I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 296: Cold relentless change

Chapter 296 Cold and Ruthless Change


"You should understand what I mean?" Cold relentless response was completely expected by Fang Chong. While talking, Fang Chong bent down and picked up the truncated blade. m

"How is that possible?" Leng mercilessly apparently hadn't responded yet, so something beyond his imagination had happened again.

His 'dagger' is the weapon he is most familiar with. The one Fang Chong just gave him, apart from the point, is nothing more eye-catching than the 'dagger', but his most trusted weapon is so broken. Already.

This result is really not something he can accept all at once.

"To tell you the truth, you are putting a" dagger ", although it is made of stainless steel, but for these weapons that are mixed with" special metal "and are derived from" alien technology ", such a ' The dagger is not described as 'garbage'… .. "Fang Chong tapped the broken blade in his hand ...

He doesn't want to fight cold ruthlessness, he still has the impression of cold ruthless person, and his strength is why Fang Chong values ​​...

However, the importance of returning to the value of Leng Wuren's blind confidence in weapons is what Fang Chong hates most.

"Blind" self-confidence is a taboo for survival in the last days. If the cold and ruthless point cannot be changed, Fang Chong will definitely not be interested in this cold and ruthless ...

"You ..." Fang Chong frowned suddenly when he heard the word "junk" in Fang Chong, staring at Fang Chong with poor eyes, obviously Fang Chong's words angered him.

"Don't you believe it?" Fang Chong didn't bother to deal with this kind of bad behavior of cold and ruthless. He was not afraid and believed that cold and ruthless should not be impulsive because of a sentence. Nothing at all ...

Fang Chong said this sentence without any emotion, and then picked up a sword.

With the blade up, pick up the ‘broken blade’ with your right hand and tap it on the blade of that sword….

"Cang ..." A crisp sound from a metal drop sounded, still the same, no, it was a more neat speed.

The broken blade of the cold and ruthless dagger is once again divided into two ...

A 'dagger' with a level of less than fifty. With the technology on the earth, it is very superb to be able to achieve this level, but sitting on the 'Maya Galaxy' spaceship comes from 'alien technology', and the level reaches one hundred and fifty. In front of the ten-level "Battle Knife", it doesn't even look ...

Cutting off such a weapon is no different than cutting tofu with a kitchen knife ...

"What the **** do you mean?" Seeing this scene happen again, the cold and ruthless expression became even more ugly, and the body shuddered slightly because of the anger ...

"I want to tell you a fact ..." Fang Chong put down the sword in his hand, and looked coldly without retreating. "Blind arrogance is not suitable at all in the last days, and it is most likely to make you suffer ..."

"Blindly arrogant?" When Fang Chong spoke these three words, he was ruthless in his ruthlessness. He originally thought he would be furious, but in fact his body did not do anything, but it was unexpected. Stand still ...

Fang Chong's words made him realize that he had always thought that his strength would be strong, but after seeing Fang Chong and others these days, he finally realized that the strength is not as powerful as he imagined. The proud weapon is the same, it is vulnerable ...

The words of arrogance really hit his pain point.

Compared to Fang Chong them, he is like a frog at the bottom of the well. He doesn't understand anything at the same time, and thinks how powerful he is ...

"Well, I admit that I am arrogant, and I accept this sentence ..." To laugh at this, I laughed coldly.

"I'm not trying to fight you. In the last days, we must be awake all the time, dangers are everywhere, and many dangers are more terrible than I believe. Having a good weapon can increase a lot of our survival. Chances… .. ”Fang Chong did not expect this cold and ruthless to understand so quickly….

From this sentence, Fang Chong can see that he did not read the wrong person ...

"I understand ..." Leng merciless didn't say more, and directly put away the dagger that Chong Chong had just given him in his hands ...

"The name of the dagger is 'Blood Blade' ..."


"Fang Chong, what do you say is this thing?" After Song Ming and they hit all the supplies at the hatch, everyone could rest.

Today, Fang Chong's gains are still good. Fang Chong found what he wanted in the last small warehouse of the spaceship. Although not many, the volume of twenty 'crypto boxes' is enough for a while ... .

These "energy crystals" should be regarded as the biggest gains today ...

With these ‘energy crystals’, the maximum effect of a concentrated gun can be reflected ...

"This looks like a knife handle?" Fang Chong saw the thing Qin Lan was holding, and the first reaction was the knife handle ...

Sky blue and silver-white things are about thirty centimeters long, and the appearance of them is like a "knife" or "knife" without a "blade" or "blade" ...

"I think so, I found two over there, and it was weird ..." Ling Ya also came over, everyone else was looking for something to rest, and Fang Chong left them in the warehouse ...

As for ruthlessness, because the weight of the weapon changed, he found a place to adapt himself. . . .

"Let me see?" Fang Chong also took an interest. According to his understanding, the things transported on the transport ship are mainly weapons and materials ~ www.readwn.com ~ As for why there are not many things in it, Fang Chong thought This ship should have been hijacked during the loading process ...

For this reason, Fang Chongcai was even more surprised that there were still two 'knife handles' in the boxes in the warehouse? Unfinished weapon?

"Will this thing not be what we guessed, isn't it a 'sword handle' or a 'sword handle'?" Ling Ya looked at it for a while and asked in confusion ...

"But this shape is obviously ..." Muge pointed to the position of the end of the "knife handle" ...

"There is also a groove here, a button ....." Just carefully, Qin Lan also found ...

"Then what is this thing?" With a lot of different discoveries, Muge grabbed her hair, indicating that she couldn't guess ...

"Mayan, let's see what this thing is?" Fang Chong did not listen to the discovery of the three daughters. Regarding the things that came from the 'Mayan civilization' carefully, Fang Chong knew that it was convenient to ask 'Maya' ...

"Host, just 'Guangju Sword' ..." Maya said with a hint of surprise.

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