Chapter 316 Nanji City


The next day, Fang Chong's team was ready to go, and they took a rest for more than two days. Everyone seemed to be in a good spirit. Fighting in this state will undoubtedly bring out the greatest fighting power ...

And Fang Chong also believes that after this battle, the strength of the entire team will be further improved. M

Now many players are near the 50th level. The 50th level is an opportunity, a watershed between genetic warriors and ordinary warriors…. \\

However, it's only a matter of time before you reach level 50 after you have the genetic medicine.

It can be said that even if it is a pig, it is not impossible to make it a genetically-warmed pig with enough genetic agents ...

Fang Chong leaned on the door of a Hummer, his expression was very relaxed, he was holding a piece slightly, waiting for the arrival of cold and ruthless ...

"Are you here?" At about seven o'clock, I heard a roar of cars ...

"Hmm ..." Fang Chong also heard it, but the noisy engine sound surprised Fang Chong.

Fang Chong originally thought that Lin Tianba and Huang Wentian had come the most, but how could they never expect that dozens of cars would come ...

At first glance, Fang Chongding understood it, but it wasn't Lin Tianba who ran at the front, but Liu Jiu and them ...

Behind them is Lin Tianba them. From the looks of the next few cars, it is Lin Tianba's accomplices ...

"It seems they are also tempted ..." Seeing such a scene, Qin Lan sitting in the car laughed, and she could clearly see the situation behind her from the rearview mirror.

How good Fang Chong said yesterday, that kind of situation can't help but keep them indifferent ...

"I did not deceive them, but they dare to come, but they can still train ..." Fang Chong laughed softly when he heard Qin Lan say ...

"It's true ..." Qin Lan nodded, and Fang Chong told them a lot of his own plans last night.

So they also understand what Fang Chong is worried about, and power and strength are the most important.

If they depend on just a few of them, it will be a matter of time, sooner or later.

After understanding Fang Chong's concerns, they now pay more attention to the strength of the team.

Especially in large-scale battles.

A person's strength can really play a big role, but now that there are sufficient genetic agents, it is only a matter of time ...

After discovering such advantages, Fang Chong had plans to expand the scale.

Cold and ruthless, they will be the first step of Fang Chong's plan.


"You guys are really that kind of people?" Lengrui their car stopped beside Fang Chong. After the window rolled down, Lin Tianba extended his head from the inside ...

"What do you say?" Fang Chong smiled silently.

Hundreds of thousands of zombies exist in Nanji City. Can such a large number be defeated by just a few people? Facing Lin Tianba's doubts, Fang Chong did not answer directly.

After seeing them arrive, Fang Chong finished the sentence, and Fang Chong sat on the car ...

"You guys ....." Seeing Fang Chong doing this, even if he has a hundred and fifty levels of strength, they dare not show any dissatisfaction. He was very confident at first, but now there are some other issues, he can't help it. He's not worried anymore ...

"Let's go and see it later, you will know ..." Huang Qianchuan, who was sitting in the driver's seat, laughed when he heard the question of Lin Tianba.

He didn't know if he wanted to say that Lin Tianba was naive or what ...

"Um ..." Lin Tianba didn't find the expression of worry of Huang Qianchuan and other people, and the heart that had been stunned calmed down again ....

Fang Chong, including Huang Qianchuan, looked at him with a touch of ridicule that made him depressed.

Now he's completely let go and he's out ...

"Then speed it up ..." Huang Qianchuan smiled even more. Seeing Fang Chong's car going further and further, Huang Qianchuan stepped hard, and the speed of the car was immediately raised.


"The situation ..." The car was running, and Fang Chong was not idle. He asked Qin Lan while driving.

"The road is normal, except for a small number of zombies, there is no other trouble ..." Qin Lan will replace the work of Muge. Muge and Ling Ya set off early. They brought a large convoy, which may have reached the city of Nanji. The area entrance is ...

"Continue to pay attention, and the situation will be notified at any time ..." Fang Chong is glad that today is a good day. Now everything looks good, developing in the direction he wants ...

"Know ..." Qin Lan didn't say more, and Fang Chong's speed was constantly accelerating.

A distance of more than ten kilometers, after a while ...

"How's the situation?" Before arriving, Fang Chong could vaguely hear the sound of guns. This would get out of the car, Fang Chong inquired as soon as possible.

"The situation is good ..." Ling Ya came over and her team of over 6,000 people was split by her into eight teams, about one thousand people and one team, and each team had more than one hundred genetic fighters ...

"Well, yes ...." Fang Chong nodded after listening to Ling Ya and Muge's narrative. Ling Ya's plan was pretty good.

Thousands of teams will not and will not be too few, divided into six or seven teams, can speed up the killing of zombies.

"Will it be too risky for us to divide the six-way offense like this?" Ling Ya saw Fang Chong's surprised joy and was very satisfied. This plan was also thought of by her at midnight last night.

Although the battle plan is good, the only thing that is not good is that the front line is exaggerated too much. If you face a really powerful zombie, the danger will increase greatly ...

She was the most uncertain about this. Until now, after getting good results, she still feels uneasy ...

After all, the understanding of Nanji City is only prepared by the situation detected by the energy reconnaissance aircraft yesterday.

If suddenly there were a huge number of Terminators, the danger would be unimaginable ...

And one more thing, at the level of the Terminator, "Zombies" already know the timing.

In their unfavorable circumstances, it is impossible for them to come out and die ...

"Let the Patriarch pay more attention. It ’s good that the leaders of the teams keep a close eye on the surrounding situation ..." Fang Chong did not express much opinion. Speaking of which, Ling Ya is a very talented person to direct the battle. Fang Chong is still a bit behind ...

What Ling Ya has is not so confident.

Fang Chong often avoids ideas, he wants to make Lingya more confident ...

But this time, Ling Ya's worry is also a major problem. If the front line is too open, the risk factor is really high ...

Not enough for her to ignore, even if it is scattered, there are thousands of people in a team, and there are 120 or 30 genetic warriors ...

The collective outbreak of these people cannot be underestimated ...

Fang Chong knows this better than anyone, and there are many powerful weapons ...

The weapons exchanged from the "Mayan system" are not enough to deal with the "Zaks", but to deal with ordinary "zombies", a sweep is a large swath.

If it weren't for the "muscle" on them, I would have used it ...

When the threat is real, show this weapon without worrying.

"I see ..." After seeing the encouraging look given to her by Fang Chong, Ling Ya nodded confidently, revealing a gentle smile.

……………………………………………………………………………… ..

After Ling Ya left, the following team also arrived.

"Fang Chong, are you really ready to lay down 'Nanji City'?" After an off-road vehicle stopped next to Fang Chong, the door of the vehicle opened in unison, and seven or eight people jumped off the vehicle ...

After Liu Jiu came to Fang Chong, he asked seriously.

They only held rifles in their hands, but their eyes were firm, Fang Chong did not see the fear and reluctance in their eyes ...

Discovering this, Fang Chong's heart felt warm, and the gift the day before yesterday was not wasted ...

"Yes, lay down" Nanji City "and rebuild the" base "of" Nanji City ... "Fang Chong nodded, saying with pride.

"Just Fang Chong, hundreds of thousands of zombies in 'Nanji City', can you finish the killing?" Xiaoyue also followed, with his current level of more than ten levels, it was worse than Fang Chong's members on their side Many, but compared to other people in 'Nanji City', it will be a lot stronger ...

"What do you say?" Fang Chong smiled slightly. The number of hundreds of thousands sounds scary, but according to the calculation of the number of people, if one kills ten, more than 6,000 of them will be able to kill 60,000 or 70,000. 'Zombies', and can one person only kill ten zombies?

The answer is, of course, not just one day, but the next day ...

Fang Chong believed that if he really wanted to kill, it would be completed within five days.

But Fang Chong still needs to consider ~ ~ If all the "zombies" in 'Nanji City' are killed all at once, how will ordinary people in the 'base' obtain the 'gene medicine'? How to progress ...

With this in mind, Fang Chong has never planned to kill ‘Zombie’ in ‘Nanji City’….

"Can't finish ..." Satsuki replied.

"No, it's not endless. I can't finish it. If it's done, it will be difficult to improve my strength in the future ..." Fang Chong explained.

"Isn't it dangerous to establish a 'base' in such an environment?" Liu Jiu was also a little worried ...

"Oh, only in a dangerous environment can you hone a real soldier ..." Fang Chong shook his head, denying Liu Jiu's thoughts.

In his opinion, strength is honed ...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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