I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 301: Goal, Nanji

Chapter 301 Objectives, Nanji City

ps thank you brother 『铁血 易 玄』 for your evaluation vote. It was late tonight and I just fell asleep ...


After exchanging the final "reward points" for the "gene pharmacy" needed for evolution, Fang Chong put his eyes directly on the "platinum gift package". M

It ’s not too short to come in the internal space of the Mayan system. Fang Chong also wants to take a break ...

No one can say for sure whether there will be a battle tomorrow.

Looking at the gorgeous and exquisite 'Platinum Gift Package', Fang Chong slowly approached two steps.

"What will it be?" Fang Chong was a little stunned, and now he doesn't know what he wants in this package.

There is no shortage of equipped items for the time being, similar to 'Battle Sword', 'Battle Armor' ...

"Forget it, don't want to, what is it to open ..." After a pause, Fang Chong shook his head gently, throwing the messy thoughts in his heart behind his head, and began to open the platinum package.

The area of ​​the gift package is also not large, it is probably a cubic meter. Such a volume, Fang Chong can dare not imagine any 'large' machine.

While opening the package, Fang Chong hoped that it would be as valuable as it is useful.

A small machine like the previous 'gene extraction machine' is very practical ...

"Will it be a machine?" Fang Chong quickly opened the outer packaging, his eyes stopped on the illustrated picture.

"Energy reconnaissance aircraft ..." Fang Chong was somewhat surprised that when he glanced at the illustrated picture, the introduction of the above things made him hold himself.

The picture is very clear, it looks like an 'airplane', but its appearance is stranger than the ordinary 'airplane'. The first impression to Fang Chong is that it is not a product of the earth.

Moreover, it can be stored in such a cubic meter of boxes. The volume of this 'reconnaissance plane' is believed to be absolutely small.

Shocked, Fang Chong quickly adjusted his own mentality.

"Reconnaissance aircraft" is "reconnaissance aircraft". After Fang Chong adjusted his mentality, he then looked down, that is, a detailed introduction to "reconnaissance aircraft".

"Energy reconnaissance aircraft, which is the smallest type of 'reconnaissance aircraft', has a maximum speed of 1,000 kilometers per hour ..." Fang Chong understood in detail.

Soon he had a general understanding of the functions of such a 'small energy reconnaissance aircraft'.

In general, the greatest function of such an 'energy reconnaissance aircraft' is the function of 'reconnaissance'.

As far as Fang Chong is concerned, they can say that the item 'detection of enemy situation' is basically zero in addition to observing the surrounding situation through the 'satellite system' ...

Although the "satellite system" is quite powerful, the distance between the "satellite system" and the earth's surface is sometimes affected by the weather.

It ’s powerful, but it ’s not practical, especially when they face ‘Nine Eyes Zack’ in the daytime. In the jungle, Lingya outside, and the pastoral songs are ignorant ...

But if there is such an "energy reconnaissance aircraft" that is not large in size and can be changed in size, shape and color, the situation will be very different ...

Except for Qin Lan, there is no need to venture.

That day, they saw the picture with "Nine Eyes Zack", and here you can clearly see ...

Such a battle is still very useful for some members of the regiment, especially the killing of the ‘Zak’, which will undoubtedly greatly increase the courage and confidence of everyone ...


In consideration of this, Fang Chongcai found that this 'energy reconnaissance plane' is coming very well. It will start again tomorrow. With this 'energy reconnaissance plane', their safety factor is much higher.

If there is danger, this 'energy reconnaissance plane' also has an automatic warning function, unlike the satellite system, which wants them to explore through the screen of a notebook and then judge objectively.

That would be very troublesome ...

Fang Chong can be said to be more and more excited, and full of expectations for this energy reconnaissance aircraft that has not seen shape for the time being.

The bad thing is that this energy reconnaissance aircraft needs energy.

It's not gasoline, it's not electricity, it's an energy crystal whose shape is more difficult to get.

Fang Chong didn't know if it existed on earth.

In addition to being lucky enough to get it in an alien spaceship, he wanted to redeem it from Maya. Of course, the value of redemption from Maya is very expensive. An ordinary energy crystal needs hundreds of thousands of reward points for redemption. Advanced A little bit of motion is thousands ...

That exchange price still made Fang Chong stupid ...

"But for safety, this thing is worth it ..." After the platinum package has been completely disassembled, the appearance of the energy reconnaissance plane has also fully exposed.

Looking at the appearance and shape a bit like Dapeng's energy reconnaissance aircraft, Fang Chong gave affirmation in his heart.

After fully seeing the full picture of the energy reconnaissance plane, Fang Chong has more confidence in this guy.

Because if you do n’t look closely, you ca n’t find out that this guy is a reconnaissance plane. In an environment like the last days, Dapeng-like looks are its best cover ...

Even if it is accidentally discovered, in addition to the mutant creatures that can guess, the speed of the energy reconnaissance aircraft, even if it is really found, the problem is not big, it's fast enough to throw a lot of things away ...

To sum up, Fang Chong knows that this energy reconnaissance aircraft is an absolute value ...

………………………………………………………………………… ..

After not finding any need, Fang Chong chose to leave the internal space of the Maya system ...

As for the redeemed things, including system rewards, Fang Chongdu let Maya directly put into his storage space ....

This is not the first transaction. It can be said that Fang Chong and ‘Maya’ have long been familiar with this.

"Huh ..." Fang Chong took a deep breath while sitting on the bed except for the "Mayan Space".

Although the body felt very tired, Fang Chong did not choose to lie down immediately ...

Recalling the previous battle with "Nine Eyes Zack", Fang Chong still found that he had many shortcomings, and that "flying" was a weak spot for him now.

Now in this team, apart from Qin Lan, there is no more 'evolver' with 'flying ability'.

Of course, in this Huaxia, Fang Chong also believes that it is absolutely impossible for an evolutionary with flying capabilities to exceed double digits.

However, Fang Chong is most worried about the future. In the face of ground mutants, Qin Lan, the zombie, need not worry about the situation, but if one day encounters a "Zack" or a "mutated creature" who has 'flying ability', Qin Lan was dangerous in the air.

Fang Chong wanted to avoid this situation, so he had to face it ...

"Genetic medicine for flight ability ....." I had an idea in my heart, and Fang Chong was not arrogant. He took out the bottle of "flying gene medicine" he should have taken last night.

Thinking about the future, Fang Chong has completely taken the ‘flight gene medicine’….

In the case of Qin Lan's success, Fang Chong did not worry about the effect. After serving, Fang Chong lay down to rest ...


No words all night, time passes quickly in the rest ...

When Fang Chong woke up again, it was already the next day.

"Fang Chong, came out ..." After Fang Chong woke up, Qin Lan sounded outside the door of the rest cabin, and they sang their voices.

"Hmm ..." Fang Chongli got up from the bed knowing that it might be late. Although I didn't sleep enough last night, Fang Chong's feeling of not needing to worry about safety in the spacecraft gave Fang Chong a very good rest.

Now it can be said that, even in the future, if you truly encounter an alien invader such as the 'Zak', the spacecraft is definitely the safest.

If Maya hadn't told Fang Chong that this spacecraft was still unable to take off, Fang Chong really planned to take such a spaceship with him, for nothing else, it would be enough to be able to sleep well at night. … ..

"How?" From the rest cabin, Fang Chong could clearly see the person at the door. It was Qin Lan, and they were some of them.

……………………………………………………………………………… ..

"It's getting late, the team is already preparing, we want to ask the destination ..." Ling Yaxian said. What she is worried about now is that the line Fang Chong wants to take conflicts with her ...

With Ling Ya's personality, she really didn't want to conflict with Fang Chong's ideas ...

"According to yesterday's plan, first go to the survivor base of Nanji City, and then move on ..." Of course, Fang Chong could hear Lingya's words. Lingya's careful tone, of course, Fang Chong would not Choose to reverse ...

In addition to not wanting to let Ling Ya down, Fang Chong also hates the kind of eschatological life in Lengruikou's mouth ...

The kind that Fang Chong hopes to see ~ www.readwn.com ~ People or people, not human beings ...

"Fang Chong ..." When hearing Fang Chong's evolution, Ling Ya's originally worried expression suddenly smiled. Fang Chong made such a decision. Ling Ya knew that most of the possibilities were because of her ...

Although it is said that after passing through the same route as ‘Nanji City’, Nanji City is a large city, with a large population and too dangerous situation, which was previously excluded by them ...

"Oh, silly girl ....." I can feel the change in Lingya's emotions, Fang Chong stepped forward and touched Lingya's head, gently lowered him in his arms ...

"... ……………………"

The scene lasted for several minutes, until Ling Ya found that Muge and Qin Lan were staring aside, then she blushed and left Fang Chong's embrace ...

Finally, in the laughter of Muge and Qin Lan, Ling Ya blushed to prepare for the departure ...

………………………………………… ..

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