I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 311: The stronghold

Chapter 311 The "Powerhouse"


"Really?" Liu Jiu was dumbfounded at the words of Qin Lan. m

From Qin Lan's peaceful tone and his expressions that don't seem to be joking or playful, Liu Jiu has an illusion that Qin Lan is true ...

And he looked back and thought about it too. They don't seem to have any value now.

The strength of Fang Chong's team, Xiaoyue Mo Ning they did not see, but Liu Jiu himself was very clear ...

With a team of several thousand people, no one is weak, and there are several strengths that are unfathomable.

Such a team can definitely go sideways in the last days.

"Um ..." Qin Lan nodded again. "Drink it ..."

"Okay, thank you ..." After getting the final affirmation, Liu Jiu deeply thanked him.

As for the others, when they saw here, their faces were full of excitement and excitement, without Liu Jiu speaking again, they rushed to the table in front of them, one bottle per person, and poured into their mouths ...


"What are we going to do tomorrow ..." At night, several hours have passed since Liu Jiu's episode of 'gene pharmacy' had been drinking, and Fang Chong and a few of them have circled back from the outside.

They already know about the general environment of the 'base'. The chaos of the 'base', including the degradation of humanity, is similar to what they have heard before, including what they imagined ...

It can be said that, except for the fact that people cannibalize such a completely dehumanizing thing, we have not seen everything else.

After walking around in this way, Qin Lan's beauty also caused a lot of harassment, but those who didn't have long eyes were ruthlessly killed by ruthlessness.

Fang Chong believes that Leng Wurui is so high-profile that I don't need to wait until the next day. The return of Leng Rurui to the ‘stronghold’ should attract the attention of many people in the ‘stronghold’…

Especially those in the 'stronghold'.

In the eyes of such a person, Leng Wurui is undoubtedly the nail in the eye and the thorn in the flesh.

However, if you focus on it, you will be on your eyes. Fang Chong is not afraid of them at all. With their strength of four people, it should not be difficult to settle the entire 'base' ...

Fang Chong also had a plan in mind, to take advantage of such an opportunity to attract the strong among the ‘strongholds’.

If they are really cold and ruthless, including Liu Jiu, they say that others dare not kill, it does not mean that they are also afraid. If they have committed public anger, Fang Chonghui will kill him personally ...

"How to do it?"

After hearing Fang Chong's words, everyone looked seriously. This question really needs to be discussed ...

"Negotiate with those in power in the stronghold. If they are stubborn, we will solve them. Those inhumane and self-degraded guys will not die ..." Fang Chong did not expect everyone to pay attention again. In his body, thinking of everyone trusting him, Fang Chong said affirmatively.

"This is the most direct and best. There is no fight in a day, and my hands feel an itchy ..." Huang Qianchuan nodded as well.

"Okay, that's how it was decided ..." Fang Chong saw this, and thought that was it.


"Brother Hu, look at my strength ..." The next morning, Fang Chong and they were woken up early by Liu Jiu and others, listening to the excited voices of Mo Ning and Xiao Yue, Xiao Yun. Fang Chongli got up from the bed ...

"I've become even more powerful ....." Da Hu's voice was also very excited. Obviously, these people have not come out of the excitement of last night ...

"Brother Fang Chong, have breakfast ..." As soon as Fang Chong walked out of the room, Xiaoyue's voice rang.

Having breakfast, it was a bit unexpected for Fang Chong, but following the direction of Satsuki's fingers, Fang Chong saw food packed in small bags, similar to cookies and instant noodles ...

"Okay ..." Looking at Xiaoyue's sincere expression, Fang Chong nodded, and Huang Qianchuan and Qin Lan walked together. They usually took 'gene medicine' for breakfast. These things can be changed to taste ...

And the contact with these people, Xiaoyue, gives Fang Chong the biggest feeling is a kind of warmth ...

Not the warmth of family, but the kind of friendship between friends ...

This feeling is much better than when I heard them go out yesterday ...

Simply ate something, Fang Chong put some ‘gene medicaments’ on the table again. He wanted to make Liu Jiu and these people stronger as much as possible while staying in the ‘stronghold’ ....

Fang Chong doesn't want to be like Liu Jiu and theirs, and their thoughts have not fallen, so the world is still beautiful and loving ...

……………………………………………………………… ..

"Let's go out and find the" power "of this" base "..." After seeing Liu Jiu and their group drinking the "gene potions" and resting, Fang Chongxian stood up ...

Secretly planned last night, they are going to find the authority of this stronghold today.

This stronghold will become so impersonal and degenerate. The human strength in this stronghold is too weak, and there is a great relationship between the stronghold of the stronghold ...

As the name implies, the 'power-holder' has the greatest power. If the 'power-holder' as a 'base' is well-formed, this position in Nanji City will not be as chaotic as it is now.

I believe that the human beings living in this stronghold will not be anxious.

If the ruler is wise, the combat effectiveness of the stronghold will also be multiplied ...

"Well, that's what it means ...." Although Huang Qianchuan used to be a bit exaggerated, after contacting Fang Chong them, those habits have long disappeared. Now he is like Fang Chong and he doesn't like bullying. weak…..

"Let's go, I know the place ..." Leng relentlessly heard Fang Chong's heartbeat, he said.

"Okay ..." Fang Chong didn't say more, and a few people left Liu Jiu.

"This town was originally called 'Dongyang Town'. There is a twelve-story shopping mall building in the town. Now, that building is occupied by the 'base', Lin Tianba, Huang Wentian ..." Leaving out of the small residential area, coldly introduced.

Lianrui learned more about the high-level situation of the ‘base’ than Liu Jiu and they are quite detailed ...

"Oh, Lin Tianba, Huang Wentian ..." Fang Chong remembered these two names, and Leng Ruixin would talk about these two people, which should be the top priority.

The mall building is located in the center of Dongyang Town, and Fang Chong can find them without any discrimination.

"I didn't expect that the strongest guard of this 'stronghold' is not the exit of the stronghold, but the first floor of this building?" When Fang Chong and his group came to the front of the mall building, they could see the building from a distance. The first floor of the mall building looks crowded ...

"And this‘ power ’is so scared of death…” Qin Lan also laughed.

Laughing at the ignorance of the "powerhouse" in this "base", Fang Chong and they also know why the fighting strength of this "base" is so weak. In addition to not knowing the existence of the gene medicine, it is also the power of the power If the rulers are brave and try more challenges, it will be difficult to guarantee that you will find the existence of 'muscularized meat' ...

After sighing, Fang Chong didn't stop and approached slowly ...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Who are you?" Seeing Fang Chong approaching, the soldiers guarding the 'base' suddenly became tense, gripped the guns in their hands, and aimed their muzzles at Fang Chong ...

"We are looking for the authority of the stronghold ..." Fang Chong waved his hands to signal that the guards should not be nervous. "Also human, what are you afraid of ..."

"The person in power?" Hearing Fang Chong's words, the two guards looked at each other, but did not understand the meaning of Fang Chong's words.

"Uh ..." Looking at the expressions of these guards, Fang Chong was a little speechless. I didn't expect that the stronghold would not talk, and the quality of these guards was even lower. Seeing this, he shook his head helplessly ....

"The person in power is your head ..." Fang Chong asked him to explain to see Lin Tianba and Huang ...

"Have our heads been seen so much?" When Fang Chong said that they were their heads, they understood, but for a stranger who wanted their heads to come out casually, it was impossible for them to report. Yes, otherwise, one accidentally would n’t know how to die….

"Then I'm cold and ruthless enough?" Cold Ruthless, who hasn't talked, took a step forward after hearing the words of these guards, and at the same time took off the peak cap on his head ...

The tone was cold and indifferent, without any emotion, and the eyes were sharper.

Staring at Leng Ru mercilessly, a few guards were instantly frightened.

In addition to the cold and ruthless name, it really has a deterrent effect ~ www.readwn.com ~ The cold and indifferent eyes did not have the slightest emotional look, let alone make them scare a cold sweat ...

"Enough is enough ..." A guard answered with a trembling.

"Then don't hurry up yet ..." Leng relented, his tone even colder ...

"Yes ....." Being cold and merciless for a moment, the guard's feet softened, stumbled and ran in to report ...

"It seems your name is pretty good ..." Huang Qianchuan laughed after watching the stumbled guard running away, and looked at him with a stern expression, with a cold expression on his face.

"………." Hearing Huang Qianchuan's words, looked at Huang Qianchuan ruthlessly, and said nothing coldly ...

"Huang Qianchuan, stop joking, think about how you will deal with the head of the stronghold ..." Fang Chong looked at Huang Qianchuan helplessly.

That's the cold and ruthless character, and Huang Qianchuan also deliberately ...

‘If it ’s not planned, it ’s ...”

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