Really an alien spaceship?" After hearing such a message, Fang Chong did not know whether he should be happy or worried ...

The existence of spaceships and non-mutated creatures indirectly indicate that the Zak people appear in this forest they enter, and the probability is very high ...

"That's right ..." Qin Lan lowered her body a few meters down again, and she could see it very clearly.

"Be careful, we rush over immediately, pay attention to the surroundings, be careful of being attacked ..." Fang Chong could not help but nervous. In addition to worrying about Qin Lan, she is also worried about the current situation.

The Zach's dangerous party was fully aware of this.

It's not a zombie without a brain, or a mutant creature.


"An alien spacecraft was found over Qin Lan, and we hurried over immediately ..." Fang Chong slightly cleared his clues, and informed the idyllic song in the convoy that she wanted to observe the surroundings on a large scale. . "If you really meet the Zak, you don't take a shot, you are not an opponent of the Zak ..."

"Understand ..." Looking at Fang Chong's serious expression, Huang Qianchuan nodded.

He didn't know why he believed Fang Chong's words so much.

Looking at the figure that Fang Chong had rushed away, Huang Qianchuan rushed to work.

They don't want the ability to fly, unlike Qin Lan. Qin Lan can completely ignore the terrain in the air, the speed of medicine is much faster than Fang Chong.

However, as evolutionaries who have more than a hundred strengths and genetic warriors, the speed is not slow, and the speed is maintained at about one forty to fifty meters per second ...

"That's ..." Qin Lan knew that Fang Chong was about to come over, and she didn't stop, and continued to fly slowly in the air. The purpose was simple. She was looking for the clues of the Zak people.

After some inspections, Qin Lan finally stopped in front of a tall and dense forest.

There seemed to be something in the dark woods in front, and a dangerous feeling spread from Qin Lan's heart ...

This feeling is an instinct ...

And the red lights in the woods that are not flashing make Qin Lan tremble trembling ~ ~ Zack people? After a slight loss of mind, Qin Lan immediately thought of these three words.

"Fang Chong I found out that it may be the presence of the Zak people. You must be careful ..." Qin Lan took a deep breath and tried to calm her mood.

She didn't know why there was an illusion, as if she couldn't escape.

After calming down, Qin Lan opened the walkie-talkie on her shoulder and spoke a word gently. Then without turning on the radio without waiting for Fang Chong's answer.

Qin Lan knew that if Zak didn't focus on his heart, it would be impossible to resist the first wave of attacks ...

With a bow and arrow, Qin Lan looked intently at the front.



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