I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 282: Qin Lan is fine

Chapter 282 Qin Lan Is All Right


Chapter 282 Qin Lan Is All Right


"Hmm ....."

Feeling the tremendous power from the back of the sword, Fang Chong cursed inwardly.

The power of this "Nine Eyes Zack" is really strong enough. Such a force must be more than 20,000 kilograms.

Fang Chong also secretly rejoiced that fortunately his "strength" had improved dramatically last night. Otherwise, the hit of "Nine-Eyes Zack" would be enough to knock him down.

However, even if his current strength has reached more than 160, Fang Chong feels that his arm is paralyzed by the blow of ‘Nine-Eyed Zack’ ..

However, paralysis returns to paralysis. Fortunately, the development of the scene is still within his calculations.

After Fang Chong was ready to take the initiative just now, he had long imagined a possible attack method of the "Nine Eyes Zack", and the attack on the "fore limb" was the most important consideration of Fang Chong.

When he saw the trick of "Nine Eyes Zack", Fang Chong even secretly rejoiced that such a scene was what he wanted to see the most and what he wanted to see the most.

As long as the "Nine Eyes Zack" makes such a move, Fang Chong will be able to seriously damage the eyes of the "First Nine Eyes Zack" under great circumstances. If you are lucky, you may have more than one eye, but flowers left and right, two eyes ...

"Tear…." Seeing Fang Chong as the "Nine-Eyed Zack" who hit his blow, instead of seeing Fang Chong with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he growled and retracted his forelimbs, ready to move ….

He thought that Fang Chong was as vulnerable as Qin Lan ...

And at this time, Fang Chong's 'Broken Chop' blocking his chest had changed direction.

Looking at the nine-eyed Zac who still did not know how to die, Fang Chong slightly changed his body's posture with the blow of the nine-eyed Zac just now.

The knife edge goes out ...

After successfully completing this series of moves in the air, Fang Chong's mouth slightly lifted, and he was very satisfied. And 'Broken Chop' also turned into a black light at this time ...

The target points directly to the eye to the right of 'Nine Eyes Zack'.


The next second drawn by 'Broken Knife', Fang Chong's ears sounded like a pierced 'balloon'. Although the sound was not loud, Fang Chong heard it clearly.

As a blood arrow emerged from the blood-red eyeball on the right side of 'Nine Eyes Zack', it was announced that this 'Nine Eyes Zack' would not be regarded as 'Nine Eyes Zack' at this meeting. The eyeball that was shot by Qin Lan, Fang Chong knew that if he destroyed seven more eyes, they would win ...

With a single blow, Fang Chong had not yet had time to celebrate, and the ‘fore limb’ of ‘Nine-Eyes Zack’ had already followed .....

Feeling the danger approaching, Fang Chong subsided one side.

However, because he was in the air and had nowhere to borrow, Fang Chong's back was still scratched by the 'fore limbs' of 'Nine Eyes Zack'.

The original extremely tough 'Black Armor Suit' was inevitably cut open under the attack of 'Nine Eyes Zack'.

The sound of "呲… .." sounded, and it sounded like the 'Black Warframe Suit' was broken ...

At the same time Fang Chong's back splattered with a splash of blood-red liquid.

Fang Chong's back was inevitably cut off before the strike of Nine Eyes Zack ...

It's just that the wound is not deep, and it doesn't hurt the bones and bones. It is a skin trauma ...

……………………………………………………………… ..

"Roar ..." At the moment Fang Chong's body fell to the ground, the next movement of "Nine Eyes Zack" stopped.

A huge hiss rang through the woods ...

Listening to the angry roar of "Nine-Eyed Zac", Fang Chong knew that this "Nine-Eyed Zac" had felt the pain after his eyes were poked blindly.

Taking advantage of ‘Nine-Eyed Zac’, there was no chance of shaking God. Fang Chong resisted the headache on his back. After a roll on the ground, the man quickly jumped out and left the attack range of ‘Nine-Eyed Zac’.

With the current strength of "Nine-Eyes Zack", Fang Chong is still very worried about his angry attack.

Especially now that there are injuries on the back that affect smooth movement.

Fang Chong can be said to be more focused ...

After pulling away for hundreds of meters in a row, Fang Chong faced ‘Nine-Eyed Zack’, his eyes staring at ‘Nine-Eyed Zack’.

With a distance of hundreds of meters as a buffer zone, Fang Chong's confidence returned.


'Nine Eyes Zack' is another angry roar, and the huge head is shaking differently. From the movement of 'Nine Eyes Zack', Fang Chong knows that 'Nine Eyes Zack' should be looking for his place … ..

"It seems the bet is right this time ..." Looking at the "Nine Eyes Zack" shaking his head, Fang Chong's smile was even stronger ...

Judging from the performance of "Nine Eyes Zack", Fang Chong knew that the eye of "Nine Eyes Zack" had just been broken. For "Nine Eyes Zack", it should be said that such injuries are fatal ... .

If it is not important, he would have been discovered by ‘Nine-Eyed Zack’ a hundred meters away ...

However, Fang Chong was glad to be returning, and now thinking of the scene that just happened, there was still a cold sweat behind him.

If the blow from the forelimb of "Nine Eyes Zack" had just escaped, he was afraid that he should have died in the hands of "Nine Eyes Zack" ...

It's only lightly scratched ....


"Fang Chong are you injured?" Huang Qianchuan had already reached Fang Chong's side at this time. He came from behind and suddenly saw Fang Chong's shocking wound on his back ...

Although it is only a skin trauma, the fuzzy appearance of flesh and blood still makes people think that multiple injuries ...

"It's okay, it's just a skin injury ..." Fang Chong didn't look back. Huang Qianchuan's strength Fang Chong was very familiar with. Hearing the steps, he knew it was Huang Qianchuan ...

"What happened to the Zak people over there?" Huang Qianchuan looked at Fang Chong and looked like something was wrong, so he stopped talking nonsense. Then he also focused on the nine-eyed Zach who was not too far away from them ...

Nine-eyed Zac's shaking his head and shaking his head also caused Huang Qianchuan's curiosity ...

"I broke one of my eyes, maybe I haven't recovered ..." Fang Chong said. But this time, Fang Chong looked at Huang Qianchuan sideways after confirming that Jiuyan Zach could not launch an attack for a while ...

"How's Qin Lan's situation?" Just now focused on Jiuyan Zach's body, Fang Chong had forgotten Qin Lan's injury ...

Huang Qianchuan is here, does it mean that Qin Lan is already ...

Fang Chong did not dare to imagine it. If Huang Qianchuan sent Qin Lan back, it would not be so fast.

After all, with a person, in such a jungle, it is not as simple as one plus one ...

Huang Qianchuan came alone, and it is impossible to send Qin Lan back for treatment. Does this mean that Qin Lan has died?

Fang Chong could not help but have a pain in his chest ...

"It's okay, Qin Lan is okay ..." Looking at Fang Chong's painful expression, Huang Qianchuan realized the meaning of Fang Chong's question. Seeing Fang Chong's expression changed completely, Huang Qianchuan had understood that Qin Lan was in a very important position in Fang Chong's mind. Huang Qianchuan hurriedly explained ...

"What?" Fang Chong stared at Huang Qianchuan with wide eyes ...

"Qin Lan was just injured by the earthquake, and the situation is not bad. She said that thanks to the armor set ..." Huang Qianchuan also took a serious look. Although he himself felt that Qin Lan was okay, but Qin Lan was really okay ... .

The fact is there ...

"Thanks to the armor suit?" Fang Chong suddenly felt relieved when he heard these words. After thinking about what might have happened to Qin Lan, he really had an impulse to find Nine Eyes Zack.

From the moment he saw Qin Lan being hit by nine-eyed Zack, he was stunned.

Forget the most important "Yin Yu".

He also forgot that if he didn't give Qin Lan Yinyu this armor suit that can block attacks below 200, would he come out like Qin Lan?


"What happened to the black Zak?" On the side of the team, Ling Ya and Muge were staring at the screen of the laptop. The tension in their hearts was not weaker than facing the Zak in the woods. Fang Chong them ...

Especially in the scene where Fang Chong was almost hit hard by the Zak people just now, Ling Ya's clenched fist and nails pierced her heart. She almost forgot what Fang Chong told them to go in and help ...

Fortunately, Fang Chong did not make them desperate. Although it was Kankan who avoided it and was a little bit embarrassed, this situation is already the best in the hearts of the two daughters of Ling Ya Muge ...

"Should it be important to be hit by Fang Chong? Maybe it's the Zak's weakness ..." Ling Ya also found the strange movement of the Zak on the screen shaking his head and thinking, and said after thinking about it.

"To be found weak by Fang Chong, that is not to say, there is really a chance to destroy this Zak ........." Of course, Mu Ge understands Ling Ya's words, and she fully believes that Fang Chong has this ability ...

Fang Chong has created many miracles.

In the knowledge of the two of them, in the last days, there is nothing that can stump Fang Chong ...

It used to be, it is now, and it will be ...

"Look, that's ..." For a while, Muge suddenly pointed at the screen of the notebook and screamed in excitement ... "Sister Lingya, look!"

"Qin Lan?" Ling Ya turned around ~ www.readwn.com ~ After seeing the figure appearing on the screen of the notebook, her expression was dull for a moment.

They are extremely familiar with this figure, and they are also very clear in the white armor set. When Qin Lan wore it, Ling Ya and Fang Chong helped ...

"That's right, sister Qin Lan, aren't we dreaming again?" Looking at Qin Lan, who was so beautiful in the picture, crystal tears burst into her eyes ...

"It's not a dream, Qin Lan is all right, great ..." Ling Ya looked at the childish idyll, stretched out her hand and gently touched her soft long hair, and wiped the tears in the corner of her eyes with her hand.

"With Sister Qin Lan's help, Fang Chong's odds should be even greater ..."


"Qin Lan is over there, should you believe it?" While Fang Chong was still wandering, Huang Qianchuan pointed at Qin Lan in the air.


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