I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 318: Did you persuade

Chapter 318 Did you persuade


When Fang Chong arrived, Song Ming and they were fighting with the zombies. From the scene, it was called fiery. m

Song Ming had a 'Terminator' alone. The 'Terminator' with a height of five or six meters looks very conspicuous. Song Ming's body is tall, and his height is not short, but facing the 'Terminator' 'I didn't watch it, the average' Hulk 'has a height of more than two meters.

As for the other "Terminator", it was surrounded by the small army and more than ten "Gene Warrior" groups, but so many people faced this "Terminator" and the scene was also at stake.

The dozen or so ‘gene warriors’ who are with Xiaojun are all old members of the former ‘blood killing and hunting corps’. Their strength is now close to a hundred, and they are regarded as the backbone of their current team.

However, it did not break through the 100th level. It is still difficult to rely on the number of people in the face of the ‘Terminator’ of the high 20-30 levels ...

As for Mu Di, for a while, when they saw such a fierce battle scene, a few people who had been chattering for a moment became speechless.

Even Mu Di was as confident as before, but this time, seeing the appearance and shape of the "Terminator", his face was a bit pale ...

Although he did not face the "Terminator" directly, the "powerful visual impact and oppression" brought to him by the "Terminator" cannot be easily ignored ...

Originally, I was very confident, thinking that I could start to do my best, but after seeing the power of ‘Terminator’, this feeling disappeared ...

"How? Did you persuade me ...?" Fang Chong all looked at the changes in the faces of these people. In this scene, Song Ming could temporarily control them, and Fang Chong did not plan to take a shot immediately.

Although Song Ming, including the Xiaojun, faced the "Terminator", there is a little danger in it, but there is danger, and there must be gains in supporting the past ...

‘Terminator’ is powerful, and fighting against it, the harvest of its own power is very great ...

Many times, rich combat experience is a life-saving hole card.

Fang Chong has gained a lot in this regard. He believes that Song Ming can succeed and understand him.

But having said that, Fang Chong didn't dare not prepare at all. Accidents are very easy to happen, especially the 'Terminator' and 'Furious' impact skills ...

The "terminator" in the violent battle is not comparable now.

With this in mind, Fang Chong has taken the 'broken sword' from his back ...

Feeling the icy touch of the smashed knife, Fang Chong's heart was as calm as water ...

"Have you persuaded ..." After hearing these three words, Mu Di turned his head to look at Fang Chong with a normal face and a calm look. He knew that Fang Chong said to him ...

He heard Fang Chong's words, his eyes flashed a mess, he wanted to admit it, but in fact, he was really persuaded, let alone fight, just see so many 'corpses',' Hulk 'There is no will to fight anymore, let alone two powerful' terminators' among them ...

He was extremely upset, and Fang Chong's words made him look blue, but the fact is the fact, he really counseled ...

"Isn't your mouth very hard just now? I want to be strong, not just by talking on my mouth. You can see for yourself. The one who fights with the Terminator. Is he older than you? He is called Xiaojun, only eighteen At the age of, is he afraid? Is he back? "Fang Chong was quite optimistic about Mu Di, but before that, he would see that he didn't have the courage to fight a battle. Fang Chong said that he was indeed disappointed.

Not just to him, but the dozens of people behind him ...

"You elites in the so-called strongholds exist, haha, **** elites, have no courage in World War I, they are **** elites ..." Fang Chong did not give them any face.

Although I know that this is the first time they have encountered such a situation, at least in courage, be brave ...


"We ..." Listening to Fang Chong's words, Mu Di's body trembled slightly, his face flushed, and he almost became a pig's liver color, apparently he was holding his breath.

"Look again, there are people fighting with several" Green Corpse Men ". Among them are two girls and a younger child. Their strength is weaker than you. They Are you afraid? Are you scared? Do n’t be afraid to tell you that you are not even as good as they are ... ”Fang Chong knew his words worked. Although there is a radical meaning in it, if they do n’t, Mu Di and others, drum If you do n’t have the courage to fight in the first world war, it ’s really unlikely that you want to be a strong one in the future ...

"And they, like you, come from‘ Nanji City Base ’… ..”

"They also come from the‘ Nanji City Base ’…” Fang Chong ’s sentence was still like a thunderstorm, Mu Di ’s expression was completely dull, all his pride was completely destroyed at this moment….

Especially seeing their speed includes strength, compared to them they are really weaker ...

Fang Chong didn't say anything about Hu, nor did he answer Mu Di's question. He still looked calmly.

Mu Di's body slowly trembled even more, and his fist creaked because of the clenching strength ...

"Xiao Yu is ready, the whole team ...." Mu Di took a deep breath, and gnashed his teeth with a roaring voice ...

"Yes ....." An older man behind Mudi held up the alloy knife in his hand than the boys in Mudi's province, "all ready ..."

"Yes ....." Although these players are equally frightened, afraid that the Terminators are powerful, including those of the Hulk, but Fang Chong just let them breathe a sigh of relief ~ www.readwn.com ~ They have their pride, Self-esteem, being trampled by Fang Chong, the material must be reversed, and their strong fighting spirit was also inspired ...

"Offensive ..." Listening to the powerful voice of his teammates, Mu Di returned with full confidence, and after taking a deep breath, he roared loudly ...



Looking at Mu Di, dozens of them rushed out, Fang Chong's mouth slightly raised, his purpose was achieved, no matter what the result, Mu Di and their group's harvest is certain, can survive, will be strong in the future , They took the most difficult step, and this step is the most important ...

"Not good ...." Suddenly, a scene appeared on the field that made Fang Chong hit a spirit.

The "Terminator" surrounded by more than ten people than Xiaojun suddenly roared ...

This kind of change Fang Chong is extremely familiar.

The prelude to 'Rage' ...

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