I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 294: Charge gun

Chapter 294 Gathering Cannon


After entering the spacecraft, Fang Chong did not rush to the road, but looked at the surroundings while walking, which was the aisle of the spacecraft. m

This is not the first time you have entered an alien transport ship, and the environment in the spacecraft's cabin is similar, but the spacecraft is so large that it looks more spacious like aisles.

"Fang Chong, what about the rest of them?" Muge asked after a long walk.

They have already walked a distance of about 50 meters, but they have not seen the presence of other members since they have traveled so far.

"Is there no danger?" Ling Ya nodded when she heard Muge's concerns. She asked, but she was also puzzled.

"The spaceship has three floors and its length is more than 100 meters. With more than a hundred of them in such a large area, there is something that we can meet casually ..." Fang Chong shook his head, negating Ling Ya and Muge.

He knew the situation of the spacecraft, and danger was absolutely impossible.

Like the laser-ray guarding system in the aisle, Fang Chong let Maya close through the light brain of the spacecraft while the spacecraft cabin door was opened. Otherwise, Song Ming and their people would have long disappeared ...

"That's true, but our speed is also a little faster. After finding out the useful materials of this spacecraft, we can also rest ..." Qin Lan said as Fang Chong said.

However, she is now interested in whether there are good materials in this spaceship ...

"Huh ..." Muge nodded again and again. "I want a suit of armor, preferably a white armor like Sister Qin Lan. They are all handsome to wear ..."

"Dare to wear the armor just to look good?" Fang Chong was a little speechless when he heard such words from Muge, but Fang Chong did not deny that Qin Lan was wearing such a silver armor suit, Yin Yu was really heroic. ….

"Does n’t the battle look good?" Seeing Fang Chong's expression, Muge looked like he was holding Fang Chong's arm.

"Find it ..." Fang Chong nodded when he saw Muge like this, knowing that it would be useless to say anything more.

…………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"The warehouse should be at the lower level, but you still shouldn't hold too much hope. After all, is there any material on this alien transport ship? Maybe ..." Fang Chong speeded up and arrived soon The lower level of the spacecraft cabin.

After looking at Qin Lan, Muge and Ling Ya are very excited, Fang Chongdu was a little embarrassed.

He was afraid that Qin Lan had too much hope, and would be disappointed when the warehouse was opened ...

"Ah, we won't be hit because of such a trivial matter ..." Muge looked at Fang Chongyi seriously and waved his hand.

If it weren't for her door won't open, otherwise she would have rushed in ...

"Maya, is it okay to open the warehouse door?" Fang Chong knew the personality of the three daughters. When he said he would never, Fang Chong contacted Maya himself.

"No problem ..." I received Fang Chong's order. Maya began to work. With the cooperation of Fang Chong, such a difficult door opened successfully ...

"Opened and opened ..." Seeing that the door's position was getting bigger and bigger, Muge seemed even happier.

Through the gap opened by the door, Fang Chong was able to see the environment in the warehouse slowly.

The warehouse area is not small, but there is not much inside. Seeing such a scene, Fang Chong's expression was a little disappointed ...

But after seeing a few things, Fang Chong was relieved ...

Wasn't he just comforting others?

"There aren't many things, I hope it's a good thing ..." After the warehouse door was completely opened, Muge went in immediately, but after seeing the whole picture of the warehouse, her expression was deeply disappointed.

"Open it and see ..." Fang Chong quickly released, and walked straight in front of something similar to a box.

Silver-white metal, I do n’t know what Fang Chong is inside, but judging from the metal of this box outside, it should not be a bargain ...

"This box is very beautiful. What do you say there will be in it?" When Fang Chong was about to open the box, Lingya also came over, and it was not difficult to tell from her tone that she was looking forward to the same ...

"Then let Fang Chongkai see ..." Qin Lan is equally interested.

"Okay, I drive ..."


Looking at Fang Chong's movements, Leng's relentless eyes could not help coming together. After entering the interior of the spacecraft just now, although Fang Chong did not ask again, he fully convinced Fang Chong's words before.

The spaceship came from outer space, he believed ...

Especially these things that I have seen continuously in the future, these things are not mastered by the original technology on the earth ...

"What will it be?" Fang Chong quickly instructed the password on the white box through the Maya system.

The box Fang Chong chose was the only one locked out of all the boxes. It was also because of this that Fang Chong chose to open this box ...

"The size of the box is not large, and it is impossible to install this mech as before, but other possibilities similar to weapons and medicaments should be a bit bigger ...

"Juneng gun?" Fang Chong opened the box at once. Three words appeared in front of Fang Chong as soon as the box was opened.

"Energy gun?" Seeing something similar to the existence of an energy gun, the three women's faces apparently lost, but Fang Chong was different. When he saw that it was a gun, he felt in his heart A sigh of relief ...

Although on the surface it doesn't matter much ~ www.readwn.com ~, Fang Chong still hopes that there can be good things, because their journey will be more dangerous in the future. If they have powerful weapons, at least when they meet the Zak, It would be so embarrassing ...

If you think about it today, you know that you were so embarrassed by an ordinary Zak ...

"It's a good thing. If he can be installed, he can play a big role when dealing with the Zachs ..." Fang Chong, after reading the introduction of the energy gun in detail, would like it more ...

"But I still hope that there are other good things ..." After listening to Fang Chong, others also understand the benefits of this energy running, but the disappointment of Muge is still unavoidable ...

"Then continue to find ..." Fang Chong smiled slightly, then turned to look at the supplies that had not been opened at the back.

In addition to trying to help Pastoral find what he likes, he is also looking for another thing ...


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