I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 328: Strong idea

Chapter 328 Strong Thoughts


The three people who had tasted the benefits of the ‘gene pharmacy’ long ago heard Fang Chong say that after such a machine was produced, both eyes were brightened. I ca n’t wait to find a piece of 'muscularized meat' to try it out. m

But they knew exactly what such a machine represented?

What is the most important role of ‘gene pharmacy’? Improve the human body's rank, and rank represents powerful ...

In the last days, it is not that humans do not want to be strong, but that they cannot be strong.

In the absence of eschatological knowledge, if you want to become strong, other than those born ‘evolvers’, do you really want to, at least before they knew Fang Chong, they thought so coldly.

It wasn't until the advent of genetic medicine that their ideas ...

But now, Fang Chong actually gave them such a machine that can automatically extract the 'gene pharmacy'. Can they not be excited?

In their opinion, having such a ‘gene pharmacy extraction machine’, ‘Nanji City’ survivor base, will have great strength in the near future ...

As for Fang Chong, he couldn't help shaking his head when he saw such a reaction. Although it was thought that they might do this, Fang Chong was quite speechless when he saw the reaction.

Does he really want to say something about it?

However, considering these things for a relatively backward base city such as ‘Nanji City’, the ‘gene medicament’ extraction machine does exist like a treasure. Fang Chong does not care about himself, and does not mean that other people are the same ...

Fang Chong then explained the general use of the gene medicine extractor to the level of 'gene medicine' and explained to them that they let them leave ...

As for the survivor base of 'Nanji City', there are so many places they can help. As for the future? Fang Chong couldn't decide.

After the cold and ruthless few of them left, Fang Chong called Song Ming all over.

The matter of the Nanji Survivor Base was resolved, but they have not yet landed ...

It's easy to leave, but it's basically impossible to reach Shanghai market for two or three days. With the current situation on the road plus accidents that are easy to happen, they will definitely cause them a lot of trouble ...

And what they need to prepare for the most is to deal with these unexpected situations ...

……………………………………………………………………………… ..

"We're leaving tomorrow. How are you prepared?" After everyone sat down, Fang Chongxian started. Preparation before departure is the most important.

The focus of Fang Chong is to ask this point. This time, the time is more urgent. Fang Chong is more worried about the situation of preparation, and has had some troubles that could have been avoided.

In Fang Chong's view, such a thing can be avoided, of course, to avoid ...

"No problem, everyone is on standby ...." Song Ming looked at the captains of other teams and found that there was nothing wrong with the others. He stood up and said to the other side.

"Well, then we will follow the original plan and start tomorrow. The goal is to go to Shanghai. The dangers on the road are certain. Everyone should be vigilant ..." Fang Chong nodded, and Fang Chong looked a little different about their current team change Satisfaction.

Although it is not an army, regardless of discipline, attitude, etc., these aspects are becoming increasingly militarized.

The more the team is like this, the more powerful the combat power will be.

Sometimes, a little change can achieve unexpected results.


Fang Chong went on to talk about some common sense, including the changes in the pattern of the Zak people now, and with everyone to formulate the route after tomorrow until it reaches Shanghai.

Whether to follow the original highway or national road ...

Both are good or bad, high speed, can avoid a lot of zombies obstruction, but the frequency of mutant organisms should be higher, and there is a certain possibility of encountering the Zak ...

On the national roads between ordinary cities and cities, the chance of encountering powerful mutant creatures is much smaller. Although the safety factor is high, the speed is slow and there are a large number of zombies. The trouble is the same.

But there is another important role to play on national roads.

That is, when staying at night, so many people definitely need the building ...

Otherwise, wouldn't everyone rest on the side of the road to become the active target of the zombies.

Thinking again and again, everyone agreed unanimously, from the national road ...

The degree of danger is more assured. For Fang Chong, it is very rare to have another safety guarantee ...


After preparing everything that needs to be prepared in advance, everyone else goes back to rest. Fang Chong, seeing this situation, did not stay much.

After so many days, Fang Chong finally had time to talk with Maya, of course, including exchanging items ...

It should have been more than a week since the last redemption, and Fang Chong has not redeemed things at Maya ...

Fang Chong, the reward point accumulated these days, knows very well that it is the existence of a freely redeemable item. Let ’s say that there should be two or three hundred thousand reward points ...

"Welcome the host ..." After Fang Chong returned to his room, his consciousness turned up and appeared in the 'Mayan System' space. At the same time as Fang Chong's figure appeared, Maya's voice sounded sweetly.

"Maya, I want to exchange" Battle Sword ", and" Battle Sword "with an attack power of about 100 ..." Fang Chong directly reported what he needed ...

"Battle?" After hearing Fang Chong's words, Maya looked at Fang Chong strangely. What does Fang Chong want these low-level swords to do? Maya's tone came with a strong solution.

"Yes, that's the sword ..." Fang Chong nodded, indicating that Maya himself heard it.


"Blood Shadow's series of swords, the attack power is in the hundreds ..." Maya saw Fang Chong nodded and said there were no errors, she opened the three-dimensional screen of the exchange system.

At the same time as "Maya" reported the data, a "blood red" sword appeared in Fang Chong's field of vision.

"Well, that's it, a hundred ..." Fang Chong glanced at the data and nodded to indicate that it could be exchanged ...

"Okay, the value of Blood Shadow Battle is 3,000 points, which is a total of 300,000 reward points. Is it redeemable?" Maya quickly reported a total value to Fang Chong.

"300,000… .." Although Fang Chong had been prepared for a long time, but after hearing such a price, he still took a breath, and the 300,000 reward point was not a small amount ...

If she can deduct it, it should be a lot of funds in the account ...

"Yes, please choose ..." Maya nodded.

"Okay, sure ..." Fang Chong had a rare smile.

Soon the transaction was a success.

In the following time, Fang Chong also exchanged a lot of Warframe suits, and stopped until the last reward points were exhausted ...

After completing these, Fang Chong exited the Mayan system and lay down on a simple sofa to rest.

He originally planned to go to Qin Lan, but he was afraid that Qin Lan was too tired these days, so he went to sleep on the sofa himself.

And time passed quickly, and one night passed unconsciously.

When Fang Chongyi woke up, the sky was already bright.


"Are you leaving?" The convoy has been completely sorted out. The leading troops, Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan, have set off as pioneers, but it will take some time for Fang Chong's turn.

When they heard the cold and ruthless, they asked, Fang Chong will call them inside ...

"It's going to leave, but before leaving, these things are given as a reward ..." After leaving, Fang Chong didn't follow up with the salesman. After entering the room, Fang Chong pointed at the fifty swords lying inside.

"These are ..." Fang Chong pointed to the sword on the ground, and of course, some of them saw it coldly.

But the scene where dozens of battle knives lay there was still very powerful, and beside these war knives, there were more than ten battle armor sets ...

Looking at all of them, Leng Wurui and Huang Wentian looked at each other, then looked back at Fang Chong, and were very puzzled about Fang Chong's meaning ...

"These swords and armor sets are used as a reward point for the base city. Those who are strong or equal to the contributors in the base city can get ..." Fang Chong had long thought of being cold and ruthless. The sword will have such an expression.

"This ....." I heard Fang Chong actually made such a plan, and Lengrui really didn't know what to say.

They do n’t know what kind of sword they are made of. They only know that ordinary alloy swords are broken in front of such swords. There is no power at all ...

"These swords were given to the base city ~ www.readwn.com ~ I believe that as long as they do not meet the Zak, there should be no danger. With the fortifications, it is impossible to attack the defense of a large base city ... . "Fang Chong waved his hand, saying there was no need to say anything else.

"Well, understand ..." With the continuous change of the base city these days, Leng Wurui is not as cold as Fang Chong met him for the first time ...


"Well, let's go ..." After more than half an hour, Fang Chong's Hummer started slowly and finally left Nanji City. The goal is absolutely unchanged Shanghai Stock Market ...

Especially after exiting from the internal space of the Maya system last night. This idea of ​​Fang Chong is even stronger ...

Hundreds of thousands of reward points are only exchanged for more than one hundred swords, which is too expensive ...

If you own a factory, you can save half of the materials you spend, including money ...


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