I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 456: Oversized 蜈蚣 Zack


"Are you from Shanghai Stock Market?" Like Lao Qi, after hearing Xiao Jun Qin Lan and others saying the three words of Shanghai Stock Market, Nanyue survivor base city power is the beauty in Lao Qian's mouth. When the woman in Allure heard these three words, she exclaimed ...

Indeed, those in power in the base city of Nanyue survivors are indeed as beautiful as they are in the mouth of Lao Peng. m []

When they did n’t see it, Xiaojun Qin Lan didn't take it for granted, but now that this person is standing in front of them alive, even Qin Lan Lingya and others have a stunning feeling inside.

Rao is a small army. This little boy, who was also used to seeing beautiful women, was also surprised! Especially when she laughed, Xiao Jun's eyes were a little lost ...

"That's right ..." Although Qin Lan was quite surprised by the appearance of the other person, as a woman, a woman who could also be regarded as a city, Qin Lan did not show much feeling.

"Impossible ..." When she heard Qin Lan ’s answer so sure, she shook her head. Her most direct feeling was that Qin Lan was lying. In her cognition, Shanghai ’s Shanghai-populated city has reached its limit. It ’s impossible. There is a human being, or in other words, it is impossible to win the Shanghai market with the strength of human beings now ....

Just like their southern Guangdong survivor base city, although it is said to be one of the five major survivor base cities of Huaxia Kingdom, in fact, their strength is not possible in order to lay down Huadu, the largest city in southern Guangdong. ….

"Why are you so sure ...." Qin Lan shook his head to see the other person so directly and denied, she looked at her with interest.

"Because ..." she wanted to answer subconsciously, but when she was ready, she just spit out two words, and she saw the smile that appeared in Qin Lan's mouth, and her expression sank instantly ....

"I admit that your strength is really strong, but we are not easy to mess with. Tell me your purpose here?" Qin Lan's smile made her a little angry, she began to doubt Qin Lan's Shanghai Stock Market Rear. She was very vigilant, and now after seeing Qin Lan's provocative smile, she broke out.

Although the tone is still tepid. But words are no longer so polite ...

"You ca n’t believe it without purpose, but to be honest, we do have to face it, otherwise. Who would come here ..." Looking at the other side ’s response, although some unexpected, but Qin Lan She hadn't seen any scene yet, she still said with a smile on her face.

"Say! Don't go in circles, don't play language games ..." Listen to Qin Lan's words. As the ruler of the base city of Nanyue, she heard some unusual meanings inside, and frowned slightly, she said with a cold tone.

"We want to cooperate with you. What do you think of this proposal?" Qin Lan's expression remained the same, but after saying this sentence, the expression she was dealing with instantly fluctuated.

"What do you mean ....."

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"In order to show our sincerity, I will introduce myself. My name is Qin Lan ..." Qin Lan did not answer her question directly. He introduced himself and Ling Jun, a small army, from the introduction.

"Yu Yu… .." She still didn't know what Qin Lan meant by her, hesitated a moment or said her own name. After all, no one in the base city of Nanyue would know her name, saying Not to mention that there is no difference at all. 【】 【】

"We didn't lie to you. We did come from Shanghai Stock Exchange. And I didn't mean to make a joke. We want to cooperate with you. Of course, our main purpose is to unite the survivors of the entire region of Huaxia ..." Qin Lanzai After Yu Yu reported his name. She put a smile on her face and said earnestly.

"Are you sure ..." Qin Lan suddenly changed his tone and expression, and Yu Yu's expression appeared a little doubtful.

Although it is said that a woman turns her face faster than a book, as a woman, Yu Yu is still shocked by Qin Lan's changes ...

"That's the truth ..." Qin Lan nodded.

"Okay, I believe in you for the time being, I believe that with your strength, you should have no interest to deceive us ..." After Yu Yu's expression changed, she exhaled and said.

After the sentence of Yu Yu fell, the original atmosphere had become a little tense, and the scene returned to calm. Several people, such as Qin Lan Xiaojun, slowly walked towards the center of the base city of Nanyue under the leadership of Yu Yu ...

"Try our weapons, I believe your worries will disappear ..." After approaching the central location of the base city of Nanyue, Qin Lan gently removed one from his back before Yu Yu opened an invitation to enter the building. Sabre.

Xiao Jun and Ling Ya, who understand Qin Lan's meaning, shot at the same time and took out a series of two energy guns ...

"Have you ever entered an alien spaceship?" Looking at the shapes and knives of ordinary guns, Yu Yu's expression was a little stunned, but soon she thought of something different ...

"No, these things are not what you think. They come from alien spaceships ..." Xiaojun shook his head. As time passed, he had already had a certain resistance to the beauty of Yan Yu.

"It's a Shanghai base product, made in batches ..." Xu Yu somewhat didn't understand the meaning of Xiao Jun's words, and frowned slightly before praying ...

"What did you say?" After hearing the words of Lao Qi, the expression of Yan Yu finally changed a lot. She couldn't believe what Lao Qi said. If it was not from Lao Qi, this famous straight-skinned man's mouth would be a little bit different. I wonder if this labor prayer was bought by Qin Lan Xiaojun ...

"The tens of thousands of soldiers outside of them are all equipped with such equipment. Except for their own production, it is impossible for an alien spaceship to have such a large number ..." Labor prayed to see Yu Yu's expression and hurriedly explained, 佟Yu is famous for her love and hatred, and she hates betrayal most ....

Putting a phrase of Yan Yu, there is still the possibility of forgiveness, but if you betray the base city of Nanyue, there is no place to die ...

Thinking of this sentence, labor prayer had to rush to explain ...

"He is true?" At the words of Lao Qi, Yan Yu's eyes looked at Qin Lan, his expression was full of incredible ...

"This question is simple, you can find someone to see again ..." Qin Lan nodded.

"No need, I believe ..." After seeing Qin Lan not denying, Xu Yu groaned a bit. Exhaled and said.

"In the future, you will feel extremely proud because of your decision ..." Xiao Jun listened and admired the bold character of Yu Yu. (Read novels.)

"It's too far in the future. Now who in the world can guarantee how far in the future, what I care about now is your purpose to come here to the base city of Nanyue. I can't believe that you ventured thousands of kilometers from Shanghai to come here. Yours The purpose is just to show off these fighting knives and your strengths ... "" Yu Yu's expression did not show a wave of waves as a result of the horse's flattering. She is still calm and very ...

"Cooperation, we can provide you with such weapons and equipment ..." Ling Ya said ...

Such a serious discourse. Indeed, Lingya is the most suitable ...

"Give us such weapons and equipment?" Qi Yu heard Ling Ya's words, and her expression immediately hanged.

Although this sentence sounds very unlikely, a tone like Ling Ya tells Yu Yu that Qin Lan is not kidding.

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After Murong Xue shouted the whole alert, she immediately pulled out the sword on her back. The body leapt forward, and the whole person swept away toward Huang Qianchuan Station like a gust of wind.

At the same time, Li Yunyu on the other side of the team did not show any slightness. After he jumped out of the car repeatedly, the speed broke out completely. Although the reaction was half a beat slower than Murong Xue, the explosive force was not comparable to Murong Xue. Yes, the two are combined. The two reached Huang Qianchuan almost at the same time ...

As for the rest of the team. After Murong Xue shouted the whole alert, the sound of pumping swords and setting up weapons was endless. After many battles these days, everyone's maturity is no longer comparable to the original ...

"What's the situation ..." After posing a defensive posture, Murong Xue looked at Li Yunyu not far from her side and asked Huang Qianchuan.

Huang Qianchuan is not only the most powerful of them. And the combat experience is not comparable to them ...

"It's not clear for the time being, but the comer is very powerful. We have encountered a fierce battle again ..." Fang Chong did not look back or even did any action. His eyes were still staring at the front. With the loudness and area of ​​the sound coming from his ears, Huang Qianchuan's expression became more dignified ...

"Zak?" Murong Xue didn't doubt the credibility at all when she heard Fang Chong's words. At this time, she could feel the pressure from the front ...

As the dense voice became louder and louder, the atmosphere became more and more condensed, and the members behind were even quieter, leaving only breathing breath ...

"Hmm ..." Huang Qianchuan nodded slightly. When this happened, Huang Qianchuan could already say with certainty.

Except for the Zak, even the Zombie King Destroyer or the King of Mutant Creature cannot produce this sense of oppression.

"Come ..." Huang Qianchuan's words fell, and Li Yunyu, who had not spoken, slowly pulled out his sword.

"Be careful with each other ..." Huang Qianchuan's eyes could also see the black figure in the low woods, Huang Qianchuan's eyes saw this black figure, and the expression on his face was a little more dignified. He finally knew the inexplicable sense of oppression Where did it come from ...

There is no full black figure for the time being. Huang Qianchuan can now be sure that it is ten meters long. How long is it behind? Huang Qianchuan didn't know, but it was definitely more than that ...

"Is this the super-large primitive Zach in Fang Chong's mouth?" Hearing Huang Qianchuan's words. Murong Xue's gaze has also shifted to the same direction. Looking at this shocking large guy, Murong Xue directly came up with the term.

Fang Chong used to introduce the name. The leader of the original Zak tribe, a heavyweight Zak tribe with a strength of more than 300 ...

Although it is also the original Zak tribe, the oversized body brings him combat and defense capabilities that other original Zak tribe can't match.

As the whole picture of the super-large Zak people was revealed little by little, Murong Xue's expression became pale.

Shocking! There is only one adjective that Murong Xue can think of.

The full size of the super-large Zak people who fully reveals their true appearance is more than forty meters. Such a super-large guy is not a big shock ...

"It looks like you guessed it, but there was no reward ..." Huang Qianchuan's expression came out unexpectedly calm with the super-large primitive Zak people showing the whole picture.

Murong Xue was still speechless when he heard Fang Chong still joking ...

But then he discovered that Fang Chong was intentional, because Fang Chong said that the unknown fear in her heart also disappeared ...

It may be found that there is strength to threaten his existence, and the super-large Zach stopped when Fang Chong was hundreds of meters away.


"Look. There is still ..." After the super-large Zack stopped, the rustling voices in the woods continued, and the intensity was more unexpected than Huang Qianchuan.

As the sound gets closer. Needless to say, Huang Qianchuan's expressions have become even more ugly.

Soon, Murong Xue discovered that the sound was the source.

"Fighting is inevitable ..." Following the discovery of Murong Xue's fingers, Huang Qianchuan and Li Yunyu's eyes turned. When he saw a dark creature shaking, Huang Qianchuan smiled bitterly.

Sure enough, their premonition was correct, dangerous, and indeed dangerous. And definitely a fierce battle ...

Although the size of these Zaks that appeared slowly was not comparable to the previous super-large Zaks, the number was as large as Huang Qianchuan. They couldn't believe it. From where they can now see, there are few, and more Don't say how many are not known yet ...

However, Huang Qianchuan was fortunate that it was rare that the Zachs who appeared later did not have super-large Zachs.

The super-large Zak tribe's strength far exceeds three hundred levels, but the ordinary type of primitive Zak tribe. Strength will not exceed three hundred levels at most. And like the Zak people now appearing in front of them, the strength is definitely not the top ordinary primitive Zak people. With this recognition, Huang Qianchuan feels calmer ...

In this team, their strength is far from being comparable before. There are one or two thousand people with strengths exceeding two hundred levels. Although the fighting power of the Zak people is much stronger than humans, the advantage in numbers makes Huang Qianchuan not fall behind ...

"Let them prepare energy grenades. It's best to break up these dense Zaks, even if they can't hurt them. But the consumption is a little ..." Huang Qianchuan looked at the Zaks who have surpassed the super-large Zaks. After slowly approaching them, he gave an order ...

"Understand ..." Murong Xue didn't hesitate and ran back quickly ...

"Hit… .." Fang Chong saw that the time was ripe, with a wave of his hand, thousands of energy grenades flew out of the team quickly, falling like a heavenly girl ...

"Boom ..." With the explosion of energy grenades, the entire low forest was completely exploded, the loess everywhere was splashing, and the vegetation was flying ...

However, Fang Chong was more disappointed that there was no scream of the Zak people, and after the explosion reached a paragraph, the rustling sound of the Zak people crawling again.

"Hit ..." Murong Xue's expression was still calm. She wasn't hit with confidence because of a single blow and no effect. In her opinion, the energy grenade has no effect is inevitable. Otherwise, the Zak will be too weak. a little….

Under the command of Murong Xue, the enhanced energy cannons hit the densest areas of the Zak tribe without error, but the effect was still disappointing.

Seeing successive ineffective attacks, Murong Xue shook her head slightly. I jumped out of the car, holding a sword, and looked calmly at the direction in which the Zak people came over ...

Already knowing the scope of Zak's strength, Murong Xue did not stubbornly deal with that super-sized Zak, her task today is to hold back these ordinary primitive Zak.


"Should be the Zacques ..." After the shells exploded intensively, the oversized Zacs moved again. As the distance approached, Huang Qianchuan could also clearly see the appearance of this big guy.

Forty to fifty meters long body, dense feet on both sides of the body, Huang Qianchuan can think of this creature.

However, judging from the surrounding environment, it is true that the environment of the valley is undoubtedly the best habitat of the salamander.

It's not surprising that the Zak people evolved into a trance ...

"I don't know if it is poisonous or not?" Li Yunyu looked at Murong Xue, who was about to fight with the Zak tribe ~ www.readwn.com ~, said with some worry.

"From its dark color, there should be poisonous ingredients ..." Huang Qianchuan was not sure, but poisonousness has a great possibility ...

"His ..." Huang Qianchuan said before he finished speaking, while the oversized Zach raised his head, he gave a sharp hiss.

Immediately after that, the super-long body sprang up instantly, and a large blood mouth opened wide toward Huang Qianchuan and Li Yunyu ...

"Be careful ..." I didn't expect that this Zach could actually make a splash, Fang Chong and they were a bit surprised, but fortunately there was a distance of tens of meters between the two ...

Although Huang Qianchuan and Li Yunyu were a little bit embarrassed, they still avoided it ...

…………………………………………………………………………………… .. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome Come to the starting point (an.) To vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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