I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 299: Warframe ‘Feather Defense’

Chapter 299 Warframe 'Feather Defense'

ps. Today's birthday of the sixth day of the sixth month of the lunar month in the cold month, let's give some recommended tickets as birthday gifts! Ask for a recommendation ...


With Fang Chong saying Maya stopped, the roulette on the three-dimensional light curtain stopped slowly. m

However, the words on the roulette were still changing, and Fang Chong's heart was provoked.

After a minute or so, the words stopped flashing after the roulette stopped completely.

The roulette is divided into six points, and one is the same material.

"Host can choose by himself. Choose one of six ..." After the roulette was completely still, Maya's voice resounded and echoed into the space.

"Hmm ..." Fang Chong nodded and took a step forward.

"Feiying ..."

"Park Knife ..."

"Reward points plus ten thousand ..."

"The epee has no edge ..."

"Feather defense ....."

Fang Chong took a step closer, and the six options on the roulette were clearly seen in his eyes. To Fang Chong's slight disappointment, he wanted most, that is, the most valuable 'shuttle' among those things that appeared before Che 'didn't appear in it.

Of the six items that can be selected now, Fang Chong knew how to choose one.

Reward points plus 10,000 in a Fang Chong need not be considered at all.

As for the above "Park Knife", it can basically be ruled out. The level of 'Park Knife' is a few levels lower than the level of 'Broken Knife' he currently owns, and among the supplies obtained in the transport ship today, many of the combat knives are similar to 'Park Knife'.

It would be stupid for Fang Chong to choose 'Park Knife' at such a good opportunity.

Excluding these two items, Fang Chong's eyes stayed on the two items of ‘Episode No Front’ and ‘Feather Defense’….

Although the words "Episode No Front" seem strange, the meaning of Fang Chong is not difficult to understand. It is an epee ...

But 'feather defense'? These two words Fang Chong are not easy to understand.

Keeping his eyes on the word 'Fang Fang', after half a ring, Fang Chong's eyes moved away and fell on 'Maya' beside him ...

Maya's 'human profile' is becoming more and more similar now. In raising her hands, Fang Chongdu almost regarded her as a real person.

………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Maya, what is this" feather defense "?" Fang Chongzhen shook his head after a short while, leaving his strange idea behind his head. Maya cannot be human, he is just a system ...

Leaving this strange idea behind his head, Fang Chong pointed at the roulette and asked Maya the word 『羽 防』 ...

"Yu means a kind of material, defense means defense ..." Maya's light voice sounded beside Fang Chong, and to be honest, it seems that Fang Chong has been closest to Maya for so long once.

Before, although Maya's voice gave Fang Chong a very human feeling, this time, this lightness surprised Fang Chong ...

Had it not been for Maya, standing by his side like that, Fang Chong would have mistakenly thought it was not a systematic voice ...

"The defensive material?" Fang Chong didn't know why he felt this way, or shook his head gently.

He understood what Maya explained.

"No, it's not a material for defense. To be precise," Yu Fang "is a armor similar to" Yin Yu ", but it is lighter than Yin Yu and has a higher defense level, which can be close to 250 Grade ... "Maya seemed to feel the change of Fang Chong. When she said anything else, she had already appeared on the outline of her face, and the corner of her mouth was softly raised, as if smiling ...

Feeling such a change in Maya, Fang Chong's eyes widened a bit, he almost asked, what happened to Maya?

However, when Fang Chong was reconsidered that Maya was a system, this impulse was eliminated.

"It turned out that" Yu Fang "was a battle armor ..." Fang Chong nodded and had a general plan in mind.

Later, Fang Chong asked about the situation of Feiying and Epee.

Feiying is relatively ordinary, at least for the current Fang Chong, but it ’s not bad for the epee, and the level is close to 250.

The level of ‘feather defense’ is the same as ‘epee without front’, the same weapon for attack, and the same guarantee for defense.

Fang Chong's time was difficult to choose ...

"What to choose?" Fang Chong glanced up and down the roulette.

In the end, Fang Chong's eyes stayed on the ‘feather defense’. Although the attack weapon was not bad, compared to the defensive armor, there was still a gap in value.

The maximum reward points needed for ‘Ebon Sword’ does not need to exceed 50,000 points, but a defensive battle armor like ‘feather defense’ should be more than just that.

Considering the cost-effectiveness, Fang Chong finally determined that the feather defense ...

…………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"The host is sure of the" feather defense "?" After Fang Chong's decision, Maya still asked systematically. This systematic sentence never changed. Such a sentence also made Fang Chong relieved.

Maya is still a system, just intelligent humanization ...

"Yeah, sure ...." Fang Chong thought that Maya was still a system, the whole person was a lot easier ...

"Uh, uh, uh ..."

After a few beeps, it means that Fang Chong's choice has been successful ...

"Does the host continue to exchange?" After completing the operation of the system, Maya stared at Fang Chong.

Fang Chong also needs 100,000 reward points, but she is very clear, and in this eschatological environment, instead of retaining reward points, it is better to exchange them for supplies and improve the strength of the entire team, so that the chance of survival is greater a lot of…

"Exchange ..." Maya thought so, of course, Fang Chong also thought of this simple and understandable truth.

If Fang Chong had wanted to accumulate a certain number of reward points to redeem some large weapons ~ www.readwn.com ~ But after facing Nine Eyes Zack today, this idea has changed ...

"Hmm ..." Maya nodded, and her imaginary fingers acted on the three-dimensional light curtain.

Maya moves quickly, and as the roulette disappears, the content on the three-dimensional light curtain changes.

Was switched to the exchange mall ...

"Maya helped me find a suit of Emperor Qianchuan… .." Fang Chong thought of Emperor Qianchuan after switching from the screen to the exchange mall ...

Now Huang Qianchuan's fighting power should be second only to him in the whole team. Of course, if Qin Lan is in the air, Huang Qianchuan can't beat it ...

Thinking of this, Fang Chong had to mention Huang Qianchuan to consider ...

Now he is the only one of the core team members without a Warframe suit….

As for the feather defense just now, Fang Chong himself needs ...

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