I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 326: Ambition

Chapter 326 Ambition


The main reason why 'zombies' and 'mutated creatures' voluntarily evacuated Nanji City is because of the smell of 'Sickle Zach', especially after 'Sickle Zack' gave birth to the next generation of 'eggs'. Protecting the child ’s tyrannical atmosphere is not something that 'zombies' and ordinary 'mutated creatures' can counteract ...

With the strong and weak offsetting, zombies and mutants can only choose to leave silently. m

Of course, if a 'Destroyer' that is more powerful than the "Terminator" can appear in the "Zombies", they will not be afraid of the Zak tribe, which is at most five or five points. As for the mutant creatures, it can be the same as the "Zha". The Croats only contend with the 'kings' of the 'mutated creatures' ...

But less than a year after the end of the last days, the "Destroyer" in the zombies is not enough to appear, and the same is true of the "mutated creature" ...

Of course, this is also the reason why human beings can survive. If evolution is faster, human beings will be extinct for a long time ...

As for Fang Chong, what he was worried about now was zombies and mutants.

They left Nanji City because they were afraid of the dangerous breath given to them by ‘Scythe Zach’, but now ‘Scythe Zack’ has been solved by Fang Chong, what should I do when zombies and mutant creatures come back?

Fang Chong is worried that this is not unreasonable. Zombies and mutants can feel the dangerous breath given to them by ‘Scythe Zach’, so it ’s not difficult to find that ‘Sickle Zach’ has disappeared….

Tomorrow may be no problem, but the day after tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow?

Fang Chong believes that in less than a few days, the zombie and the Terminator fear that they will cause great trouble for them! It should not be said that it is a big test for the newly-built ‘Nanji City’ survivor base ...

Fang Chong also believes that if ‘Nanji City’ is a survivor base that can pass this test, it should be completely successful ...

…………………………………………………………………… ..

"Fang Chong, you seem to have something in your heart ..." After the team was arranged in the TV station building, several of Qin Lan came to Fang Chong, which is a large conference hall on the third floor of the TV station building ...

Fang Chong told them that after everything is arranged at night, the meeting must be held.

The few women who first came to Fang Chong immediately found that Fang Chong had a strong expression of worry on his face ...

"Well, worrying about the next test of the Nanji Survivor Base ..." Fang Chong nodded without denial. In front of Qin Lan and Ling Ya Muge, Fang Chong did not need to conceal these problems. One more person knew and the solution was even more Easy to think.

Ling Ya and Qin Lan Muge are smart people who understand the meaning of change in Fang Chong's hands ...

"Are you worried about the zombie mutants rebounding?" Qin Lan quickly understood what Fang Chong said.

"Yes, 'Scythe Zack' was killed by us, fearing that the zombie mutants would be tempted to re-engage the idea of ​​the center of Nanji City, but it will inevitably be a fierce battle ..." Fang Chong nodded, Qin Lan guessed That's right.

"This is a big problem ..." After listening to Fang Chong's words, the expressions of the three women also became heavy. Today, a team of thousands of them is in danger when they face 20,000 zombies. One hundred thousand, millions come, I am afraid that not only them, the entire Nanji city may be razed to the ground ...

"The urgent task now is to establish the fortifications of Nanji City before being re-attacked by zombie mutants." Fang Chong nodded, but he did not plan to continue talking about these, and wanted to know more ... .

"That's right, fortifications are the most important ..." Ling Ya is also genetic.

They can understand the main points of Fang Chong.

"Well, when everyone comes in for a meeting, we will focus on this problem ..." Fang Chong nodded when he saw that they all understood.



The following time, except for the arrival of Fang Chong's original important members of their team, Leng Ru mercilessly including Lin Tianba and Huang Wentian also appeared after the meeting.

In addition to defense, the issues discussed are the next developments, including the issue of staying in Nanji survivor base city ...

These issues are top priority ...

"I suggest to hold the river side first, and if there are no mutants in the flying category, it is absolutely safe to put the survivor's focus here ..." A floor plan of Nanji City was ruthlessly laid out flat at the conference table on….

Lin Tianba, who is more familiar with the urban situation of Nanji City, gave suggestions ...

"I think if you guard here, the human site is really safe, but the area seems a little smaller ..." Looking at the map, Song Ming said.

"Well, this is also ..." Fang Chong listened to what both of them said, which makes sense.

Fang Chong is not familiar with the road conditions in Nanji. What they said is that Fang Chong is confused. In his opinion, Lin Batian's proposal is more suitable ...

There was no way, Fang Chong set his sights on Leng Ru merciless.

This place should also be Fang Chong familiar from the right ...

"What's your idea, cold and ruthless?" Fang Chong asked.

"Well, guarding the city center behind the river course is indeed a good choice. Except for a few necessary intersections, there will be few other zombies and mutants. For our development now, it is the best now. …. ”Leng is ruthless and unpretentious. The question Fang Chong asked, he answered in great detail. "As for the small area, it is not a problem. In the face of survival, even if we live together, we are very happy ..."

"Well, I see ..." Fang Chong nodded after hearing Leng said ruthlessly.

After the analysis of the situation like cold heartlessness, it is already clear. Fang Chong also decided to temporarily do this ...

They haven't been in Nanji for a long time, and they are leaving in these days.

It ’s okay if they do n’t leave, but the guards wo n’t be in trouble, but if they leave, it ’s no wonder that the long front can be held by the guards of their original stronghold ...

Lin Tianba's proposal is indeed very reasonable, and it is also very suitable for the situation they are facing ...


"All the fortifications are built inside the river channel and will be executed tomorrow ..." Fang Chong, after understanding all the conditions, immediately issued an order. Fang Chong does not listen to others casually, but he does not believe in himself blindly ...

What's more, Fang Chong believed in coldness, he said the same, and he believed.

Although Song Ming ’s concerns are equally justified, but how many survivors are there around Nanji City? I do n’t know, at least with the location of the city center within the river channel, it is a good question to live with 100,000 people.

Things have to go slowly step by step, no one can eat a big fat man in one bite.

These reasons are clear, and as long as they have the strength, it is not impossible to continue to expand the scope ...

With a small development now, Fang Chong is getting more and more feasible.

"Well, okay ..." Fang Chong gave instructions, and no one else made any further comments. So did Song Ming and they, Fang Chong's decision, they never objected, and they also heard cold and ruthless just now. Analysis, they also feel very reasonable ...

"Then let's rest first! You can take a good rest tonight without worrying about the danger ..." Fang Chong looked at everyone's tired look, and he was not going to say anything. Although it is unlikely that fierce fighting will happen again tomorrow However, being prepared is always safe, and no one can guarantee what happened in the last days ...


Soon, everyone was gone, and the spacious room was soon left with a few people ...

And Fang Chong, cold and ruthless, Lin Tianba, Huang Wentian, including Huang Qianchuan, etc ...

………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Fang Chong, I know that you have laid down Nanji City in addition to the chaotic and degenerate situation of the base, there should be other reasons in it, right?" After most of them left the hall for a while, Huang Qianchuan's voice Broke the quiet ...

"You know?" Fang Chong listened to Huang Qianchuan, but it was slightly surprised, he thought he had other things planned, only Qin Lan knew.

He has no ambitions and does not like to be in power, but in an environment like the last days, it is not difficult for Fang Chong to believe what the future will look like.

He doesn't want to be in power, but it doesn't mean that other people don't have such ideas, and don't want to be eaten by others, they must have stronger power than others.

Similarly, the truth is the same in the face of zombies, mutants, or Zak ...

"Although you don't have ambitions, but you can't avoid it if you want to avoid it. The so-called heroes in troubled times, you have great potential ..." Huang Qianchuan heard a gentle smile.

Fang Chong asked such a question. UU reading www.uukanshu.com Huang Qianchuan was very sure. He guessed very accurately ...

"You're right and right, the situation you observed is indeed similar to what I thought ..." Fang Chong did not deny, and no need to deny.

"Then you are going to use Nanji City as your first stronghold?" Huang Qianchuan heard Fang Chong admits, but smiled very happily. He likes people with ambitions, or people with dreams ...

"No, it shouldn't be the first stronghold. To be precise, it should be the reserve base, the first base city. What I want is Shanghai Stock Market ..." Fang Chong shook his head gently.

"On the Shanghai Stock Exchange?" After hearing Fang Chong's remarks, a few surprises appeared on their faces.

They have seen the horrors of Nanji City, but compared to Shanghai, the population of Nanji City is a little bit small ....

They dare not imagine that danger ...

"In short, what attracts me to Shanghai is his industrial base. Although all industries on the planet are currently in a state of paralysis, the industry is still most in need of development ...

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