I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 430: Anomalies start again ...


"That's what I said ..." Fang Chong smiled slyly when he saw Huang Qianchuan jumping into the pit himself. Huang Qianchuan suddenly felt fooled, but until now, he still didn't believe Yu Wenjing You will hear the conversation they just made. m

Don't say that Yu Wenjing and them are not familiar at all, that is, she is here, or hiding there, eavesdropping. According to his strength, it is impossible to find nothing ...

"Yes, that's what I said ..." After thinking that it was really impossible, Huang Qianchuan was in a good mood. Then he answered, full of confidence ...

"Haha, I lost this time, but I can't blame me. I'm also helping me. The opportunity has come out. Can I grasp what's happening ..." Fang Chong said while leaving the door.

"Hmm ..." After hearing Fang Chong's words, and then seeing Fang Chong's actions, Huang Qianchuan's pupils suddenly contracted, eyes stared straight ahead.

That feeling seems like a beast in front ...

"Haha, Brother Qianchuan didn't expect that there is such a fascinating side ..." Huang Qianchuan did not exit, the door in front of the off-road vehicle opened at once, but the person who came out of Huang Qianchuan was relieved that It's pastoral.

Seeing that it was a pastoral song, Huang Qianchuan calmed down a lot ...

"Okay, Muge actually deceived me with Fang Chonglai. If I was bullied by Fang Chong in the future, don't come to me called brother ..." After seeing that it wasn't Yu Wenjing, Huang Qianchuan calmed down, but he was joking But, he was also very angry that this idyll actually helped Fang Chong to trick him ...

"Hey, wait until Fang Chong dares to bully me. But talk about Brother Qianchuan, isn't it disappointing to see Sister Yuwen not ..." Muge said with a smile.

"Go, what's so disappointing ..." Huang Qianchuan gave Muge a grimace.

"That's fortunate, isn't it?" Muge knows Huang Qianchuan's character, though he said so. Idyll does not believe it.

"What's so lucky ..." Huang Qianchuan said his thoughts in two words without thinking of Muge. He really felt very fortunate. If Yu Wenjing was here, he really didn't know how to end.

If he wants him to confess, he might as well let him find the Destroyer ...

"Xing Xing Yuwen is not here, don't you confess?" Muge blinked, a look I knew. "Dare you dare?"

"I wouldn't dare. Is there something in the world that I dare not do?" Huang Qianchuan nodded resolutely.

"That's fine. It's time for Sister Yuwen to play ..." Muge was very satisfied with Huang Qianchuan's answer. When Huang Qianchuan's voice fell, she suddenly opened the door that Fang Chong had been blocking with her body ...

The action of opening the door was nothing, but then the words of the animal husbandry suddenly made Huang Qianchuan's heart suddenly jump. Jump high in an instant ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Yu Wenjing?" Huang Qianchuan's eyes were dull when he saw the back row of people inside the car, with a white coat and long black hair, who wasn't Yu Wenjing? Although today we have only been together for a short time. But this figure Emperor Qianchuan is already remembered ...

Not everyone else, or the woman who made him stunned today, Yu Wenjing ...

"Brother Qianchuan, a good opportunity. Hurry up and confess ..." Muge saw Huang Qianchuan's look slumped, and she pushed it aside.

"I ..." Huang Qianchuan returned to God. The expression kept changing, thinking about the words he had just said with Fang Chong. He really has the urge to find a slot to drill in, especially to allow Fang Chong to say that this condition is really embarrassed ...

But it ’s not working now, it ’s even more difficult not to run. He does n’t know if those words just made Yu Wenjing annoy him even more ...

"Brother, don't forget who said just now, Yu Wenjing said here ..." Fang Chong also walked over, patting Huang Qianchuan's shoulder, and pushing Huang Qianchuan to the first few steps ... .

At this time, Huang Qianchuan was also able to clearly see the appearance of Yu Wenjing with her head down in the car. As for the expression of Yu Wenjing, I do n’t know ...

However, Yu Wenjing didn't run at this time, which means that she also had a little expectation ...

"Big man, don't grind it up. If you like it, you can say it directly. You have to take the initiative of a girl ..." Muge saw Huang Qianchuan's usual prestige, but at this time it was actually a puppet, she was very Annoyed and ruthless. "I just said that I might not live tomorrow. What are you afraid of?"

"Uh ....." Listening to the sturdy words of Muge, Huang Qianchuan was a bit stiff, and his breathing became a little heavy. As for Fang Chong, he opened his mouth and said nothing.

"Did I make a mistake? Girls are chasing and tangling ..." Muge continued straightly.

"The girl is good, this is a brilliant sentence ..." Huang Qianchuan was not enough, but Fang Chong clapped her hands.

"What a good thing, I haven't said 伱, 伱 wasn't like this at the beginning, big man, but also we chase down ..." Muge heard Fang Chong, and suddenly remembered that Fang Chong was a few months ago. Huang Qianchuan is going to go too far, and she is even more angry. She hums to the side ...

"It's also my business ..." Fang Chong was silent.

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"I ..." Huang Qianchuan saw Yu Wenjing raise his head at this moment, and his breathing sound suddenly aggravated for a few minutes. It felt as if he had done some strenuous exercise just now, his mouth was slightly open, but he said for a long time that he only spoke A word ...

When they heard a word of me, Fang Chong and others said they were speechless. Fang Chongcai found that there is someone who is more talented than him. Looking at Huang Qianchuan now, Fang Chong feels very satisfied ...

"It seems that we still have to leave for a while, to give Huang Qianchuan a room to play, otherwise. Even if Yu Wenjing is patient and waiting for him to say his confession, his mouth has been open for a long time, and he won't be able to say what he will do if he becomes stiff … .. ”Qin Lan and Ling Ya who had already got off the bus saw Huang Qianchuan still like this, and they looked at each other. Finally shrugged his shoulders and said ...

"This is also ..." Fang Chong nodded, it seems that Qin Lan was right, and Fang Chong also thought about Yu Wenjing's feelings. If Huang Qianchuan really confessed in front of so many of them, as a girl Holding on, Yu Wenjing wo n’t agree or maybe, if they really caused Yu Wenjing not to agree to Huang Qianchuan, then they would be guilty ...

With that in mind. Fang Chong signaled Qin Lan Ling Ya that he understood, and even dragged away the idyll that had always wanted to see how the scene was expressed ...

"The space is left for you. Brother Qianchuan must take sister Yuwen as my sister-in-law, otherwise I won't let you go ..." Fang Chong's idyll cannot be beaten by power. After being pulled out ten meters away, she did not yell stubbornly ...

But it stopped abruptly without saying anything. As for whether Fang Chong blocked his mouth and didn't know ...

But her heartless words made Huang Qianchuan, who had just courageous, let out her breath again ...

"I ..." Huang Qianchuan looked guilty at Yu Wenjing who still didn't say a word, then slowly lowered her head.

Huang Qianchuan was annoyed by his current performance, as Muge said just now. He really doesn't look like a big man now.

"Is this the behavior that I just bragged about with my brother just now?" Yu Wenjing looked tense after Fang Chong and the four of them left, but she waited for a long time. Looking at Huang Qianchuan for a long time, Huang Qianchuan was still unable to say the words she really expected now ...

Not disappointed? This answer is yes and false. However, Yu Wenjing felt a little bit disappointed after feeling disappointed. Although Huang Qianchuan has not said a word yet. But his facial expressions undoubtedly betrayed his inner thoughts, and he was nervous about her. And Huang Qianchuan's performance indirectly shows that Huang Qianchuan is really like Ling Ya Muge they said, his feelings should have been blank in the previous time.

If it's a windy, playful dude, maybe it won't even be possible to simply please the girl?

Although Yu Wenjing is also a full-featured first sister, but because of her simplicity, she feels that she believes that Huang Qianchuan is not pretending, and she believes her sixth sense ...

After believing in her feelings, Yu Wenjing decided to take the initiative herself. Mu Ge said just now that she could chase Fang Chong backwards. Why can't Yu Wenjing do it? Besides, she was just going to put a little pressure on Huang Qianchuan ...


"I'm not bragging, what I'm saying is true ...." After hearing Yu Wenjing's questioning, Huang Qianchuan knew that Yu Wenjing was already impatient, or was more disappointed. With this in mind, Huang Qianchuan hurriedly explained ... He knew that this opportunity was created by Fang Chong and they helped him, it was not easy ...

"Really, really like that? Don't waste my time when you don't have to do anything ....." Looking at Huang Qianchuan's helpless look, Yu Wenjing was even happier, but he said rightly in Huang Qianchuan Before she said those words, she knew that she still had to increase the pressure. After saying this, she got up and left ...

"I ca n’t just leave like this ..." Yu Wenjing just got ready to get up. What she didn't expect is that Huang Qianchuan bent down at this time, blocking the door and blocking the road. ….

"What is it like?" Yu Wenjing and Huang Qianchuan had to come into contact and had to give up the next move, but Huang Qianchuan leaned a little closer to her, and now the movements of the two are a bit weird ...

"I ca n’t leave now ...." Huang Qianchuan saw Yu Wenjing step back, thinking that when she wanted to take another door exit, he quickly entered the off-road vehicle and reached out to grab it. With one hand of Yu Wenjing's wrist, Yu Wenjing's fragile body was suddenly pulled over by Huang Qianchuan ...

"Ah ..." I didn't expect to even confess the words to Huang Qianchuan, who had faced him, and had the courage to pull her into her arms.

After unexpectedly screaming, Yu Wenjing was pulled into the arms by Huang Qianchuan and hugged a strong ...

"Yu Wenjing, I like 伱, and I like 伱 from the first sight today. It was 伱 that made me believe that there is such a thing as love at first sight in this world ..." Huang Qianchuan held Yu Wenjing tightly After holding him in his arms, regardless of Yu Wenjing's struggles, he said aloud what he had said from now on to now ...

"I don't know how to prove what I said, but what I said is really true. Everything is true ..." Huang Qianchuan continued.

"Hug hugs me ....." Was Yu Wenjing hugged in the arms of Huang Qianchuan, feeling shy and annoyed? Huang Qianchuan is also very brave, and dare to do so in just days and days, Yu Wenjing even Worried about whether Huang Qianchuan will be a wild animal, give her… ..

"Sorry for me ..." Huang Qianchuan, who had been holding Yu Wenjing firmly, heard Yu Wenjing's words and quickly let go. "I didn't mean it ..." Seeing Yu Wenjing rubbing her arms without talking. Huang Qianchuan's deep guilt on his face ...

"I'm so savage ..." Yu Wenjing glanced at Huang Qianchuan secretly, seeing Huang Qianchuan's expression now, she secretly laughed, but the work on the surface still had to be done.

"I'm sorry. I didn't intentionally hurt myself. I was afraid to leave. I won't have a chance afterwards ..." Huang Qianchuan was helpless. He raised his hands up and down, and put down and up ...

…………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Do n’t apologize. I believe I was unintentional ..." Yu Wenjing is also a woman who accepts as soon as she sees it. It can be said that Huang Qianchuan at this time has fully met the requirements of her heart ...

Although feeling a little sloppy about feelings, such men feel safe. At least Yu Wenjing believes that Huang Qianchuan will never become the kind of man who loves one after another ...

"Really, I believe?" Hearing Yu Wenjing's words. Huang Qianchuan breathed a sigh of relief, and his entangled heart could be put down ...

"I believe, and I also believe that I am not as courageous as I did. I dare not say what you like, but dare to hug someone ..." Yu Wenjing had no such cold feeling on her face at this time, and said these words to Fang Chong At that time, there was a hint of playfulness and a slight smile on his face ...

This change made Huang Qianchuan look a little dumbfounded. Yu Wenjing who laughed was more attractive than cold ....

But Huang Qianchuan had no time to appreciate it, and when he heard Yu Wenjing's next sentence, his expression froze ...

He didn't know he was so brave just now, he just hugged Yu Wenjing ...

"My name is Action ......" Huang Qianchuan didn't know if Yu Wenjing was very concerned, and he was afraid that such a frivolous move would leave a bad side in Yu Wenjing's mind. It was really a tangled set. In one.

But after seeing that there was no angry change on Yu Wenjing's face, he gritted his teeth, his heart was horizontal, and he said a humor that he wouldn't normally see ...

"Smooth mouth ..." Looking at Huang Qianchuan, who was smiling silly, Yu Wenjing looked a little shy with his hot eyes zombies, but bowed his head ...

"I'm not slick, I really like 伱, I really like it, I hope 伱 can give me a chance, give me a chance to protect 伱, love 伱 ..." Huang Qianchuan looked at Yu Wenjing's head and held his hand. Can not help but slowly stretch out, and finally placed on Yu Wenjing's shoulder ...

"Will you be good to me?" Yu Wenjing trembled, and she was a bit shy while enjoying this intimate action ...

"Yes, I will, believe me ..." Huang Qianchuan heard Yu Wenjing's promise of change, he suddenly hugged Yu Wenjing again, nodded, and nodded seriously ...



"What do you guys say they are doing now? Did Qianchuan's confession succeed?" Fang Chong and Ling Ya were standing there waiting a few dozen meters away from Huang Qianchuan and Yu Wenjing.

When I heard that Yu Wenjing just said ‘ah’, she was very interested. If it was n’t for Ling Ya and Qin Lan pulling, she would definitely run and take a look.

"Should it succeed? Yu Wenjing already had a trace of affection for Huang Qianchuan in his heart. As long as he dares to confess today, he will succeed. The woman's requirements are actually very low ..." Ling Ya looked at Fang Chong She said she was serious.

"Yeah, aren't our requirements very low too? Sister Yuwen is much better than us, at least it's a man chasing, and we ..." Muge held Fang Chong's arm very dissatisfied and said in a sour tone.

"Hey, this girl ca n’t be trouble without asking me?" Huang Qianchuan didn't expect that the mugege tangled the problem again. He was wrong at first, but after so long, the old mention was not kind ....

"Who told me to treat people like that at first, don't stick to me ..." Muge muttered. "And until now I didn't even say a word that loved us, I wonder if women love to listen to sweet talk?"

"Uh ..." Fang Chong did not expect to lift a stone but hit his own foot ...

"Girl doesn't need to find Fang Chong's troubles. What he does to us, I don't know… .." Looking at Fang Chong being embarrassed by the pastor, Qin Lan had to help Fang Chong ...

"Yes, we should be clear in our hearts ..." Ling Ya also said ...

"Oh, that was me wrong ..." I heard the two sisters say this ~ www.readwn.com ~ Mage also knows that Huang Qianchuan really didn't have to say to them. Wasn't he afraid of hurting them when he didn't chase them? ? Muge looked at Fang Chong apologetically ...

"Stupid girl ..." Fang Chong's heart was warm, even if the animal husbandry said just now, he didn't have a trace of anger, and took the animal husbandry gently in his arms, he said softly. "I love you, I love you, you are my source of strength in battle ..."

"We love the same, forever ..." Qin Lan and Ling Ya also leaned gently on Fang Chong ...

However, the warmth did not last for a few minutes, and a sharp alarm sounded suddenly above the Jiangnan base city ...

"Did the zombies arrive so soon? ....." Upon hearing the alarm, Fang Chong and the four of them instantly became nervous.

Things seem to have changed ...

………………………………………………………………………………………… (To be continued.)



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