I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 303: Arrivals

Chapter 303 Arrives


"Let's go, too?" Ling Ya said as he watched the team moving forward slowly. m

After having replaced the "Battle suit" of the "Flame", today the team members of the Chinese and English girls are all beautiful, Lingya and Muge are the same, but it is a good scenery ...

"Well, it's time to go. Although there is a cold and ruthless guy in the front to lead the way, but it is difficult to ensure that an unexpected situation occurs ..." Huang Qianchuan also agreed.

After yesterday, this guy has been following Fang Chong's side, not that he doesn't give up on pastoral songs, but sees Chong's skills above. Fang Chong's combat effectiveness yesterday showed him an eye-opener. Many things were unexpected ....

Moreover, the coldness and coldness made him very uncomfortable. His feeling is that coldness is pretending to be cool ...

"Of course, but you have to wait ..." Fang Chong shook his head gently, and after saying this, Fang Chong stopped at the roadside Hummer ...

"Eh?" Hearing Fang Chong's words, Huang Qianchuan's face was full of doubts. At the same time, he was only able to follow him ...

"What is this thing?" When Huang Qianchuan arrived, Fang Chong had opened the back box of Hummer and removed a 'silver' box from it.

Fang Chong's move is not only Huang Qianchuan's strange, Qin Lan, Muge also have the same expression ...

"I'll know when you open it ..." After Fang Chong left them a suspense, he opened the box by hand.

Fang Chong, who already knew what was inside, was fast on the hand, but after a while, the contents of the box appeared.

After Fang Chong opened the box, what appeared to them was a 'metallic' plane.

"Plane model?" Said Muge as soon as he saw what appeared in the box.

"Is Dapeng's model?" Ling Ya said after shaking her head for a while after Mu Ge said the plane model.

"Isn't this guy real?" It's equivalent to the answer from Muge and Ling Ya. Huang Qianchuan is obviously more cautious. He doesn't think Fang Chong will be so boring, he has already set off on the road and is still playing with airplane models?

But he also suspected that this guy was indeed a model ...

"What is Fang Chong?" Qin Lan did not comment. She had the same idea as Huang Qianchuan, but he was more sure than Huang Qianchuan.

"Well, to be precise, this should be a 'reconnaissance plane' ..." Fang Chong smiled slightly. When everyone guessed, he had removed the top shell of this 'energy reconnaissance plane' that was no longer than one meter. Open, revealing a groove of about ten centimeters.

"Scout aircraft?" Upon hearing Fang Chong's words, the expressions of the remaining four were dumb.

"Yes, it's a reconnaissance plane ..." Fang Chong nodded with a smile, and their response Fang Chong had long thought about, while taking out an 'energy crystal' and putting it in the groove of the 'surveillance plane'. I also simply explained to them the function of the "energy reconnaissance aircraft" ...

Regarding this ‘energy reconnaissance aircraft’, which has the most controls, in addition to Qin Lan, it should be pastoral ...


"So powerful ...." After listening to Fang Chong's brief introduction, Huang Qianchuan immediately observed around this 'energy reconnaissance aircraft'. He just guessed that this thing was true. A big part of it depended on his belief in Fang Chong, but It is undeniable that he doubts more than he believes ...

This is why he was so shocked when he heard that the ‘energy reconnaissance plane’ was real….

These things are far beyond his imagination, and they are also the level of technology that the Earth people temporarily cannot reach ...

"There should be other functions, but for the time being we can't use them ..." Fang Chong nodded.

"It's amazing ..." After seeing Fang Chong really didn't seem to be joking, Huang Qianchuan felt it.

However, after yesterday, Huang Qianchuan did not believe in the existence of alien life, and also believed in the alien technology. This ‘energy reconnaissance’ machine was easy for him to understand ...

"Yes, with this thing, we don't have to worry about whether there is danger in front of it ..." Ling Ya said the point.

"And the speed of this 'energy reconnaissance plane' is so fast that even if it is discovered, you don't need to worry about it, you can't catch it at all ..." Muge also inserted a sentence.

"Yes, what you are talking about is the point ..." Fang Chong stood up at this time, holding a 'crystal card' in his hand, and inserted into the notebook he had prepared aside. ‘

After speaking, Fang Chong's hand quickly operated on the 'keyboard'.

Soon, the 'energy reconnaissance plane' quiet on the ground began to take off.


"You idiots, hurry up, hurry ........." In the rundown store, several people with ordinary guns in their hands stumbled out of the store.

While running all the way, a big man scolded and scolded while running ...

Behind them, dozens of green corpse men followed closely with a corpse beast.

Occasionally was shot by a human who ran ahead, but did not hit the head, they just returned to normal after a slight resistance ...

"Damn, the ghost knows that there are so many zombies in the store ..." The swearing guy is the fastest among the crowd and soon ran ahead, but then he chattered.

"Nine brother, what shall we do now?" Although they were desperately running, the zombies in the back still eroded the distance between them step by step.

Seeing this situation, several humans were also a little flustered.

"What else can I do, I can only run ..." The big guy called Jiu Ge turned his head and fired a shot, but hit the head of the green corpse man closest to them.

After shaking the green corpse a few times, it fell down ...

Seeing this green corpse man fall, the man named Jiu Ge didn't look very good.

Although they shot a green corpse accurately, the speed of these green corpses was his most headache, and they were followed by a zombie with a gun that had no effect on it ...

Recently, zombies have become more and more difficult to fight, making him feel lucky that the zombie with full face and explosive muscles has not appeared ...

Otherwise, with the explosive power of zombies, these people must be dead ....

Knowing that zombie is also a coincidence. About ten days ago, he saw a team of more than a hundred people killed by a green monster like that.

Jiu Ge saw very clearly that, like a heavy machine gun, the weapon that can sweep this green corpse man against the monster has no effect ...

If he had n’t been upstairs at that time, he might have died from the hand of the green monster ...

He was not sure if it was a zombie ...

"Flop… .." ran and ran, and finally there was a young man with a small grade and thin body who was weak and unable to support and fell ....

"Save me ..." When he fell to the ground, the young man's face suddenly turned pale, and he could not see a little blood ...

Just shouted two words, the green corpse people behind already surrounded them ...

"Nine brother, skinny monkey ..." Hearing the scream, the people running ahead didn't stop. Although they felt sorry for the thin young man in the heart, they didn't stop in front of the choice of survival ... .

"Damn, there's nothing we can do ..." Jiu's expression twitched a few times.

He didn't know how many times he had experienced such a scene, and it can be said that he was numb.

In this case, it is not that they do not want to be saved, but that they cannot be saved. They are not capable ...

At one time, they were saved in such a situation, but the price paid was even greater.

"It's all a **** stronghold, and you can't survive in it without food surrender ..." and another young man named Skinny Monkey who was the best before, said with a gritted tooth.

"They have the ability, the powerful strength is in the last days, they are the rules ..." After a while, they finally slowed down.

The death of skinny monkeys has earned them time to escape ...

"The cold and merciless also left. If he were there, they wouldn't dare to be so overdone ..." said another person who looked strong after hiding in a residential building that seemed safer.

"Big tiger, speak carefully, you can say the same thing among our brothers, not when you go back ..." Although agreeing with the words of these brothers around him, Jiu Ge still reminded ...

"Do you really know that there are surviving humans elsewhere?"

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Everything is normal ..." In the Hummer, Mengge was very interested in observing the surroundings through the energy reconnaissance aircraft. On such a high-speed road, except for the occasional one or two "zombies", the biggest problem is the traffic jam Road ~ www.readwn.com ~ But for the powerful genetic fighter, it is not difficult to clear the car obstacles now. In terms of speed, the speed of the team is very fast ...

"It's almost approaching its destination, about 20 kilometers away, and the frequency of zombies should be intensive ..." The picture Fang Chong watched was transmitted by the satellite system. Although not so detailed, it had a wide range.

Combined with energy reconnaissance aircraft, they can complement each other ...

After half a day of hurrying, we finally reached our destination ...

"Fang Chong, in front of which is the scope of 'Nanji City', is it directly entered ..." As soon as Fang Chong's voice fell, the intercom on his shoulder heard the voice of Song Ming.

Song Ming ran ahead in the same car with Leng mercilessly.

"What about cold and ruthless?" Fang Chong knew that this sentence should be cold and ruthless, but Fang Chong chose to believe in cold and ruthless, so he believed his opinion.

"With our current strength, my suggestion is to move forward. As long as it goes deeper into 'Nanji City', it is not a threat to us ..." Fang Chong's words fell, and a voice of indifference sounded ...

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